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Interesting? (but unnecessary)
At any given moment, there are 'things' occurring within the open space of awareness. Sometimes there are inner 'things' occurring; a fleeting thought, a welling up of an emotion, a physical sensation. Sometimes there are outer 'things' occurring; an interaction, a perception of an event, an experience of some sort. Things happen. Occurrences occur. Happenings and occurrences are simply movements and moments which take place within the open space of awareness. The open space of awareness is the not-so-obvious but oh-so-necessary ground and flavor of each and every 'thing' that occurs or happens. Awareness is the backdrop against which, and within which, all things appear and disappear. Things always appear and disappear. Always. Most 'things' that occur are just plain unnecessary. Almost all happenings are unnecessary. Most movements, moments, or happenings that occur within awareness are non-essential, non-mandatory, interchangeable, or simply unnecessary. The 'things' we are aware of are simply the 'things' we use to create our life story, our personal identity, our obsessive drama. The degree to which a 'thing' interests us is the degree to which our attention will attend to it. When attention is stuck or fixated, the natural unbound openness of awareness is shrunk to the size of our obsession. Pitifully, pathetically, shrunken. One moment it's a thought: "hmm, I sure am hungry?I wonder what's in the fridge." Or anger, fear, or uncertainty. Another moment, a pang of loneliness overcomes us. Or jealousy, concern, or sorrow Now, attention locks onto an outward event. Then this, then that, then this, then that... And on it goes. Distraction, reaction, obsession... Awareness shrinks to the size of whatever our obsessed attention is riveted to, for as long as it remains interesting. It's all so unnecessary. When happenings and occurrences are seen to be unnecessary, attention can be freed to relax as the openness of awareness itself, without 'doing' anything at all. Occurrences will always occur and happenings will always happen. What is, already is. It matters little what occurs or happens, because what is, is occurring and is happening, now, already. Giving life permission to be exactly as it already is, by saying 'yes' to 'what is', is to live life without resistance. To resist 'what is' is to resist reality and is the fundamental cause of suffering in life. To resist 'what is' is insanity. At times, we are more insane than at others. But as we live our life, we can feel a 'great yes' swelling in our chest. Allow yourself to feel an open acceptance of what is, without any resistance or reservation what so ever. Give up. Just stop it now, and relax. Give up. Life doesn't care about you any more than Santa Clause does! What is, already is!Resistance is futile. Aaron McNaught is an Educator, Consultant, Author, Psychiatric Nurse and Certified Hypno-Therapist, specializing in 'De-hypnosis' & Waking Up, as it relates to healing, growth, and beyond. He lives in Red Deer Alberta Canada and can be reached at wakingup@shaw.ca
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Kachina Doll To a shaman a kachina isn't really a doll or a child's toy. Also, it isn't a collector's piece of art or a decoration. However, it is often used that way, and that's ok too. There is a place for that approach in our lives. They do make a powerful addition to any home's decor, and make a great conversation piece. So, if you are a history buff, especially American history, a kachina collection is most appropiate. Kachinas origionally came from the Hopi and Navajo tribes in the American Southwest. If you enjoy sacred art, like I do, add a kachina to your collection. The Power of Angels -- An Interview With Rose Ann Schwab, Part Two Rose Ann Schwab is an internationally and world renowned professional clairvoyant psychic medium. Her gifts are finely tuned and have high credibility with 95% accuracy. Life According to Green Principles: SoulBest Green Principles: SoulBest The Magic of Tarot Card Reading The magic of the tarot was obvious to me the first time that someone confirmed that my tarot card reading was accurate. Of course, the first time that I did a tarot reading for someone else I really had no reason to believe that the reading I was about to give could be so revealing. I was amazed at the words that sort of just came out of my mouth, all by themselves. And I couldn't have told you a minute earlier what I had in mind next to say. The words were just there, and I was speaking them. The Trust We Must Have to Manifest What We Truly Desire Some of my greatest teachers have taught me that faith and trust are two of our most powerful allies. True belief in your ability to create results in your life is based upon this trust. We know that the first step of manifesting what you desire is to breathe deeply and get centered - therefore quieting the mind. Allowing this calmness to flow through you... Abundance As Spiritual Birthright I am going to remind of some simple, yet important things, that you should already know, but perhaps need a reminding of just now. I know that I need reminding from time to time and suspect that you may also need the same 'straight to the point' reminders. The Easiest Way to Overcome Vanity Vanity - it's easy to mask, easy to forget, and easy to justify. We hide it behind dignity and poise. The sins connected to this weakness aren't quite as severe as those associated with pride, gluttony, and lust. But it can eventually lead up to some serious problems. And it can keep us from becoming an instrument of Christ. I Count It All Joy A new chapter in my life begins today, the anniversary of my birth. It is therefore necessary that I pause to reflect upon this past year. Life is a Continuous Prayer Prayer doesn't just happen when we kneel or put our hands together and focus. Prayer actually occurs more often than we think. You Have a Friend in Jesus Have you heard the saying that; You have a friend in Jesus? Great quote, it sounds really nice, but it should read you have an invisible friend in Jesus. After all you are having a personal relationship with a dead man, one who has been dead an awfully long time indeed. So, if you have a friend who is invisible and you are how old now; why haven't you looked into some psychiatric help for this problem of yours? Now before you call me the anti-Christ, who is your evil invisible enemy; think about this for a second. If a child has an invisible friend we seek counseling for them. If someone still has an invisible friend later in life we put him or her usually in insane asylums. What The Bleep is All This Quantum Physics Stuff About? "Quantum Physics is the science of gods? Newtonian Physics is the science of the small minds of men." Interesting? (but unnecessary) At any given moment, there are 'things' occurring within the open space of awareness. Sometimes there are inner 'things' occurring; a fleeting thought, a welling up of an emotion, a physical sensation. Sometimes there are outer 'things' occurring; an interaction, a perception of an event, an experience of some sort. People May Let You Down Is your hope in God? Or, is it in people? Spirituality: Enlightening Cinema "Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your mind - driving you mad." -Morpheus, The Matrix Eliminating the Past Most forms of psychotherapy I know either tries to help you accept the past, understand the past, learn from the past, perceive the past differently, or try to take the emotional edge of the past. In spite of all this effort to ameliorate the effects of the past it, in the end, is still inside you and you continue to identify yourself with it. Law and Order of the Spiritual Kind There is no such thing as a coincidence. Albert Einstein reasoned that, "God simply does not play dice." While we may not fully understand the reasons behind certain events, there are laws and order in the universe specifically designed to facilitate harmony and prosperity for all living things. Yet, as humans, we violate not only man's laws, but also the laws of the universe. It's as if an "insanity" bug has plagued the world community, which has now reached epidemic proportions. Perhaps that's because knowingly, or unknowingly, we choose not to live in harmony with the laws of the universe and as a result of our actions we experience failure, powerlessness and discord. Take for example one law ? the law of cause and effect. What Is The Secret of Life? The question isn't, "Is there life after death." Payday Someday Let us face reality squarely in the face by acknowledging the tragic fact that it does not matter how "good" you may be, folks can always concoct a way to destroy you. If people want to tear down your good name, they will find a way to somehow achieve it. If jealous, envious, greedy individuals want something you have, they will do anything and use any willing body to get you out of the way. The Lord is My Shepherd An acrostic prayer poem. Joy Of The Lord The word means different things to different people. Is it simply an emotion or feeling? Do we only feel joy when life seems to be going good, when our circumstances are favorable? Or is there something more? I'd like to explore what the Word of God says about this topic. ![]() |
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