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Eliminating the Past
Most forms of psychotherapy I know either tries to help you accept the past, understand the past, learn from the past, perceive the past differently, or try to take the emotional edge of the past. In spite of all this effort to ameliorate the effects of the past it, in the end, is still inside you and you continue to identify yourself with it. Now because the past can have significant effects on your emotional, relational and physical health do you feel, if you ever choose to think about it, that you are trapped on a course that you neither had any control over nor any say about? Well if so then statements like "you can't change the past", sometimes even heard coming from the mouths of therapists themselves, does not exactly make you feel empowered does it? I want to say here and now that such statements are absolutely not true! From the my work with a new modality called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) I can say that it is now clear that a) the past never actually happened to you, b) it does not represent who you really are and c) it can be eliminated simply and readily.Now I want to add that this is not like the Jim Carey movie that some of you may have seen. It is also not a joke. In a recent article I wrote entitled "We Are Not Our Personalities" I discuss in greater detail this issue and I encourage you to read it if this matter is of interest to you. It has been my experience that in eliminating the past that what emerges is the person's Divine Self. The past is actually like a video tape that runs in the person's mind, in the foreground and in the background, and creates something like a frequency disturbance that blocks one's experience of the Divine Self from being fully present in the physical body. Unfortunately this also disrupts what I have called the Divine Holographic Energy Field, which I have written about in an article by the same name. The net result is a depletion of one's vital life energy and hence all the health related problems that result in one's life time. So if any of this inspires you then you may wish to visit the web site in my bio below. Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is a Key Note Speaker, Author, Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being.Personal Url: http://www.telecoaching4u.com
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Where Are You, God? Do you ever have one of those days when you wonder if God is really there? Does he really exist? If he does, then why can't you see Him or even sense His presence? Why do you feel so desolate, so alone? I was in that place a few days ago. White Sun - Who Are We? Human beings originally have three forms of existence. The first one in Heaven, the second on Earth and the third in Hell. Hence at any one time our True Selves exist either in Heaven, Earth or Hell. These three existences are similar to water, steam and ice. They are one and the same. On Earth we have forms, that is the human body or any other living beings bodies but in Heaven and Hell, it is formless. A Ministry Of One Each of us has far more potential to serve the Highest Cause, and each other, than we ever tap into. Many of us seeking to commit our lives to such service have, even if only briefly, considered leading or joining an established ministry - at least until the responsibilities associated with our real-world concerns reasserted themselves in our thoughts. How can we even begin to commit to a ministry service with all the work we currently do and all the responsibilities we have? Such a choice seems to be reserved for those with no families, no need to work (or a willingness to live in abject poverty for their cause) and none of the other demands on their time that most people have. I was agonizing over the same problems when the following question popped into my head: Do You Need An Answer About Life? I was originally brought up Catholic, at the insistence of my parents. I quickly lost interest after going through my confirmation and began doing my own thing. After many years of drinking and partying, I got very bored and thought, "Is this ALL there is to life?!?!" I thought, "If there really IS any truth to a 'life after death', I should at least TRY to find the answer." I started to do some research on science and religion to see if I could come up with any TRUTH about the "meaning of life". Love vs. Fear - Volume 18 Breaking with tradition, today's article comes from the 9-23-04 edition of Sojomail. Sojomail is produced by Sojourners; an evangelical journal, and calls itself a 'weekly email-zine of spirituality, politics and culture.' I personally object to their use of the term spirituality, because they are decidedly Christian oriented. For them to replace the word 'spirituality' with the word 'Christianity' would be a lot more accurate. I do feel that the good people at Sojourners do have very wonderful intentions. I just wish they didn't feel the need to route all their efforts through Christianity, to the exclusion of billions of the earth's inhabitants. The Hidden Cost of FREE Are you always looking for bargains, especially something that you can get for free? The thought is that this will somehow enhance your life and perhaps make you feel more empowered, correct? God! God ! Practical Stress Management -- 7 Spiritual Solutions Stress is amazingly persistent, even seductive. We get usedto feeling tight and tense. Though positive thinking has itsplace, unless it is backed up by practical spiritual wisdom it tends to get overwhelmed and fade away. The Greatest Gift (Channelled) The Healing Hand of God "Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. " Psalm 103:1-5, NIV. Gentle Whispers Today we do not experience great manifestations of God as Moses did many years ago. God has not spoken to us out of a burning bush and neither have we heard His voice as He walked in the cool of the day in the Garden of Eden. We have not looked up over our place of worship and seen the Shekinah glory of God in a visible way. But God does reach into our hearts and into our life and speak to us through gentle whispers. Spiritual Healing - The Hidden Truth and Misconception Throughout history, what is portrayed in all religions as being the manifestation of prayer or miracles is in fact manifestation of our connection with the essence of our Soul and the manifestation of the power of spiritual healing. We have heard throughout the centuries about such miracles that have happened to people, and how they changed their lives. This has carried on until now when we still hear of these 'miracles' in our time today. What would be the difference between a miracle that has been approved by a religion and one that has been manifested by a healer? Affirmations for Emotional Hygiene Last week I talked about the need to practice emotional hygiene, that is -- emptying your head of all toxic emotions such as jealousy, resentment, envy in order to create a kind of "blank slate." You need to clean your conscious mind of these emotions so that you can use the power of your subconscious mind to manifest more positive events in your life. I talked about the power of words, and in particular, how negative self-talk can hold you back and disconnect you from the intuitive wisdom of your higher self. Religion or Spirituality There is a natural tendency to asociate spirituality with religion, but they are very different. That I did not know before I researched and wrote "Spiritual Clarity." Religion is an organized system of beliefs in and the worship of God or gods. Spirituality is finding your own authentic self. Each individual needs to find their own way to spirituality and if that includes religion, so be it. Some people will be perfectly content to just believe as they are told, others will need more. Nothing is wrong with either path. Carelessness "For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisors make a victory sure." --Proverbs 11:14, NIV Are You Hooked to the Power Source? As Christian's we are often very independent. We try to do everything and often feel we do everything. Are there times when you are frustrated, tired, irritable, and have no energy? I am not selling you a vitamin supplement, so don't worry. I have recently realized this past week how little I turn things over to the ultimate Power Source - God. Lord, I cannot do this in my own strength. If the children argue one more time - I will scream. God, help me to know what to say without screaming. Lord, what is your agenda for me today - you know I all ready have one figured out. Do we see the many requests of our children as divine interruptions or just another thing to do on our list? Intuition Did you ever get a feeling or gain notion of a specific situation without any logical explanation? Well, that is your intuition. When you least expect it intuition reaches out and hits you with information that you have no idea were it came from. The problem with this type of feeling or knowledge is that we have no logical explanation for it and often do not follow what it's trying to tell us. However, many find that when their intuition is over looked, it later proves itself to be a fact and regret not following it. Well, I will tell you about what happened to me when I ignored my intuition. Building the Bridge of LOVE - Dont You Think Its time? One of the saddest times in any child's life iswhen for some reason they think one or both ortheir parents are going to be taken from them. Inthe mid-nineties on one of their tours Naomi Juddannounced to the world that she had hepatitis andwould retire from the country music business.Leaving her daughter Wynonna to sing on her own forthe first time in her life. The Spiritually Dead Church The spiritually dead church. Now, I am not talking about every church. There are alot of good churches out there. I am talking about, the churches who have christians, that gather only for the sole purpose to gossip, gather at social meetings, and feel important. A Meaningful Relationship That is Not Yukky Good morning Roy, good morning Joseth ![]() |
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