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"For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisors make a victory sure." --Proverbs 11:14, NIV Love, that is the one thing that is above the law. Every single thing we do always affects someone else. This past summer my family was at the First Holy Communion of my little nephew. I am not a Catholic although I grew up as one. I have chosen a non-denominational Christian Bible-based church for my worship and fellowship. What if I had decided not to go to my nephew's First Holy Communion though because I just didn't want to go to a Catholic church? What if I decided not to go based upon the fact that I don't agree with all of the doctrine of this church? I would've hurt so many people, especially my little nephew who is my special boy. You see, everything we do in the protection of OUR rights, our self-preservation, our dishonesty, or our convictions, or whatever, affects others. The point wasn't my convictions or my faith, or anything else, it was about love. Just as Jesus dying on a cross was and is about love. This past week was such a grueling one and a test of faith in trial. I was left so drained and emptied but that was when God was able to do His work in and through me. It also brought to my attention that it isn't about me but about Jesus. I struggled in prayer and anguished over so many things. When I relinquished control to God and said, "I can't do this, I need for you to take over." He said, "That's what I've been wanting to do all along my child." No, He didn't speak out loud to me but to my heart through His Word. I have been guilty of being careless by wanting to preserve MY way, MY knowledge, MY wants and desires in my business life to get what I wanted. I thought I had to act and do as the world does forgetting that my trust and hope is in the Lord. The key ingredient missing in all my endeavors was faith. I was careless and fell back into my flesh and God is faithful to bring us back to the Main Thing - Jesus. As Christians we are created to be a blessing to others not a hindrance. We are not to do and think as the world system does. That doesn't mean I don't do business in a professional, law-abiding manner or act stupidly but rather, that I seek to serve others first. Rather I seek to be a blessing and let God handle the world's ways for me. I may appear gullible and/or naive, and maybe to the world's eyes even careless, but in God's eyes that is living in the Spirit. Trusting God in full faith that He will direct me and protect me. When we take matters into our own hands and don't allow God's way to direct us, we are not operating in the Spirit but in the flesh. That is disobedience to God and it is careless. While we can rest assured that God will forgive us when we confess our carelessness in sin, we will still suffer the consequences of our actions and decisions. The Holy Spirit really convicted me in today's lesson in church. I felt that I had been so concerned with my own interests and business growth and so forth, that I forgot to be a blessing. I forgot about my strength and protection being in the Lord. I stepped out not in faith but in carelessness. I am currently suffering the consequences of those decisions but I am also making right the wrongs no matter how vulnerable I appear to others. No matter how naive it may seem. God wants us to reach out in love and be a blessing to others. To be salt and light. That they may desire that very thing in their own lives. We cannot bring glory to our King unless we've been emptied of ourselves and crucified with Jesus that we may live forever in Him. We need to get out of our way that Jesus might live in us and through us. Our God has chosen to use us to do His will. He didn't have to but He has chosen to do this out of love. His Agape love. Like Pastor Pete said this morning, "we can't sow weeds and expect flowers to grow." We have to understand that this is not our home. Heaven is. Therefore we aren't to interact the way the world system does but in fact, be so contrary to the world system that unbelievers will take notice. To love when others hate. To bless when others curse. To be kind and considerate when others are rude and abrupt with us. It's not about us, so let's purpose to not be careless but to be the vessel to be used of our Lord to bring others to faith in Christ Jesus. Sowing in the Spirit, not the flesh. Kim Bloomer is a preventative pet care consultant with 30 years of experience - Aspenbloom Pet Care. She publishes several other RSS channels, including AspenbloomWellPet, Pet Products, and Kick The Email Habit with her friend Cathy. She and Cathy manage the RSS channel for the Virtual Chamber of Commerce. Coming soon, pet care classes in audio "All God's Creatures".
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Serenity Listen to the sound of silence. Enjoy the peaceand quiet.Listen to the wind, minimize the clutterin your mind. Feel the deafening sound of silence. 10 Interesting Facts about Archangel Uriel 1. The name Uriel means "Light of God" or "Flame of God." This is because Uriel brings the light, or flame, of knowledge from God to mankind. His symbol is an open hand holding a flame. Mankinds Ten Worst Enemies: #3 Jealousy Though closely akin and sometimes used synonymously, John Rawls distinguish between jealousy and envy on the ground that jealousy involves the wish to keep what one has, and envy the wish to get what one does not have. Why Angels, Why Now? The Angelic realms have been very active throughout the human experience. They-as brilliant aspects of your Source-have been offered as protectors and teachers for every one of you. And yes, it can seem very difficult to know this when you see it, as we are talking about the Angelic Realms, the Dimensions of Light, both of which are not always visible to the human eye. Afraid Of Reading The Bible? I Was! A magnificent source of life insurance and it's FREE. You can't fault that! You won't find me preaching to anyone about religion. That would be way above my simple comprehension. Can you find any written document, article, or book that you can read that gives you peace of mind, even years later? No, not even Harry Potter's adventures will do it. Heart Matters-- What Matters Most With excitement and anticipation I jumped on aplane last Thursday evening to Florida to visit myfamily and fish some with my dad. Six hours afterarrival I painfully watched while many types ofmedical professionals frantically, yetmethodically temporarily stop my father's heart inorder to prevent it not to matter twenty minuteslater. Life as a Human/Medium/Psychic Being We often forget that we are human beings first, and that there is nothing wrong about our making mistakes or having troubles in life ? it is all a part of our growth. We have to allow ourselves to be in situations that can bring us in different direction in our lives. So then, how would you describe yourself? Real Spirituality My fiancee' and I frequent a restaurant in L.A. called Real Food Daily. The concept behind the name is that their food -- which is unprocessed, abundantly nutritious, and lovingly prepared -- is more authentic, more "real," than most other food. This claim is at once silly and wise. Silly because philosophers have argued about the true nature of "reality" for centuries. Wise because it's an admissible philosophy that the closer something is to its source, the more "real" it is. How To Make Your Dreams Come True You will become as great as your dominant aspiration...If you cherish a vision, a lofty ideal in your heart, you will realize it.~James Allen, As You Think Candle Burning to Petition the Male Saints Last NAN I explained how to petition the female Saints with special requests. This time around I'll provide some instruction on how to ask to be put in the cosmic care of the Male Saints . These are very ancient pagan rituals, which have been popularized by the Christian Church. The basic methodology is to put your request under the appropriately coloured candle on the suggested day of the week along with an image of the Saint (which you can often find on the Internet) and/or a symbol or emblem that represents the Saint. Gods and Energy An interesting question that frequently comes up is "Which Gods do you follow or worship?" How to Test the Spirits There is a specific technique that a Shaman uses to determine if spirits, guides, entities, beings that visit him or her are beneficial or not. It is an ancient technique that has been around as long as Shamanism has been around. It was written in Egyptian papyrus scrolls. It is found in the Book of Thoth, another ancient manuscript. It is found in the Bible. What Exactly is Grace? This question, "what is grace" plagued me more into knowing the answer and being sure beyond a shadow of a doubt. Becoming Enlightened Enlightenment, which is as varied as each individual's fingerprint, is an experience of regaining our perfection in God or Christ consciousness, and words alone cannot express the joyfulness and peace in that discovery. God energy is perfect energy, and because we are God's offspring, so are we perfect. Standard religious beliefs try to convince us that this perfection is achieved somewhere in the "by and by." So None of Us Arrived With an Owners Manual! A Fresh Perspective on the Drive to Lead (part 1) So, none of us arrived with an Owner's Manual, neatly referenced to enable us to look up our ails, appreciate where we are, and, understand what is next. We expected its indelible validation to enable us to navigate some of the more fearful and exhilarating moments in our lives. True Health Some may ask, is there any truth to have a healthy life. I say yes it is. Let' see what the Bible says. First look at the book of Proverbs 3:3 it says Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck; write them on the table of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Now look further at verse 3:7 it says Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. It says also in the book of Proverbs 4:20 My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body. Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. A Meaningful Relationship That is Not Yukky Good morning Roy, good morning Joseth 6 Little Prayers That Bring Healing - Every Time You Pray Ok, let's start with the amazing story ofRobbie and how a little-known scripture in the bookof Galatians got him healed of cancer - after the doctors had given him only 6 months to live!! Lectio Divina -- Reading the Bible for Spiritual Growth Lectio divina is a very useful and practical discipline for spiritual growth. Rooted in ancient monasticism, the practice is a fourfold cycle: Reading, Meditation, Prayer, and Contemplation. In fact, the term itself means "sacred reading." A Crash Course in Tarot for Newbies #2: All About Tarot Decks If you would like to learn to read tarot cards, your first challenge is to choose a deck from the 8,000 or so published brands of fortune telling cards on the market. What works for one person often doesn't for another. Some people are comfortable reading several decks and others just identify with one deck. In my experience you will find that over time, you will grow in and out of several decks. You may also find that the deck that you prefer to use to read yourself is not the deck that you prefer to use read others. ![]() |
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