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Becoming Enlightened
Enlightenment, which is as varied as each individual's fingerprint, is an experience of regaining our perfection in God or Christ consciousness, and words alone cannot express the joyfulness and peace in that discovery. God energy is perfect energy, and because we are God's offspring, so are we perfect. Standard religious beliefs try to convince us that this perfection is achieved somewhere in the "by and by." However, there is a Bible passage, which says, "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 5:48. We are a part of the Mind that created time and space. This may be a difficult concept for some to grasp. However, the important thing to grasp in our four-dimensional space-time continuum is that you are part of the Divine Principle and always will be. What makes you who you are is your relationship with God. You have worth and unique value in the entire Universe. Your REAL being as Spirit-God can only produce God or Itself. Every seed produces its own kind-including humans. We are a combination of matter and spirit. Enlightenment is becoming our God-selves manifested on earth. It is the process of becoming God thinking, God producing, God loving and God giving. Everything and everybody returns to God who gave life to all. We were ideas in the Mind of God and came to earth. There are many avenues leading to the road of enlightenment. Meditation and prayer are two of the most powerful. But as you have noticed, you must ground and center yourself in meditation. This should be a self-enforced discipline on a daily basis. In meditation, your number-one purpose is for enlightenment and attaining wisdom, truth and perfection. Every particle of your being will vibrate in unison and harmony with the invisible world on the astral plane. Always eliminate any negative energy first-burn incense, use protection oils, light candles, and use other divinatory means of protection. You may call on your particular guides and angels to guide you. I notice in my classes, or other sacred circles, that there is a major respect for the Holy Spirit regardless of religious background. We glorify the unity of God and realize our connection with the energy of God. Faith is an important element in attaining enlightenment. "Be it done unto you according to your faith," was something quoted often by Christ. Faith is an attitude and a way of thinking. When you "know" something and emotionalize and feel it to be true, it will be impressed on the subconscious level of mind which affects the astral level. It impregnates the deeper mind with the strategy of your intent-making it objectified, physical reality on the earth plane. It has been impressed on the Universal screen. Your attitude and mental conviction about the laws of your spirit and mind will be as Christ stipulated in Mark 9:23, "If you can believe, ALL things are possible." Shakespeare said "All things be ready if the mind be so." If your mind is ready and your spirit is open to receive, all you have to do is speak the word. It takes on an incredible amount of speed by the food and fuel fed to it by your power. If you are not ready for that experience, you have to nurture it with prayer and meditation. In order to become enlightened, you are building the qualities necessary for your mystical abilities. My students know that they travel out of their bodies to the fourth dimension. I explain to them that when they are in a deep state of sleep, they unconsciously leave the body and travel to the fourth dimension where all the answers to life's problems exist. You should always keep your dream journal next to your bed, because the pattern formed will reveal valuable information to you. You can tune in to your enlightenment. Your own thinking forms a vibration at the highest level of influence in the fourth dimension. Which means, in simple terms, thoughts are real and thoughts are things. There is a statement in the Book of Proverbs, twenty-third chapter, seventh verse: "For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." What do you think about all day? What do you say to yourself and others? Your enlightenment comes when you realize that you have no control over other people, but you have control over how you respond to other people. After you have centered yourself and quietly selected your sacred space where you will not be disturbed, burning a white candle or uplifting, fragrant incense, say aloud and repeat to yourself: "THERE IS PEACE AROUND ME; GOD IS WHERE I AM NOW. THE HOLY SPIRIT (OR GODDESS, or other name for God) IS IN THIS PLACE. I HAVE PEACE; I HAVE LOVE; I HAVE UNDERSTANDING. I AM WEALTHY, I AM INTUITIVE, I AM IN GREAT HEALTH." You may not believe this mantra, but say it until it is ingrained in your consciousness before falling asleep. When you awaken, notice different vibrations and a sense of newness and serenity in your room. Do this each night. When you become enlightened, you view the world differently. For example, you have a friend who is hit by a car and fatally wounded; or a family member has a heart attack or cancer. Some people respond, "How could God let this happen?" Or, "She was such a religious person, how could God let her die?" God is not responsible for anyone's demise or destruction. That is not an excuse for apathy. On the contrary, every person has the capacity to choose to direct his or her life by his or her own free will. It is your responsibility to "tune in" to the frequency of God in you. You are not a robot, but a spirit expressing yourself in human form. You were born as a beautiful spirit-a unit of awareness or consciousness with the ability to choose. What will you choose today? Reginald G. Johnson is an author, teacher/lecturer and master intuitive. He has written for online and offline publications, has appeared on radio and television as well as formed his own modern day Mystery School. To contact him for further information, call Mystic Visions, LLC. Toll free at 866-711-8324. The Awakening: Conquering the Sleeping Giant Within is available at authorhouse.com; and online bookstores worldwide.
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