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Stress Strategy: Flex Your Spiritual Muscles
In his book, Stress Without Distress, Dr. Selye suggests that a person's interpretation of stress is not dependent solely on an external event, but also depends upon the perception of the event and the meaning he or she assigns it. So, how you look at a situation determines if you will respond to it as threatening or challenging. It has been discovered that the mind is responsible for the problems we find in our bodies. It is our attitudes that cause our physical problems. We create our own internal stress caused by our beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and reactions to ourselves and the world around us. Because of the way we choose to perceive life, we decide whether we are going to add stress to our lives, or instead, to keep stress at a low level. If we maintain a harmonious attitude and positive outlook, we eliminate much stress that would occur if we were negative and resisted the flow of life. The Earth could be likened to the ultimate University, where we are here to learn and grow. We add stress to our lives because we are learning. There is a lesson to be learned in every triumph as well as failure. Look for the lessons in your life. Listen to your inner wisdom and let your intuition guide your decisions. The more you are willing to learn, the more stressful your life may become. However, the more willing you are to accept the help that's available to you, the more help you will receive. The more involved you are in your relationship with Spirit, the smoother and more peaceful will be your journey. The more you can trust, the more you can let go, the more you let God take care of you, the more peace you feel. Bad things do happen to good people. It is your response to it that matters. In times of change, exercise your spiritual muscles: faith, love, and hope. Your ultimate life assignment is to treat the negative stuff in life like it is a gift. Because the way you choose to see it and deal with it will make it either a divine or disastrous experience. Each of your life moments leads to a way of being. But your life is one continuum and is not defined by one chapter or experience. People who hold on to negative events hold themselves back emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You must let go, find the meaning in the experience, and evolve. Stress is a factor in everyone's life. Each burden you carry is an opportunity for spiritual growth---carry yours with grace and dignity. Find the meaning in the moment even in the uncomfortable times. Spend time reflecting alone to find the meaning. You alone have the task of assigning meaning to your life's moments. While living on the physical plane, your faith and belief will be put to the test, especially under stressful situations. When we are stressed, we are disconnected from divine source. We have thoughts of "Why me?" "Why now?" Healing begins with letting go of the past that haunts us, forgiving those who have hurt us, and getting in touch with our higher selves. Feeling whole is when our spirit, mind, and body are integrated. Being balanced is when we do and "be" the right amount everyday. Handle your emotional reactions. Remember that anger is of the past and fear is of the future. By choosing to let go of the past, we can sweep out all the ashes that weigh us down and subtly affect every aspect of our health, our relationships, and our peace of mind. How great it feels to let go! How energizing! And the more we practice the art of letting go of all negativity, the better able we are to devote our thoughts, our time, and our energy to living joyfully in the present, whatever age we happen to be. Your spiritual path is meant to be light and free, not burdened by past memories of events or hurts. Someone once said, "A grateful mind will eventually attract every great thing." Developing an attitude of gratitude for what your life is and how it has helped you evolve and learn important lessons is crucial to increasing your energy field. And it is a really easy way to feel good! Presence is being in the now. Develop the ability to accept whatever is before you. Have faith that things will be o.k., no matter how bad it looks. Transform your stress emotions (anger, fear, lack) into peace emotions (love, trust, abundance) by using the power of acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, and higher?level thinking. You can overcome any physical lack or limitation with spiritual solutions, if you but seek them out and bring them into your awareness. ***This article is adapted from Get Smart! About Modern Stress Management: Your Personal Guide to Living a Balanced Life by Michelle L. Casto Copyright 2003 About The Author Michelle L. Casto is Owner of Get Smart! and is a Whole Life Coach who resides in Corpus Christi, Texas. She is the author of the Get Smart! LearningBook Series, books on romantic relationships, career development, and stress management. Her coaching practice is Brightlight Coaching, she helps people come up with bright ideas for their lives and empowers them to freely shine their bright light to the world. Visit virtually: www.getsmartseries.com and www.brightlightcoach.com
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Petitioning the Saints for Special Favours has been a big subject in the chat rooms lately, so in the spirit of Christmas and the Goddess energies associated with these martyrs and popularized pagan deities, I have compiled a list that tells you how to use candle burning to request favours. Healing For Your Soul Can God really heal your pain? Does every trial come to make you stronger? Is it better to 'go through' willingly, or put off dealing with your pain as long as possible? Read on to discover the secrets that will help you heal your soul. Learning to Listen The second verse of Amy Grant's song, "Angels Watching Over Me," reminds us that God has given His angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways - even when we are not aware they are there. Amy sings, "God only knows the times my life was threatened just today. A reckless car ran out of gas before it ran my way. Near misses all around me, accidents unknown, Though I never see with human eyes the hands that lead me home. But I know they're all around me all day and through the night. When the enemy is closing in, I know sometimes they fight To keep my fight from falling, I'll never turn away. If you're asking what's protecting me then you're gonna hear me say:" Angels Watching Over Me . . . ." True Justice and Freedom The world's idea of justice and freedom fall short of their purpose. Prison bars keep the guilty from repeating their crime while behind them. They cannot change the person. Freedom comes with a price. We have to take responsibility for our actions. We are never free from the tensions of living on the earth. We must pay the price of making a living and existing among people of different temperaments and cultures. Being in Christ is the perfect answer because he has already paid the price for our sins. Ask and It Shall Be Given You This statement sounds incredible. ASK and it shall be given. It sounds amazing, doesn't it? It sounds almost unbelievable right? Imagine if all you had to do to get anything you wanted out of life is ASK. It sounds a little farfetched doesn't it? How To Solve Any Problem Contrary to popular beliefs, we are not our mind, our body, and our egos. 10 Interesting Facts about Archangel Michael 1. The name Michael means, "Who is like God". In the Bible he is called "one of the chief princes" (Daniel 10:13) and "the great prince" (Daniel 12:1). Angelic Art - Alternative & Spiritual Healing Therapy As more and more alternative and spiritual healings are being studied and documented they are finding that all forms of upliftment heals the body, mind and spirit. Angelic art falls within this category by uplifting the spirit. I do not claim Angel paintings create physical healings. Angel paintings soothe the emotions and create a more peaceful atmosphere helping today's society deal with the stressful world we now find ourselves in on a day to day basis. What Part of Thou Shalt Not Dont You Understand? Back in the days of the old law of Moses, God gave him a set of 10 Commandments all of which began with "Thou Shalt Not"...We today, read these and take them at face value without really considering what all is involved in them. Jesus the Great Teacher --Lessons Learned! I don't know of anyone who really liked takingtests in school if you did there is somethingseriously wrong with you. It just seemed asthough some breezed through while people likemyself always struggled. Life is not fair!!!! Somecall it tests anxiety. I think I just concentratedon trying not to get the answer wrong instead ofrelaxing and allowing my brain to find the answerin my head. Most times the next day I could dobetter because of no pressure. Second golf shotsare like that too! So when I received my testscores back all I noticed were the red marks anddisappointments instead of how many right answersI had out of one hundred. Having said that,perfect test scores were few and far between formost of us I think. Just Learning To Cope I have been thinking about this all night. I am realizing that there are more and more people dealing with anxiety. I have my opinions in regards to anxiety and I have written my own story in dealing with that. I am thinking of starting a support network for individuals and families dealing with this. Anxiety is debilitating. Anxiety begins with a fear that ends up an obsession. I personally think that anxiety is the result of feeling out of control. You are at a point where your life and world has now become out of control. It is to much for a person to handle and that is where your fear begins. I am no doctor but I know from experience if you have not experienced this you will never understand and you could not possibly. That is why I would like to start a support network. If you are dealing with it you need to be able to access someone who has dealt with it and know YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and I do believe this to be the biggest relief. Anxiety can be a result of feeling alone, a fear that becomes an obsession. I think everyone who has been through this will understand that simple sentence. I am going to give you some examples of anxiety and hopefully some tips. Abandon Religion Why Abandon Religion? Angel Connection ? How the Angelic Realm is Interacting with Humanity at this Historic Time Angels, those divine beings of love and light, are here at this time in greater numbers than ever, to assist mankind in their evolution. The Healing Hand of God "Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. " Psalm 103:1-5, NIV. ![]() |
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