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Learning to Listen
The second verse of Amy Grant's song, "Angels Watching Over Me," reminds us that God has given His angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways - even when we are not aware they are there. Amy sings, "God only knows the times my life was threatened just today. A reckless car ran out of gas before it ran my way. Near misses all around me, accidents unknown, Though I never see with human eyes the hands that lead me home. But I know they're all around me all day and through the night. When the enemy is closing in, I know sometimes they fight To keep my fight from falling, I'll never turn away. If you're asking what's protecting me then you're gonna hear me say:" Angels Watching Over Me . . . ." Most of us want to SEE before we believe that God's angels are there. Amy's song reminds us that they are there - in the dark places, in the secret places, in the "coincidental" happenings. Pause for a moment and reflect on the seemingly small incidents in your life. I'll share one from my own book of memories to jog your mind. I was returning home from a visit to my daughter in Knoxville, Tennessee. Approximately forty miles from home, I was hot and tired from the drive and long weekend. To break up the drive and cool off a bit, I decided to stop at the Dairy Queen for refreshment. I had enough time to relax a little bit before my evening teaching stint began. A thought passed through my mind: "Wait until you get to Ellijay to get your ice cream cone." I brushed it aside, and turned into the Dairy Queen in Chatsworth, a small town on the north side of Fort Mountain. Another thought persisted, "You'll be sorry you didn't wait. You won't get a chance to rest before you have to go to work." I ignored it. I had plenty of time! My air conditioner wasn't working very well (needed freon), and I wanted that ice cream! As I turned into the DQ driveway, I noticed a couple of big dump trucks with distinctive markings on them. They were from Fannin, a county just north of Ellijay. I groaned, figuring I would get behind them later on. But nothing could keep me from that ice cream cone dipped in chocolate!! There are two roads that lead to Ellijay from Chatsworth: One over Fort Mountain, the other around the mountain. I usually take the road around the mountain - a very scenic drive that is not so curvy and steep. As I drove through the small town, a thought passed through my mind, "You should go over the mountain today." I shrugged off the voice and kept traveling down the highway, passing the road that leads across the mountain. My mind was set: I would take the easier route to Ellijay. The road around the mountain has some steep, impassable, sections with blind driveways and one must drive with extra caution. Just as I crossed the county line - the worst of these places - the traffic was at a standstill. I could see one of the big dump trucks from Fannin County, a sheriff's car, and a mobile home tilted sideways in the road, making it impossible to pass. I banged the steering wheel, with both hands, irritated at myself, the heat, the traffic jam, and jumped out of the car, and walked up the hill to talk to the deputy sheriff. "How long will we be here?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know, Mam. Your guess is as good as mine." From this vantage point I could see what had happened: the driver of the truck pulling the mobile home had misjudged his distance and had backed the mobile home into a ditch, blocking all lanes of traffic. It looked as though we would be held up for a long time. Not a pleasant prospect since it was ninety five degrees in the shade! "Is there another way to Ellijay?" I asked hopefully, knowing the answer was not one I would enjoy. "Sure," he said. "You can go back to Chatsworth and cross the mountain." "I told you to go over the mountain," the thought in my mind whispered as I walked back to my car. I looked at the dump truck sitting there, motor off, the driver with his head lying back against the seat. The other dump truck was nowhere in sight. If I hadn't stopped for refreshment, I would have been in front of both the trucks. I should have listened to the voice long before now. But I had ignored it. "Near misses all around me . . . ." Amy's song rang through my mind. God was trying to tell me an easier way. If only I had listened! No, it wasn't a life-threatening situation this time. However, it could have been. Would I have listened? I encourage you to look for God in the small things. Learn from your mistakes (and mine!). Don't be too busy, or too set in your ways to change your course of action. God cares for you and wants to help you. That's why He has given his angels "charge over you." Listen. LISTEN! L I S T E N! About the Author: © 2005 Linda Van Fleet All rights reserved.
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What Does Jesus Expect? While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. --ROMANS 5:8 5 Paper Management Tips for Christians My favorite scripture is Roman's 8:28. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." Recovering In The Water It was in the middle of the night and the boat was being tossed in the wind. The crew was stressed? New Century; Same Old Story In His graciousness, God has blessed us to enter a new century. When you look back on the years and experiences you had in the last century, you probably wonder why you did not lose your mind. When you think about some of the traumas and extreme challenges you had to contend with, you know you should have had a breakdown or been confined to the rubber room. Finding Bobbie Fisher ---The Light House: Where Would Your Ship Be? There is an old tradition song called, TheLighthouse and the end of the chorus goessomething like this, "If it weren't for that oldLighthouse?. Where would this ship be?" Ten Soul-Tending Principles for Women Feeling restless? Is part of you calling out for change, though you don't yet know what that looks like, or what you most need? Its Not What You Know, Its What You Do Knowing what is right and what is wrong in your own inner consciousness is insufficient. It is not the knowing of truth that transforms a person; it is the doing of truth that has an impact on you and on the other people that you interact with. Angel Messages for Humanity ?- Message 1 In the interest of mankind the Angels are delivering messages full of hope, love and joy for a better today and a better tomorrow. I have agreed to be this channel. Humanity Needs Islam The human nature means the soul and the body. A man without a spiritual life is no longer a man. Equally, whoever proclaims that spiritual training can delete the materialistic demands of that body is a devil in the clothes of a saint. Can he give up sleeping? Is he ready to destroy his body and to be a soul flying in the world of ideals? Overcoming Burn Out Burn out, it can happen to anyone. Some of the common signs of burn out can be (although not an all inclusive list) depression, mental, emotional and spiritual fatigue, overreacting to little things, negativity, lack of concern over the work / tasks that need to be done, frustration, anger, feelings of powerlessness, weight loss or gain, insomnia. Spirit and the Mind-Body Team Your mind-body team is made up of your mind and your body. No surprise there! Your mind and body are closely related because they can both be Master of Horoscope - Walter Mercado Celebrities and common people all over the world are known for looking forward astrology masters, spiritual leaders, gurus, and gifted teachers to focus on their pathways in life and carreers. Extravagant psychic and master of the horoscope Walter Mercado is a Puerto Rican astrologer to whom everyone in Latin America and in the United States follows and listens as if the world depends on his predictions. Spiritual Prosperity You will become as great as your dominant aspiration...If you cherish a vision, a lofty ideal in your heart, you will realize it.~James Allen, As You Think Why Good Things Happen to Bad People One cannot ask why bad things happen to good people without also feeling the same tinge of injustice when we contemplate why good things happen to bad people. This is the question that anguished the Psalmist. He found himself in terrible distress and agony of soul. He says, "My feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold." Understanding the Gospel of Matthew and Why it Matters - Part 7 Matthew 2:19-23The Return to Nazareth The Power of The Holy Spirit Hello, My name is Mellody Davis and here is my True Testimony: Real Spirituality My fiancee' and I frequent a restaurant in L.A. called Real Food Daily. The concept behind the name is that their food -- which is unprocessed, abundantly nutritious, and lovingly prepared -- is more authentic, more "real," than most other food. This claim is at once silly and wise. Silly because philosophers have argued about the true nature of "reality" for centuries. Wise because it's an admissible philosophy that the closer something is to its source, the more "real" it is. My Name is HAD-- Life Lessons Learned! My name is Had. You may know me, but you may not know my new name. You may have no idea what I 've been through because I do my best to look the same. I am scared to death of you. I use to be just like you. I once held my head up high without propping in on my hymnal. I was well respected back then, and I even respected myself. I was whole-hearted devoted to God, and if the truth be known, somewhere deep inside I was sometimes the slightest bit proud of my devotion. Then I'd repent because I knew pride was wrong. I didn't want to be wrong. Not ever. People looked up to me. And life looked good from up there. I felt good about who I was. That was before I was Had. Strangely, I no longer remember my old name. I just remembered I liked it. I liked who I was. I wish I could go back. I wish I would just wake up. But I fear I'm wide awake. I have had a nightmare. And the nightmare was me Had. Healing Your Life You have everything you need: a miraculous body, a phenomenal brain, and a vast and powerful subconscious mind. Now it's just a matter of focusing them in the right direction.~Marc Allen Law to the Nth Degree Most of us know that the universe - God's universe - operates on an independent structure called Universal Law. The laws of the universe - God's laws - are an invisible influence that gently force the natural order under which the universe operates to be maintained. We can't fully understand 'karma' without understanding how it works, and why it works that way, and how the way it works affects our lives on a daily basis - without first understanding the laws that support it. ![]() |
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