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Finding Bobbie Fisher ---The Light House: Where Would Your Ship Be?
There is an old tradition song called, TheLighthouse and the end of the chorus goessomething like this, "If it weren't for that oldLighthouse?. Where would this ship be?" In a scene from the movie Finding Bobbie Fisher,Bobbie is sitting next to his girlfriend under alighthouse and she says to him. "This is sobeautiful Bobbie where did you find such a placewith a lighthouse?" and Bobbie replies, "I didn'tfind it, it found me." Years ago the only way ships could tell wheretheir final destination happen to be was by thedim light shining in the distance from an oldlighthouse. Today, with technology lighthouses aremostly landmarks and reminders of what shippinguse to be like. But when you find one, there issomething special about them to experience. You see we didn't find Jesus he found us first.He chose us, and he knew that we were somethingspecial when he saw us from a distance. "Ye havenot chosen me, I have chosen you and ordained youthat ye should go and bear forth fruit, and yourfruit shall remain; that whosoever shall ask ofthe father in my name, he may give it to you."John 15:16. Jesus is our lighthouse and when weexperience him there is something beautiful aboutthat place. We can't take a real lighthouse withus, but the light that Jesus shines on us andlights our paths ever where we go can alwaysremain in our hearts. There are times when we want to feel specialinside. And most of the time this world won't giveus that hug or encouraging word at that rightmoment when we need it. But no matter where we goor what time it is we can find that lighthouseshining on us through the love of Jesus Christ. Weare special, we have been chosen by God. When theworld doesn't give you what you want this week,look for that light in the distance and askyourself, ""If it weren't for that oldLighthouse?. Where would this ship be?" Greg Ryan is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT series. A powerful five step plan to better your life, get healthier, and have more energy! For FREE mini Course click here! http://www.resolutions.bz
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