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Astral Attack: Its More than Just Witchcraft
Believe it or not most astral Attacks are not caused by curses or witchcraft. Half the time astral attacks are not intentional. They take place on the subconscious level and are the result of negative thinking, verbal abuse that goes round and round in the head, stale energy that has been left behind in a place and bungled rituals that may have done by amateurs hoping to create prosperity or love. Below I have identified the different kinds of astral attack that can take place and hopefully it will help you avoid cursing yourself as well as others. Thoughts are like seeds ?once planted and allowed to grow they can take root and choke the potential out of your life. The idea is to keep your psychic garden free of the spiritual equivalent of suckers, weeds and anything else that might abort your spiritual growth, personal will and soul freedom. Thought Forms Thought forms tend to affect our lives on a mundane level. That is because they tend to be sent by ordinary people. We may experience more day-to-day and practical frustrations. This kind of attack is usually from someone you know, with whom you've had an unpleasant encounter with. Perhaps you have had a disagreement and they have been disgruntled with you all day. You might feel the "bad energy" from that person's thoughts. The Subconscious Curse This kind of curse usually comes from someone that we know quite well and actually cares for us. They may even be praying for our well being to our actual detriment. A good example of this is the individual who prays for the person with AIDS to have an "improved immune system" when the disease itself is an overkill of immunity. This is where others think they know what's best for you, but actually don't and you feel as if you are leading a life directed by someone else, and not you. The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Attack This kind of astral attack is often stated verbally in the form of a negative affirmation such as "You'll never make your rent unless you get a job.", "There's no way you can write that book in two weeks" and "Your aunt had diabetes so you will probably get it to." These kinds of words have a powerful effect on our subconscious mind and set to programming the conscious mind to write a disaster script for us. Unsolicited Criticism and Verbal Abuse This might seem obvious, but this is actually a form of direct astral attack. The Unconscious Mind is very much influenced by words and picks up these cruel words. Because they hurt we often repeat them over and over in our minds. When we do this we are basically subconsciously cursing ourselves with another person's words. The Collective Wish for Failure The more successful you are, the more you attract envy and jealousy, and therefore the ravages of the evil eye. There are many people out there who will happily congratulate you on your success and then secretly go home and wish that you would fail for once. This can be especially powerful if you find yourself at the mercy of a large group of people who are all wishing for your demise at the same time. The Psychic Vampire If you feel exhausted, fatigued or drained just by encountering a person, then chances are you have encountered a person who is adept at hooking into your third chakra and sucking your energy. If this person is always on your mind, to the exclusion of all other thoughts, than it is possible that you have become engaged in an energy exchange with someone who is trying to dominate or bend your will to their way. Live Hauntings These forms of astral attack tend to take the form of obsession and the object of obsession is usually a lover. When healthy relationships terminate, neither individual is left with a sense that they are no longer whole. Live hauntings don't usually occur unless the real-life relationship was vampire like and co-dependent in the first place. The most likely suspects for this kind of haunting are addicts, alcoholics, manic-depressives and people with personality disorders. Although there may have been a genuine love there at one time, with one partner nurturing and taking care of the other, they often degenerate into power and ego struggles. Long after the person is gone, the person who is left behind often still feels addicted to that person. Or they still strongly feel their presence around them and feel that presence is reflected in omens, coincidences and synchronicities that occur in their lives. If you are completely obsessed with an individual ? if you see or feel their presence everywhere, you are most likely the victim of a live haunting. Amateur Shamans and Witchlets Sometimes you deliberately cross such a person, other times they see him or herself as an agent of karma and sometimes you don't know them at all. People playing with magick are a growing problem in terms of astral pollution on our planet. They are influenced by television shows, movies and the availability of spell books on the market. These individuals are generally quite harmless, but they can cause havoc in one's life on the mundane level. If you have no known enemies in your life, are reasonably free of envy, resentment and fear and yet still cannot figure out where your haunting is coming from, it is probably the result of a thought form produced by an amateur shaman or witchlet. These attacks are not intentional; they are just the products of bad aim, unfinished rituals or lack of magickal protocol in general. Cults, Gurus and Group Mind If you feel irresistibly compelled, beyond all rational reasoning, to join a cult, coven or religious organization, you may not be necessarily following your heart, you may be under astral attack. Cults work by downloading information into your crown chakra. Victims often feel inferior, unholy or lonely if they do not join the cult. Another major clue that you are under astral attack that originates from group mind is this simple test ? stay away from them for a few days. If you suffer extreme misfortune or bad luck, then they are probably practicing some form of binding on you to keep you with them. Also if you are experiencing a run of bad luck, it is possible that the group has stolen your guardian spirits and holding them hostage, so that you feel unprotected in any situation that doe s not include them. Astral Imprints An astral imprint is a bad memory that won't go away, but the memory is not necessarily yours. Other people leave astral imprints, dead or alive in building or environments. Living individuals can also leave their astral imprint on objects that they have touched or used during the time that you knew him or her. Antiques often hold the astral imprints of former owners. If you find yourself obsessed about an object or feel disturbed or upset while holding it then you are most likely dealing with an astral imprint. Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click herehttp://www.insomniacpress.com/author.php?id=110You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com
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Do Feng Shui Remedies Really Work? THE PREMISE Gods Name... Creation and Undoing! Over the past number of years, while going through my studies and research, information and answers come to the surface that are most astounding. I have come to understand things differently than I was taught in years of Catholic schooling. Although, I still believe in the "bigger picture" and "something greater", it has taken on a different tone and context. It has turned from a fearful system of faith to a confident system of knowledge and thought. Loving Your Neighbors If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.1 CORINTHIANS 13:1?2 Distorted Perceptions Often, in being dishonest about our own faults and failures, we have been far too insensitive and callous toward others who have fallen short. It is really unfair to others becuase all human judgment is partial, one-sided, and superficial. Indian Knowledge and Frauds Iktomi: If It Is The Lords Will I Will Live My thoughts can get a little edgy at night. Possibly even deep. Reflecting on almost a half century of life. Some of it better than I would have imagined in my youth. Some not. 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If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. --2 CORINTHIANS 5:17, KJV How Shall We Then Live? Qohelet had grown old with time when he delivered his Ecclesiastes and it has since become part of the wisdom literature of the Bible. And it is because of his many years of experience that he adopted the doctrine that all is meaningless, utterly meaningless. Seeking the Sacred People have always sought the sacred. It is the Divine within striving to reconnect with the all. We are instinctively drawn to that which is thought to be sacred. People have traveled from all over the world to walk the streets of Jerusalem, to stand in awe at the presence of Stonehenge, to view the pyramids of Giza, to be healed at Lourdes, etc. When is it Right to be Angry? Many of us have been taught that it is wrong to be angry. This thinking weighs heavily in both the sacred and secular domains. Is that thinking right or wrong? Enthusiam And The Spirit In this article, I would like deal with one specific aspect of attitude, that is, "enthusiasm." To have an enthusiastic attitude about we do is essential. Love vs. Fear - Volume 18 Breaking with tradition, today's article comes from the 9-23-04 edition of Sojomail. Sojomail is produced by Sojourners; an evangelical journal, and calls itself a 'weekly email-zine of spirituality, politics and culture.' I personally object to their use of the term spirituality, because they are decidedly Christian oriented. For them to replace the word 'spirituality' with the word 'Christianity' would be a lot more accurate. I do feel that the good people at Sojourners do have very wonderful intentions. I just wish they didn't feel the need to route all their efforts through Christianity, to the exclusion of billions of the earth's inhabitants. ![]() |
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