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Is It Safe To Walk Into Your Doctors Office?
In a recent case study which I also summarized in a recent article entitled "Some Evidence of How We Are Spiritually Connected" I discuss how we are connected beyond the physical. Briefly the study revealed that two individuals who experienced the same traumatic incident together shared the energetic memory of the incident in their own bio-fields as well as a common interpersonal or collective field. When I employed a new modality to help one of the individuals completely release their energetic memory from their bio-field the other individual's energetic memory also spontaneously cleared. What was remarkable about this result was that the second individual was sequestered and blind to the entire process i.e. he didn't know what I was doing with the first person. Now given this interesting result I want to discuss the implications of this result in terms of the kinds of energy fields we find ourselves "bathed" in throughout our lives. When individuals live in close quarters and share a common "energy field environment" the individual fields that contribute to that environment i.e. the respective bio-fields of each individual, seem to have the capacity to affect other individuals in that energetic environment. This was shown when the release of one's energetic memory spontaneously and and non-locally (i.e. at a distance) affected the bio-field of the person not present. Although this was a "positive" or "healing" shift in the collective field it is just as likely that a "negative" or "destructive" shift can be introduced by one individual and thereby also affect others negatively. This is seen, for instance when, individuals in a given family mysteriously acquire a similar illness at the same time. Now given this observation I would like to address the types of negative, or for that matter "toxic", energy that we sometimes find ourselves "walking" through. Clearly, any and all negative information that comes to us through the media is one type of toxicity. Another one, which will come not only as a surprize but as a shocking irony, is the energy field that we come into contact with when we enter our doctor's office. Now of course, in this context, there are the toxic energies brought in by other clients. However even more significant, I feel is the energy information stored within the doctor's field itself. Let me explain. The entire training of a physician is about learning the causes and treatemts of illnesses. This education is so embedded within the consciousness of a physician that they come to literally beleive and accept that what they have learned is the truth. So, for instance, suppose you have what your doctor eventually diagnoses as a "terminal" illness, then your bio-field will automatically "imbibe" (if you choose to believe it that is) "so to speak" that information. Now as long as that information is in your field then your body will be receiving information cascaded down from the bio-field (see "The Divine Holographic Energy Field") that tells it that it is "going to die". That is what terminal means! In other articles i.e. "Reversing Macular Degeneration: Without Drugs or Surgery" and "All Your Problems Are Based In False Beliefs", I discuss how your beliefs have the potential to create (and by eliminating them potentially reverse) the illnesses one experiences. So if you follow me so far, walking into your doctor's office may make you "think" that you are getting help on one level, yet at an energetic level may actually be making you ill. Another way to see this for yourself is to just feel what it feels like to walk into say a hospital or your doctor's office. That should speak for itself. Where would you rather be? Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is a Key Note Speaker, Author, Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being.Personal URL: http://www.telecoaching4u.com
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Highlights Concept and the Path Is it not true that only after gaining Enlightenment (Self-Realization) that one can reach the stage of Moksha (Salvation). One More Mile I want to share with you something that happened to me just a few weeks ago. There is a place that I go to write, read and to simply relax. This place is in the mountains along the Blue Ridge Parkway. The scenery is beautiful and I go and pray and take in God's beauty. I love it there because it is quiet and the only thing that I can hear is the chirping of birds and the wind. I embrace the silence. That's peculiar of me since most of my life has been classified by business and noise because I never wanted the silence. I was scared of it. Months later, I love it. Can You Live The Christ Life? Were you lied to as newborn Christian? I was...let me explain. Anam Cara - Discovering Your Being The more that "little me" allows surrender the more is done. What is done is "good." This, I know, seems a value judgement. It might be better to say that "what is done is joy." No resistance. No getting in the way. No concern for results. Simply trusting what will be will be. This free flow of feeling energy is the experience of joy. Real Spirituality My fiancee' and I frequent a restaurant in L.A. called Real Food Daily. The concept behind the name is that their food -- which is unprocessed, abundantly nutritious, and lovingly prepared -- is more authentic, more "real," than most other food. This claim is at once silly and wise. Silly because philosophers have argued about the true nature of "reality" for centuries. Wise because it's an admissible philosophy that the closer something is to its source, the more "real" it is. The Search for Gods Intention I believe in the source we refer to as 'God'. This is the powerful Universal Energy from which all that is manifests. This energy is always there and is available to all. My God is the same as your God and everybody else's God. However, we still try to categorize and define that energy in different ways, depending upon our belief system and religious orientation. How I Met My Angel Today I was in rather a whimsical mood, and so instead of my usual "how to" article, I thought I'd create a fairy tale for the child within you to enjoy. Thank You Lord, Most Graciously There are moments in the believer's life when the Spirit of the living God gets in us and gives birth to thanksgiving and holy reflection. Moments when we really comprehend how good God is and how good He has been. Not only how good He has been in general, but how good He has been to us particularly. We reflect upon how He stepped into our own situation, how when nothing else could help, His love lifted us. We ponder how in those times when we were down and could not hear anybody pray, He spoke to our hearts and lifted our burdens. Unfinished Business (Part 1) Most of life can be said to be bad, or problematic, or painful, or sorrowful. Every great religion acknowledges this fact regarding life. Loved ones will die; chronic and painful sicknesses will begin; all manner of afflictions to the body and mind will occur. These are sorrowful things but all a part of life. A Tale Of Three Essences Water of Enlightenment, Angel of Peace and Harmony for Nature are a trio of remarkable vibrational essences. They teach, raise our awareness and question what we know by their very existence. These three essences are even more remarkable because they are channelled essences. "Oh boy, this is a hard one to swallow" I hear you say. Just have an open mind and read on. Spiritual Belief The atmosphere surrounding the earth is still a matter of special interest for scientific research. Some physicists have discovered and suggest that we are living within a field of energy that surrounds and envelops the earth, like an invisible halo. Through this are shot electrical charges. It appears that not only does this energy charge the batteries of our mind, body and soul it also helps us to be successful. Einstein stated that to the physicist this field is as real as the chair you are sitting on. Pebbles of Wisdom Coming face to face with yourself in the space between the beginning and end of the transitions in your life is a scary place to be. Going backward in not an option. Going forward is just as unimagineable without a road map. It's where your soul meets the devil. It's where hope and hopelessness are synonomous. You come face to face with your demons as your self protective ego runs scampering into the darkness realizing she no longer fools you with her grandiose schemes and plans. And without the protection from your ego your old self defeating habits take over your life and side rail your best intentions to be that productive person you long ago ceased to be. Learning the Secret of Contentment (Part 1) I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV) Daily Rituals as a Doorway to the Higher If you have a longing to connect with something higher, whether it be your higher self or higher powers and beings, one of the simplest ways to connect is by creating a daily ritual for yourself. Whether you meditate, do yoga, read inspirational books, or just take a walk, doing a daily ritual creates a doorway through which the higher can enter your life. Psalms For Prosperity The psalms of the Bible are a literary treasure chest of prayers for prosperity. Below is a list of which psalms to recite for common financial requests. In some Catholic and Santeria traditions, you say the prayer or write the prayer out after lighting a candle. You may also recite the prayer as many times as you want to transform it into a kind of a mantra. Letting Go of Your Past Once you become saved and born again, the Bible tells us that we have now become new creations in Jesus Christ. All things have been made new. Our slates are now wiped clean and we now have a brand new start in this life if we are willing to properly work with the Lord in allowing Him to raise us up in His grace, knowledge and power. Dowsing ? Using Divining Rods To Obtain Answers To Your Questions Divining Rods, also known as Dowsing Rods, have been used since ancient times by water witchers, shamans, and wise-ones. Although the information obtained while using these tools seems to come from an obscure and esoteric source, in reality they simply measure energy patterns that occur naturally. ![]() |
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