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Spiritual Belief
The atmosphere surrounding the earth is still a matter of special interest for scientific research. Some physicists have discovered and suggest that we are living within a field of energy that surrounds and envelops the earth, like an invisible halo. Through this are shot electrical charges. It appears that not only does this energy charge the batteries of our mind, body and soul it also helps us to be successful. Einstein stated that to the physicist this field is as real as the chair you are sitting on. Man has suddenly re-awakened to the fact that he is part of a vast cosmos, and that we are not just a speck of dust on a chunk of matter, revolving around the sun. With this new dawn and with cosmic realization our questioning mind will find answers to some of mans most demanding questions. One of the most persistent conceptions in the history of human thinking has been the idea that there is a definable relationship between the individual and there destiny. This is a very old idea and it crops up in the records of every known civilization and culture. At the end of World War 2 a wave of discontent, particularly affecting the young, swept over the world. It was suddenly apparent that in the eternal quest for meaningful identity many of the old religions and philosophies completely broken down and people started to look for other faiths. The most popular one was a spiritual belief. Because mediumship possesses a charm and an everlasting attraction, this is the one reason why it is frowned upon throughout different religions. Today however, with the development of modern physics, people's views are starting to change. Many scientists are studying quite seriously the possibility of a connection between man and the cosmic environment. Whilst scientists remain sceptical, it is now becoming clear that in certain areas they are becoming more open minded. Over the years psychic mediums have been able to help people with their development, their losses and have helped many to discovery a new way of life. A medium has touched every area of life by having the ability to see and hear beyond this world and into the next. When we think about it, life is like a detective story not only in its complexities but also in the fact that any event no matter how great, small or trivial, is the action of an individual person. History shows repeatedly that one man can overturn the world and everyone knows that a single member of a family can destroy the happiness of a home. That one partner in a firm can wreck a sound business and how one guest can wreck a party. Equally, it is also true that no situation is saved except through the actions of an individual. Someone is always at the centre or out in front of everything whether it is war, a motor accident or a great achievement. There is a very old proverb that says, "to understand all is to forgive all" but a more practical version is "to understand all is to be able to handle the situation better". If we did not have to learn through misunderstandings, unhappiness, and even tragedy the people we love and live with, work with and encounter in the course of our daily lives, it might well be that life in general could develop into a more manageable affair. A psychic medium is not a selfish person, but any physic medium will always desire truth and respect from the individuals they help. A psychic medium could never bring hurt or harm to others and they like to be honest. They also have high standards, without this they would not be able to do their work for spirit. They also believe that without honesty and high standards there would be no respect for others in the world. Our destiny is the light pattern of time bequeathed to us by unknown benefactors of our past, because both the bodily and spiritual roads we travel are our goals towards were we are heading. We are comfortably conscious of being part of an orderly structure of life, but we are also fully aware that we are free to choose for ourselves. Destiny is something to achieve, to fight for and to pursue. This is probably why the pattern of time has developed a formula, which is to help us pursue both our destiny and our dreams. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
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Spiritual Marketing Let me say that marketing can be a corrupting experience. In the wrong hands, marketing can create more frustration, more dishonesty and more greed than any occupation. Spirit and the Mind-Body Team Your mind-body team is made up of your mind and your body. No surprise there! Your mind and body are closely related because they can both be Selling Spiritual Stuff Spiritual stuff is a hard sell Roy and one of the reasons for that is spirituality was turned into religion a long time ago. Spirit is natural and it is who you are naturally. Religion is man's commercialized idea of spiritualism. Man included within religion his own agenda, which altered the form of spiritualism for ever more. Long ago man felt the connection to his environment and that which created him. He was curious about who and what he was and many explanations came down as he starred up to the sky each night. Get Off The Freeway Have you ever noticed how much our lives resemble a freeway? Once we are on it, we are in constant motion. We must remain alert at all times. We speed up, slow down, and switch lanes. We set our eyes straight ahead, look back from time to time, check our side and rear mirrors periodically, do not make any unexpected turns, and get there before the cars all around us. We cannot brake too soon, accelerate too heavily, or cruise too long. We must always be aware of what is going on around us, lest we miss a sign or clue that could have prevented a fatal accident. It is as though we are competing in a race of some kind. One false move and the whole freeway is stopped or slowed down for hours. Christening and Baptism Favor Ideas Baptism and christening ceremonies are an important event that signifies the start of a child's spiritual life. As a common courtesy to guests who attend these ceremonies, the parents of the child or the host of the event often obtain party favors as a gift. Here are some themes and ideas that are appropriate for these occasions: Out of the Closet? We may sometimes consider the difficulty that occurs with our acceptance of ourselves and of who we are in accordance with the expectations of others.Do you understand what I am talking about? Or am I speaking alone here? We Have An Emotional Jesus Lately In my email newsletters (available for FREE at http://www.ChristThroughMe.com ) I've been talking about how Jesus has experienced everything that we will ever go through here on earth. The Lord is My Shepherd An acrostic prayer poem. Gilligan Finds Jesus! One day Gilligan ventures off as usual into thejungle. After a few hours the Skipper knowsGilligan's absent-minded behavior, gets a littleworried and goes trotting off looking for him.After a while the Skipper hears Gilligan's squeakyvoice in the distance yelling, "SKIPPER, SKIPPER,SKIPPER HELP!!!!" Whats Up With the Bad Reading? A lot of times when I am reading people on the site I notice people talking about having a "bad reading." By that they usually mean that the psychic pulled a so-called "bad" cards, such as the Devil, The Tower of the Ten of Swords, in answer to their question. Salvation: The Divine Imperative Of the many individuals who were touched through the ministry of Paul while on his second missionary journey, three are specifically mentioned. His first convert was Lydia, a businesswoman; the second was a young lady who had been used and manipulated by her masters so that they could profit financially. But, when she was saved, her masters were offended because their bank account had closed and so they had Paul and Silas taken before the magistrates on false allegations and they were subsequently, beaten and thrown into prison. My Search for the Truth I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. Maybe you've heard about the persecution of Falun Dafa (or Falun Gong) practitioners in China. Over the past five years, many people have been committed to mental institutions, tortured, detained, imprisoned, and even killed, simply for refusing to give up this practice. Unfortunately, most Americans don't know about this situation, or they've been given a negative impression, and so the persecution goes on. My intention is to give my impression of Falun Dafa, and hopefully, bring an awareness of this situation to the people of this country--a country that was founded on the basis of religious and spiritual freedom. All of my life, I have been searching for answers to all of life's most fundamental questions: Why am I here? What is the purpose of life? Why do bad things happen to good people? Who is God? Why does He allow all of this? As a child and again as a teenager, I searched for the answers in Christianity, and even though I sensed wisdom and truth in the teachings of Jesus--being honest, loving thy neighbor, turning the other cheek--there seemed to be something missing. Maybe something got lost in the translation. I didn't have a problem with not understanding everything about God's actions--I mean He is God after all, and so how can I expect to understand Him? However, I did feel that I had some legitimate questions about justice. For instance, why do really bad things happen to seemingly good people? Why are babies born with deformities? How could this person's life of ninety years be equal to that person's life of 25 years? If all you have to do to go to heaven is believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, then what kind of a place would heaven be? I mean, I know a lot of people who believe that, and I'm not really sure that heaven would be better than earth if that were the case. Also, what happens to people who have never been exposed to Christianity or believe in some other god or religion? Obviously, I had a lot of questions that could not be answered within the framework of contemporary Christian religions. Consequently, I gave up the search--at least for the time being. When I was twenty-three years old, I became ill. Over the next few years, I became unable to work, and I was eventually diagnosed with lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and vasculitis. I had problems with every joint in my body; I couldn't stand, sit, or use my hands for any length of time; I had no stamina and slept for about twelve hours every day; I often had acute pain that came and went for apparently no reason and chronic pain that could last for hours; I often could not get comfortable enough to go to sleep; because of the amount and kind of medication that I took, I developed a lot of digestive problems; and I often ran a low-grade fever for days, and sometimes, weeks at a time. Over the last two years, the vasculitis had become quite bad. I would often break out in large hives all over my body, and would get large spontaneous 'bruises' on my legs and arms that were not the result of any trauma and which took an unusual length of time to heal. I knew that this could not go on indefinitely, and so I had come to accept the fact that the length of my life was severely limited. I thought that I would just try to live what was left of my life the best that I could, but I still longed for the answers to those age-old questions. Even though I believed I would receive the answers when I died, I decided that I would ask for them while I still lived. So, one day, I imagined myself crying out to the universe for help. I remembered reading in a book that if you ever have a question, you should go to the library. Even if they don't have the answer, they can probably help you find it or where to go to get it. So, I went to the library to look for the answer. In the foyer, there is a bulletin board with flyers, announcements, etc., and shelves beneath. I looked all over the bulletin board, all over the shelves, and on the bottom shelf, underneath something else, there was a brochure: a bright blue brochure with oriental characters on it. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was the answer. It was a Falun Dafa pamphlet, and inside was a contact name and number. That was February 6th of 2000. I started practicing Falun Dafa within days. Within weeks, I was able to stop taking all of my medication, I became free of my illnesses, and I was eventually able to go back to work. These things were really just fringe benefits to me--after all, I was just looking for answers, not healing--but I became well just the same! The practice of Falun Dafa is very simple. It consists of five exercises--four standing, and one sitting meditation--and a set of three principles, which we believe to be the nature of the universe: Zhen (True), Shan (Good), and Ren (Endure). The exercises are gentle and relaxing, as well as energizing. The practice of implementing the principles-to be True, Good, and Endure--is simple, and yet amazingly powerful. You may notice that they are the same basic principles that Jesus taught, as well. At the very base level, Falun Dafa is learning how to be a better person in every aspect of life: at home, at work, and socially. At a higher level, the goal is the same as other practices: wisdom and enlightenment. Falun Dafa is not a religion: we don't worship any particular God, although we do recognize the existence of great enlightened beings throughout history such as Jesus, Sakyamuni, Lao Zi, Amitabha, etc.; we don't have temples; we don't have any type of administration; we don't have any rituals; there are no requirements; there is no membership; and we absolutely do not involve ourselves with money. If you want to learn about Falun Dafa, any practitioner can and will teach you the exercises for free, all the books can be downloaded from the internet for free, and we do not even accept donations. It's a pace-yourself kind of course--you practice when you want to, how often you want to, and for how long you want to. It is completely up to you whether you practice or not. Falun Dafa may very well be the largest spiritual movement in the history of the world. Right now, there are an estimated 100 million practitioners world-wide, with practitioners in over 50 countries, including the United States and China. All we want is to be good people and be able to practice our beliefs--our cultivation--without persecution. Speaking of those answers: I did find them, as well. I also found a peace of mind and a sense of being that I never could have imagined. My goal is still to live my life the best that I can, but I also want to share what I have found with others who may be able to benefit as well. I would also like to inform those who believe that we all have a basic human right to practice our beliefs without being persecuted about the situation for millions of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. For more information, please see the following websites: Faluninfo.net (for information about the persecution/to sign an electronic appeal)Falundafa.org (for information about the practice itself) Failure Is Never As Painful As Regret! "I would rather regret some of my failures in lifethan to live my life failing to forget myregrets." GR You Are a Person of Abundance Heaven is a place of abundance and earth is a place of abundance. Every where God is, is a place of abundance, for God is an abundant God. If God is in you, then you are a person of abundance! Understanding the Gospel of Matthew and Why it Matters - Part 3 The Birth of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ: One Can Reach God Only Through Him - Is this Statement Correct? Catch the express or the super fast bullet train. If we are able to reach our goal the purpose is served. Talk of Jesus Christ, Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, or Prophet Mohammed... all reached the goal they had established in their life. The goal of all (including Jesus Christ) was the same... only the paths were different. Destroying Strongholds Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai, "Go, assemble all the Jews who are found in Susa, and fast for me; do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maidens also will fast in the same way." ESTHER 4:15?16, NASB God Became Man The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. --JOHN 1:14 A Crash Course in Tarot for Newbies #2: All About Tarot Decks If you would like to learn to read tarot cards, your first challenge is to choose a deck from the 8,000 or so published brands of fortune telling cards on the market. What works for one person often doesn't for another. Some people are comfortable reading several decks and others just identify with one deck. In my experience you will find that over time, you will grow in and out of several decks. You may also find that the deck that you prefer to use to read yourself is not the deck that you prefer to use read others. Fool for God The following article is an exploration of the Spring holiday season and its spiritual implications. In it will be a unique perspective with a special emphasis on the importance of owning our dualities for the purpose of transcending them. The duality of Spring is that while it is a time for thorough "house cleaning" it also requests of us our lightness of being and simple trust. ![]() |
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