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Failure Is Never As Painful As Regret!
"I would rather regret some of my failures in lifethan to live my life failing to forget myregrets." GR In other words, failing at something and gettingback up is much less painful than to look back andregret not doing something (or doing something)and not being able to go back and change theoutcome. Each one of us has failed at something inlife, some of us more than others. Some of ourmishaps we have forgotten, others may still beeating away at us like a disease. I would thinkit's much easier to recall our failures in lifethan to bring up some of our regrets we may have.Neither failure nor regret can we change from ourpast, but we can chose to heal our regrets. Did Jesus experience failures? Jesus was madeperfect in the sight of God, but he also was aperson with human emotions and characteristics. Iwould guess at times he felt things may not begoing his way and failure may have been hisfeeling of choice at that moment. Maybe the onlytime he had a regret was when he went up to prayon the Mt. of Olives the night before hiscrucifixion and cried out to God to take theworld's burden off his shoulders. But even thenhe knew in his heart God's purpose for his lifeand it wasn't supposed to be full of any regrets. Do you have any regrets today that need healing?If you think about it you probably can find one ortwo. Can you do something about it? In one ormore cases you probably can. Will you do anythingabout it? That's up to you. Just think how freeingand uplifting that would feel if you had one lessregret, not to mention what it might do for theother people involved. Maybe you need to forgivesomeone or maybe you need to ask someone toforgive you. The bible says, "Get along with eachother, and forgive each other. If someone does youwrong, forgive that person as the Lord forgaveyou" Colossians 3:13. I happened to be an adopted child at 5 days old. Igrew up around my biological family of foursiblings. I chose not to have a relationship withthem for thirty-six years for a number of reasonsthat were not good ones. It was only until lastyear in a hospital shared by my adopted mother andtheir father (not my biological father) that Godgave me an opportunity to voice to all of them inone room of my regrets. Growing up I regretted notbeing a close brother for all those years when Ihad the chance to. I regretted not being an uncleto their children when they didn't understand myactions. And I regretted my prideful nature ofthinking it was their choice to come to me. Allthis didn't change the past, yet it built somebridges so we could move forward. But, in somecreative way of God's in that hospital room thatsummer day, eight people came together from allover the country. Maybe, just maybe for the reasonthat one of us or all of us could walk away thatday having one less regret to remember. In whatoriginally were two people having life threatingsurgeries turned out to be a miracle of God's.Coincidence? I don't believe so. God's perfectplan? Yes, I have no doubt. Do I feel better byhealing that regret? You bet! Yes, I do regretsome of my failures, but there's one regret I willbe able to forget for the rest of my life. Bob talked about the beatitudes this weekend. Whatbetter way to be merciful, and a peacemaker thanto take care of a regret. How do you think Jesus felt after he wasresurrected from the grave? Glad he did it? Yes!What will you do this week to be able to forgetone or more of your regrets in life? Will you bemerciful? Will you be a peacemaker? Or will youpush it away again, OR WILL YOU ACT? Greg Ryan is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT series. A powerful five step plan to better your life, get healthier, and have more energy! For FREE mini Course click here! http://www.resolutions.bz
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Ancient Wisdom: Can it Still be Applied Today? *Advice on living a humane and compassionate life. Our God of More than Enough There is no shortage in the abundance of blessings we are promised as God's children. We should expect to receive from Him if we believe the promises He's given us in His Word. To believe otherwise is to show that we have no confidence in God's word. This would indicate that we believe that He lied when He gave us these promises and throughout the Bible, we are told over and over again that God cannot lie. Understanding the Gospel of Matthew and Why it Matters - Part 8 Matthew 3:1-3The Preaching of John the Baptist Forgiveness Stories Definition Quotes | Power to Forgive Vested with Human Beings forgiveness stories quotes definition and love Living Your Noble Purpose "A common jar of clay can never become a noble masterpiece, unless it is broken by its master, refined in fire, and renewed." ? Sharif Khan The Spirituality of Pigeons! 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If it doesn't, it is of no use. ~ Carlos Castaneda, The True Self as the Hidden Man of the Heart The Apocalypse, or unveilling, is the name given to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. The Book of Daniel is an apocalypse. So is Isaiah. The entire bible is an unveiling of the consciousness of man evolving from the human(OT) to the divine(NT). Gracious Forgetfulness For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. --GALATIANS 3:27, RSV Why Angels, Why Now? The Angelic realms have been very active throughout the human experience. They-as brilliant aspects of your Source-have been offered as protectors and teachers for every one of you. And yes, it can seem very difficult to know this when you see it, as we are talking about the Angelic Realms, the Dimensions of Light, both of which are not always visible to the human eye. Astrology & The Bible: Age of Aquarius The normal Aquarian preoccupation with rational science is clearly seen in the way that our civilization is becoming increasingly based on, and dominated by science and technology. However, the keyword of Aquarius is 'humanity' and it is to be hoped that this quality will modify the present over emphasis on science, harnessing it more to the actual needs of man, than simply to what is technically possible. The moderating influence of Aquarius' polarity with Leo will also be needed to avert the dangers of revolution, and reinforce the growing concern for peace. Healing For Your Soul Can God really heal your pain? Does every trial come to make you stronger? Is it better to 'go through' willingly, or put off dealing with your pain as long as possible? Read on to discover the secrets that will help you heal your soul. Faerie Wisdom Spirit Dancer Anam Cara - Making Sense of Life We make sense of our world via the senses. The senses are gateways. They keep us locked into a certain reality but they can be the medium of freedom from the limitation we call "our life." For too long religion has labelled the senses as something "not quite nice." For too long we have separated our senses as being something "not spiritual." Many of our religions have done the same with the sensational experience we call sex. Strangers In This World Christians all over the world will all be tempted in different ways. One problem we all will face is being tempted to conform to the world. Everyday we face the demands of jobs, raising children, and days with too much to do in too little time. Stress starts building up and it gets more difficult to make the right decisions. John 15:19 says 'If you belonged to the world, the world would treat you with affection and would love you as its own. But because you are not of the world (no longer one with it), but I have chosen (selected) you out of the world, the world hates (detests) you.' Anamchara - Meeting With The Master His name sounds as Finn. He has beautiful blue eyes and the blondest of blond hair. He shares his name with Fionn Mac Cumhail. This is frequently anglicised as Finn Mac Cool. Finn Mac Cool is one of the most celebrated heroes in Irish myth. Mind, Body, Spirit Healing vs Traditional Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis The word "psychology" is the combination of two terms - study (ology) and soul (psyche), or mind. The derivation of the word from Latin gives it this clear and obvious meaning: The Magic of Tarot Card Reading The magic of the tarot was obvious to me the first time that someone confirmed that my tarot card reading was accurate. Of course, the first time that I did a tarot reading for someone else I really had no reason to believe that the reading I was about to give could be so revealing. I was amazed at the words that sort of just came out of my mouth, all by themselves. And I couldn't have told you a minute earlier what I had in mind next to say. The words were just there, and I was speaking them. ![]() |
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