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Mind, Body, Spirit Healing vs Traditional Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis
The word "psychology" is the combination of two terms - study (ology) and soul (psyche), or mind. The derivation of the word from Latin gives it this clear and obvious meaning: The study of the soul or mind. This meaning has been altered over the years until today, this is not what the word means at all. The subject of psychology, as studied in colleges and universities, currently has very little relationship with the mind, and absolutely nothing to do with the soul or spirit. It is important to understand that words and ideas are supposed to refer to something. "The tree in the yard" refers to an actual thing that can be seen, touched and experienced. "The walking his dog at dawn" refers to an actual event that can be seen, observed and experienced. The realm of mind is an actual realm that can be experienced, and at one time there were words that accurately referred to this realm. Dictionaries define "Psyche" as: The spirit or soul. Dictionaries define "Soul" as: The spiritual or immortal elements in a person. A person's mental or moral or emotional nature. Traditional psychotherapy/psychoanalysis fails to address the all-important relationship to one's true spiritual nature. Traditional spiritual practice often bypasses -and thus fails to transform - the psychological conditional patterns and unconscious beliefs that arise from our personal histories and adaptations. In modern psychotherapy we treat symptoms because symptoms can be quantified and identified, or so it is claimed by traditional modern medical and psychiatric practices. Thus Emotional Pain is described in terms of symptoms-Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Self-Esteem issues, Mood Swings, Compulsive Behavior, Chronic and Acute Fear, Self-Injury, Suicidal Thoughts, Shame, Guilt, Eating Disorders, or Addictions) does not heal itself. Time, marriages, children, success, wealth, buying a bigger house, or faster car, changing jobs or relocating will not CURE it. The damage is sometimes very deep, pervasive and profound. It is a soul injury. The person has been robbed of his or her integrity, core identity and trust. Emotional, Physical or Sexual trauma in childhood is 'violence' that does not require force. The child is thrown into a 'state of shock.' For some the memories remain conscious, while others drive them beneath the conscious level. The coping mechanisms the child used are carried into adulthood and impact the person's life on every level-Emotional, Physical, Mental, Behavioral, Spiritual, Sexual and Relationships. While these coping mechanisms were appropriate then, they are a 'problem' in adulthood. Traditional mental health professionals ask: "What is wrong with you?" or "What happened to you?" Asking, "What is wrong with you?" or "What happened to you?" implies blame, sickness and fault. Asking, "What did you experience growing up?" -allows the person to begin the process of discovering the source of their pain and healing the wounds. Traditional psychotherapy/psychoanalysis neglects the fact that we feel, sense, and experience global political mass consciousness, as well as our individual consciousness, like never before. A Mind, Body, Spirit approach addresses all three, therefore opening the door to true balance and healing. Well-being comes from the understanding of the Self, the family, the local community in which we live, and the global community of which we are part. We are each one heart of the Whole; each heart here to express its unique piece of the Whole. Knowing Self creates a sense of "I as a piece of this Whole," different and one at the same time. The process of understanding the Self, the family, the local community and the global community has its foundation rooted in metaphysics. Metaphysics is the science, which investigates first causes of all existence and knowledge. It seeks to explain the nature of being, the origin and structure of the world, in relationship between the ethereal and the physical. Metaphysics holds that the soul or spirit and the physical body are one yet separate; here the applied psychology of religion comes to bear. The metaphysician's teachings help soothe the emotional and physical problems of youth and maturity, illness and death. Herein, a transformational process occurs between the work of the Facilitator and that of the individual. Because the metaphysician or doctor of metaphysics can serve as both a facilitator as well as a source of spiritual comfort, he or she espouses universal spirituality through holistic health. Metaphysical Healing a.k.a. Transpersonal Healing is the process of reconnecting the person with their inner being. Reconnecting can be achieved through meditation, introspection and over time accessing our inner self, however, few people have the discipline, inclination or know how to affect this process. Therefore, employing the help of a professional who practices Mind, Body Spirit Healing/Transpersonal Healing will quickly establish the foundation for empowerment, self-esteem, peace of mind and on-going spiritual and emotional growth. The facilitation of the process is exceedingly easy. The person sits in a slightly reclined position with eyes closed while the facilitator assists the person to access their "Higher self." The "Higher self" refers to the part of you that has the highest possible perspective of who and what you are and why you decided to be here this lifetime. Your higher self loves you more than you can possibly love yourself consciously, and strives constantly to direct your personality self. The "personality self" is who we think we need to be in order to be safe here; the opinions and instincts of our personality self have developed since the moment we individualized in the womb, and perhaps before. The higher self has somewhat of a higher perspective of our human "doings" here. This can be likened to a view of our life path and actions from a helicopter above us. This higher self is akin to our "soul self." I like to call it the "all seeing self"...constantly moving us around on this chessboard of life. This soul self or "higher self" knows just exactly what we need to do at any moment and strives to tell us through such things as dreams and instincts. Connecting with this "higher self" consciously is very empowering. Working with this metaphysical principle is often called "transpersonal" because it transports us to a direct contact with the highest part of ourselves. Consciously connecting the higher self, the subconscious mind, and the conscious mind allows us to have a balanced and complete metaphysical healing. (The subconscious mind is the inductive computer that cannot deduct, but merely remembers all perceptions we have ever had, from any lifetime.) Metaphysical and Mind, Body, Spirit Healing In metaphysical healing, the Facilitator assists the person to connect with the three major parts of themselves-mind, body, spirit, and to go back to the inner child, or "child of the inner light." All things came from light, so internally we are all light, no matter what camouflage (depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, shame, guilt, sadness, eating disorders, substance abuse, etc.) we have adopted to keep our "inner child" safe. We ourselves often do not know any of this consciously, but when you learn it, and consciously give this "trilogy" our empowerment to act in our lives, amazing healing occurs. This is true spiritual healing. We have many bodies that all empathize and work to help one another. The physical is the lowest or most "base" of these bodies, so that when these different bodies have problems that hurt us, they eventually show up in this body. Since all the bodies help each other by drawing attention to some special part of us, we cannot avoid dealing with a problem. The soul directs the attention there by running the "most powerful" emotional experience over and over again - at least vibrationally - so that we will eventually "get it" and look for the original cause... In this the soul reclaiming technique of looking for the damaged "inner child" becomes very important. This is because when we are hurt too badly we sort of "splinter off" or "cocoon" into the child we are at that moment of the most hurt and dis-empowered self. The person we are just continues on doing the best we can to grow and develop. When we become strong enough, the soul urge to become "whole " again becomes empowered, seeks out the means by which we can "reclaim" this "inner child," who seeks to help us become whole again. Metaphysical healing is a very simple process, though its explanation is lengthy. We consciously know of this child part of us and it's pain inside. Unfortunately, we are seldom given the tools with which to reclaim this part of us and unite this inner child with the person we have become now... This transpersonal healing is very complete, much easier and more efficient than you can believe, and wonderfully fulfilling. This is the original abandonment: when we separate off from ourselves because we simply are seeking to learn and grow and the lesson seems way too hard, we become "segmented off," less powerful, and believe we have to be victims. We are all very powerful, incredible "beings of Light," and it is time we took control of that loving power and help each other heal and recognize the beauty of all our "inner child self;" help them become reclaimed and we, therefore, become whole, healed, beautiful beings with a higher perspective of our true spiritual wholeness. Only then, can we accomplish what we have come here to do and recognize our soul's real purpose for being here at this time. The benefits of healing are all encompassing. In working with people for 23 years, I have learned, no matter how urgent or grim a person's predicament seems to be, I know without doubt if they are WILLING to do the mental work of going within to release old beliefs, feelings, thought patterns and forgiving, anything can be healed. The belief that some issues or conditions are 'incurable' whether it is emotions or physical illness, which is so frightening to so many people, only means that the particular issue or condition cannot be cured by 'outer' methods and that the person needs to GO WITHIN to effect the healing. Whether the issue is anger, sadness, fear, guilt, shame, or humiliation there is a negative thought pattern that produces them-thus these consistent thinking patterns create our experiences. A condition can be as annoying as acne or as dreaded and frightening as the 'C' word-Cancer. By changing our thought patterns, we can change our experience, thus healing the condition. The issue or condition came from the inner trauma the person experienced and can be healed-never to return again. Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD specializes in: Mind, Body, Spirit healing for Individuals, Special Issues and Professional Coaching. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening. http://www.gen-assist.com
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Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. -ROMANS 6:11 Authentic Spirituality: Pure and Undefiled Religion Because of the bright lights behind me, the golf balls themselves appeared to be glowing that night as they flew through the air. I couldn't avoid hearing a loud voice over the clicking of clubs hitting golf balls. I'd seen him there before and we'd talked golf. Tonight his balding head reflected the lights of the driving range nearly the same way the golf balls did in flight. But it wasn't his shiny head that was annoying me, it was his foul mouth. Readjusting Our Eye Focus Peter is a man after my own heart. I feel a certain bond with him. Perhaps, it is because he reminds me of myself at times and my friends and family at other times. Or it could be that I see Peter in all of us as we walk the Christian path and strive to serve Christ obediently, and yet, possessing shortcomings that can become our own stumbling stones. 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My husband and I just finished and moved into our dream home. It was a life long dream come true for me. I thought my life would never be complete without it. Now here I am, one year later and I am going through the classic "what's next" question. I am bored and tremendously unchallenged by my career. And try as I might, I cannot think of another thing that interest or pulls me. I journal, I meditate, I read, I research and I analyze and still no answers come. I feel like I am going around and around the same old rut, the same old song. Why can I not find my passion? What is the matter with me? Perception of Freedom Sometimes we're already free but we don't realize it. We don't believe it or act like it? Look! Its Another New Age! There's nothing new about "the new age" except the attitude of the souls participating in it. I bet every soul who chose to incarnate into this particular historical era shook their little energy heads and said, "Oh, no! Not again!" What Makes You A Saint Don't be confused that a saint is a religious leader sort of person who has a particular way of dressing and a lonely life-style. Instead, a saint is a person who leads a simple disciplined life with a motto of "Service Above Self". He is a person who has crossed the barrier that bars from being spiritual. So, if you want to become a saint then you have to work towards crossing the threshold that will lead you into spirituality. ![]() |
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