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Spirit and the Mind-Body Team
Your mind-body team is made up of your mind and your body. No surprise there! Your mind and body are closely related because they can both be ()given to you genetically Genetics Your mind-body team is biologically based. There's no escaping your pear-shaped body (a gift from your mother) or your tendency to tinker with things better left alone (thanks, dad). Many of your traits and characteristics are filtered to you through generation after generation of peculiarly-shaped, oddly attributed, and strangely quirky humans. Although it is true that some of your behaviors are learned from experience, there is logical proof that many are genetic. Consider twins who have been separated from birth. When reunited, they always have more in common than their eye color. Your Creation Either subconsciously or consciously, you look and feel the way you do because of your choice to look and feel that way. You create the face you present to the world (and the one you project to yourself). Looks Sometimes we are unhappy with the way we look because of genetics or an injury. It sounds simplistic, even Pollyanna-ish, but you do not have to feel bad because you don't look like your ideal person! The willingness to muck about feeling sub-par to others because of the way you look is a direct result of what you allow your mind to think. Only you care about the way you look. The rest of us only care about who you are, how you treat us, and how your life affects and intersects our own. Usually, if you are unhappy with the way you look, it is because of something you have chosen not to do. You chose not to wash your hair this morning. Or you chose to sit in front of your computer for six years straight without exercising your body (that was my choice?). It is your choice to radiate what you want the rest of us to see. Feelings and Your Mind The mind is a powerful tool. When you control your feelings and emotions, you create peace for yourself. (You create peace for everyone around you, too.) When you allow your mind to run away from you with feelings that cause wild thoughts and worry, then you are also creating something for yourself. But it isn't peace! Choosing to control your emotions, or choosing to let them control you, is strictly within your own power. You create your own feelings in your mind. You tell yourself what you 'should' feel, and even go so far as to explain 'why' you feel that way. Usually, explaining why you feel a certain way puts the responsibility for that feeling onto another person or event. You cannot change an event that has already occurred. You cannot change another person. But you can change your feeling about people or events to one that is healthy and aligns itself with your best interests. Situational Change Sometimes, your mind and body are altered by external circumstances. Damage to your mind is not necessarily reflected on your body, and damage to your body is not necessarily reflected in your mind. Perhaps you have been physically disfigured or mentally abused at some point in your life. These things happen. The extent to which you allow them to affect you is completely up to you. Your mind-body team is the result of your life experience. In a nutshell, your mind-body team is the result of everything you have experienced, thought and acted upon during your life. Spirit Your spirit is the one thing about you that cannot be altered by any life-event or mind-set. Your spirit fills your body no matter what your body looks like now or how it changes. Your spirit sends the same messages to your mind no matter what mind-set you've created for yourself. Your spirit is yours and yours alone, but it is more than the person you see in the mirror and more than the person you project to the rest of us. Your spirit is a unique piece of God, just as a drop of seawater is a unique bit of the sea. You cannot alter something perfect. Choosing to ignore your spirit doesn't change it. Dissecting your spirit into a million bits only leaves you with a million bits of the most perfect thing you can imagine. You cannot take away from your spirit because it isn't within your power to do so. I think we're put here in these bodies and with these minds so our spirits have the chance to become more. Our spirit's role is somewhat like being a mother. You tell your children what is best for them over and over and over again. You can't make them do it. You have to be patient and loving. You have to step back and just observe them making mistakes (because they're ignoring you anyway). When those children make such a mess of things they don't know what to do, they call you. And there you are. You've been there all along. You may not be able to make the mess go away, but your children are at least willing to follow your advice because they know their way isn't working. Our spirits, like loving mothers, know and do what's best for us. The Challenge Your spirit is unique. It is yours. In many ways, spirit is in your care as much as you are in it's. If you go through life ignoring your spirit, how does it have the chance to become more? How can your spirit grow from the time you are born until the time you die if you ignore it? Maybe, our purpose here is to grow love through communication with spirit. The connection between the mind-body team and spirit must be open and free-flowing at all times. We must learn to pay attention to tiny voices, gut instincts and intuition. After we've paid attention, we have to act. After we've acted, we have to think about what it all means. While thinking about what it all means, we have to be willing to let the meaning permeate what we do and think for the rest of our lives ? we have to be willing to constantly change. Change is the by-product of an open connection to spirit. Change is always a challenge because it can be uncomfortable and it is always unfamiliar. But you cannot change if your connection to spirit is closed. The challenge is learning how to keep that connection open. Each spirit communicates in a different way. How does your spirit communicate with you? Keep searching, learning, growing and changing. You will find your connection to spirit open. Kellie Helget co-founded http://groups.msn.com/BlueladyMuse, an online community that promotes total wellness and offers information about althernative health choices. She believes that by following only what has heart and meaning, we can change the world - especially our own little bits of it. By following her heart and spirit meaning, she has co-created Bluelady Muse, located online at http://www.blueladymuse.com, to promote self-empowerment through wellness to women just like you.
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The Power of Love "There must be a higher love/Without it life is wasted time." Those are the opening words to one of my favorite Steve Winwood songs. What could a higher love mean in your life ? in the life of your clients? A Short Journey to Your Divine Self By invoking an external God to whom we look for help we often lose sight of the fact that we have within us the very power that we seek in such an external force. Now of course I don't just expect you to believe this in the way that religions of the world expect you to believe the converse. Instead I hope to convey here a short but simple exercise that you can do at your leisure to find this very power within yourself. This power emerges from what I call the Divine Self. What is this Self? Well, it's You! Yes, You! Out of the Closet? We may sometimes consider the difficulty that occurs with our acceptance of ourselves and of who we are in accordance with the expectations of others.Do you understand what I am talking about? Or am I speaking alone here? How Old Are You? Some of us might hear from time to time that we are "Old Souls". I remember when I was told this for the first time. It sounded great, even without understanding the deep essence and meaning of it. That expression did not feel strange to me for one reason, I always felt old, even as a young child since the age of 7. I am probably touching upon many different people who share that same feeling from young age too! The Five Essential Secrets of Managing Your Energy Successfully Inspirational author Vernon Howard wrote, "Would you be worried over a $300 house payment if you had $3,000,000 in the bank? Spiritually, that is the way it can be for you." The Easiest Way to Overcome Vanity Vanity - it's easy to mask, easy to forget, and easy to justify. We hide it behind dignity and poise. The sins connected to this weakness aren't quite as severe as those associated with pride, gluttony, and lust. But it can eventually lead up to some serious problems. And it can keep us from becoming an instrument of Christ. Salvation: The Divine Imperative Of the many individuals who were touched through the ministry of Paul while on his second missionary journey, three are specifically mentioned. His first convert was Lydia, a businesswoman; the second was a young lady who had been used and manipulated by her masters so that they could profit financially. But, when she was saved, her masters were offended because their bank account had closed and so they had Paul and Silas taken before the magistrates on false allegations and they were subsequently, beaten and thrown into prison. How To Walk On The Path Of Peace (Part 3) As you grow in wisdom, you will release, more and more, self-limiting beliefs, which are transient, and become aware of the powerful role you play in bringing change to the whole. Our God of More than Enough There is no shortage in the abundance of blessings we are promised as God's children. We should expect to receive from Him if we believe the promises He's given us in His Word. To believe otherwise is to show that we have no confidence in God's word. This would indicate that we believe that He lied when He gave us these promises and throughout the Bible, we are told over and over again that God cannot lie. The Garden of Agony (Part 2) David understood the aguish only those who have chosen to cross the brook Kedron and experienced the Garden of Agony can ever fully know or comprehend. David was a great warrior. As a young shepherd boy, still a child, still wet behind the ears, barely out of puberty, he stood gallantly and fearlessly against the Philistine giant Goliath. When even the most seasoned soldier, veterans in military combat were afraid to stand up against this 9 foot Herculean giant, David with his slingshot in hand went bravely to what most would have considered certain death. The Divine Holographic Energy Field What is the true nature of any illness? Research in Energy Medicine is showing more and more that it is the result of a disruption in the Human Bio-field. This is the energy and information field that informs and orchestrates the functioning of one's Being at every level i.e. thinking, emotional, physical, spiritual etc. Eliminating the Past Most forms of psychotherapy I know either tries to help you accept the past, understand the past, learn from the past, perceive the past differently, or try to take the emotional edge of the past. In spite of all this effort to ameliorate the effects of the past it, in the end, is still inside you and you continue to identify yourself with it. A Dozen Facts of Life 1. Life is a precious gift given to us by the God. Soul Provider I had the intention of writing about Soul Mates but it occurred to me to write more about a Soul on its own beforehand. I believe we need to address what we mean by a Soul before we get into anything else. People Fail in Life Because They Do Not Plan Life is growth. For many people life is like a merry go round. They feel life is going to work, paying bills, spend time with family that is it. You must always ask this question. Is this all I want in my life? Are you utilizing your God given potential? You must make a choice of how you want to live your life. What Does Unconditional Love Really Mean? Unconditional love means unconditional freedom. Love and freedom are two of those words that are interchangeable. Freedom of choice is unconditional love, unconditional freedom. Choice is another of those words that are interchangeable with Love and freedom. Its Ok To Be Human One of the things I have had to deal with since I was old enough to know the difference between good and bad was that it IS NOT OK to be human. How To Meditate Using The Bible Like A Double-Edged Sword Imagine the Bible is a sharp and deadly double-edgedsword, and with it you are able to use the word of Godto fight wickedness by performing miracles like Jesusdid and delegated to us so we could do also. Recovering In The Water It was in the middle of the night and the boat was being tossed in the wind. The crew was stressed? Candle Burning to Petition the Female Saints Here they are, our Ladies of Mercy and Divine Benevolence. Petitioning the Saints for Special Favours has been a big subject in the chat rooms lately, so in the spirit of Christmas and the Goddess energies associated with these martyrs and popularized pagan deities, I have compiled a list that tells you how to use candle burning to request favours. ![]() |
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