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Candle Burning to Petition the Female Saints
Here they are, our Ladies of Mercy and Divine Benevolence. Petitioning the Saints for Special Favours has been a big subject in the chat rooms lately, so in the spirit of Christmas and the Goddess energies associated with these martyrs and popularized pagan deities, I have compiled a list that tells you how to use candle burning to request favours. When you ask the Catholic Saints for help, it is common to write your request on a piece of paper and place it on the appropriately coloured candle. If a totem animal, emblem or object is suggested, you can also place that item, or a picture of that item on her altar as well. If you can find a picture of the Saint in a religious store and place it on the altar that is even better. Saint Agnes Burn a white or blue candle on a Friday to ask for her help to: keep a husband faithful, find a soulmate, or reveal dishonesty in a relationship (find out the truth about someone). Her animal is the lamb. Saint Ann (also known as Anne and Ana) Burn a white candle on a Monday to ask her for a peaceful and happy home. She is the patron Saint of grandmothers, housekeepers, housewives, mothers and women in labour. Petition her for help with the deaf and the blind. Saint Barbara Burn a red candle on a Saturday to drive a way evil, to protect your relationship from rivals, to protect yourself from meddling in-laws, to clear your path of obstacles, to help someone be released from prison and for protection from storms. She is also the patron saint of wives whose men are at war. Her emblem is the Tower. Saint Maria Goretti Burn a pink candle on a Friday to ask for fidelity in marriage, help with an abusive or battering male partner and a pardon from the death penalty. Saint Brigid of Kildare Burn a yellow candle on a Sunday to ask her: to become fertile, for healing, for happiness and health of pets and farmyard animals, to assist with breeding livestock, for inspiration, for literary gifts (especially poetry) and the gift of prophecy. Her symbol is a cow. Saint Clare of Assisi Burn a white candle on a Monday for protection against astral attack and for help overcoming addiction to drug and alcohol. Saint Catherine of Alexandria Burn a yellow or white candle on a Saturday to petition her for beauty, fertility, a peaceful death, confidence, seductiveness and confidence when public speaking. Her symbol is the wheel. Saint Dymphna Burn a blue candle on a Monday for help with nervous disorders, mental afflictions, epilepsy, insanity, obsession and astral attack. Her symbol is a sword pointed downwards. Saint Cecilia Burn a green candle on a Wednesday for success in a career in the arts, particularly if you are a musician, poet or singer. Her emblem is an organ. Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini Burn a white candle on a Sunday to help with matters of immigration, with moving to another city or state or for matters pertaining to health, education or insurance. Saint Helen of Jerusalem Burn a pink or red candle on a Friday to ask for the return of a strayed lover and to overcome sorrow, obsession and unhappiness. Her emblem is a cross. Saint Joan Of Arc Burn a grey candle on a Tuesday to petition her for spiritual strength, freedom from prisons of all kinds (emotional and otherwise) and for ways to overcome rivals and energies. Saint Lucy Burn a white candle on a Wednesday to ask her to help with insoluble or impossible problems, depression, and protection from the evil eye or astral attack, to help you to find the right lawyer and to conquer temptations or addictions. Saint Martha Burn a green and/or a white candle on a Tuesday to ask for aid with financial problems, the necessities of life, to bring a lover closer, to keep a husband or boyfriend faithful, to subdue or conquer romantic rivals or enemies or bring a new love. Her symbol is a dragon. Saint Philomena Burn a pink or green candle on a Saturday to help with desperate situations, problems with children, unhappiness in the home, the sick, selling real estate, food for the poor and mental illness. Philomena is a favourite of single mothers. Her symbol is an anchor. Saint Rita of Cascia Burn a white candle on a Sunday to assist with an abusive relationship, to relieve loneliness, for deliverance from evil and for spiritual fortitude and strength Saint Therese of Liseux Burn a yellow candle on a Wednesday to be loved by all, for popularity, for help with addiction and alcoholism, for protection from black magick and to restore faith. Her emblem is a bouquet of roses. Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click herehttp://www.insomniacpress.com/author.php?id=110You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com
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Does it take the spotlight off us in drawing attention to someone else? ![]() |
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