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Whats Up With the Bad Reading?
A lot of times when I am reading people on the site I notice people talking about having a "bad reading." By that they usually mean that the psychic pulled a so-called "bad" cards, such as the Devil, The Tower of the Ten of Swords, in answer to their question. First of all, you need to realize that there is no such thing as a "bad" reading. Usually "bad" means that the reader pulled cards that don't agree with your idea of what the desired answer to your question should be. Many of the "bad" cards are cards that indicate change. Most people fear or resist change as we all have a basic fear of the unknown. There are a few cards in the Tarot that I know put the fear of God into trembling clients. These are the Tower, The Devil card, the Ace of Swords, the Ten of Swords and the Nine of Swords. Of them all, possibly the worst one, in terms of sheer bad luck is the Ten of Swords, which can indicate cruelty from another person. The Ten of Swords usually indicates that a strange twist of fate as well as the wresting of control of your life into another's hands. The Nine of Swords, on the other hand, indicates an emotional anguish that may be perpetrated by the questioner. In other words you may be doing it to yourself by holding on to a drama or an emotional drama from the past. In some ways that card is actually lucky as it shows that you hold the key to your own psychological prison and have the power to let yourself out. When I see the Nine of Swords in a reading, I know there is still hope for the individual to regain control over his or her life. It usual indicates that the person is willingly relinquishing or giving control to someone else. This is much different than the Ten of Swords indicates that the questioner is truly more helpless, may be suffering a genuine loss or is the victim of genuine cruelty. Saturn, the planet of discipline and limitations, rules the Ace of Swords. Although this card can represent a loss, it is also a card that bodes the swift, just and righteous conclusion of a matter. There is not usually great suffering along with the Ace of Swords although the changes it can bring can be a bit of a shock to the nervous system of the questioner. This card also has a positive twist to in the sense that it can mean that you have paid a huge debt to your Bank of Karma. Ultimately, the Ace of Swords represents a change. For better or worse, this change is usually the right one for you. The Devil card does not always bode gloom and doom. Sometimes it means fun and games. It represents the most playful part of human nature. It represents all Seven of the Deadly Sins. If you don't like food, sex and material things, then you might definitely see the devil card as being bad. In a love reading it can mean that a relationship will finally be consummated or the beginning of an affair. It can also be seen as a good card in a business reading as it can mean the signing of a contract. It can also represent a manipulative move that is about to be made that is actually to one's advantage. As it is a card that represents civilization and man's triumph over nature (often interpreted by many as God's intentions), it bodes well for creativity, innovation and invention. Also where the card is positioned in the spread can have a great impact on the severity of its meaning. For instance if you are asking about having an affair with a married man and you pull the Devil card in the immediate future, then that card would be good news for you. However, if you were the wife asking, "is my husband cheating on me" the answer would have more negative implications. If you pull the Tower card, but positive cards surround it, it can mean the collapse of a situation for the better. If the Tower card is in the position that describes, "How others see you" you might simply be a drama queen rather than facing any real trouble in your life. This is why it is important not to jump conclusions or react immediately if the psychic seems to pull a card that has a reputation as a 'bad card'. These cards are like clouds. Many of them boast silver linings. Also, after getting a reading it is important to remember that what you are hearing is not necessarily "absolutely gospel." The true purpose of Tarot is to allow you to conceptualize the situation, so even if you get "bad cards", you have the opportunity to prepare for these changes or even in some cases, completely avoid them. Ultimately there is no such thing as a "bad" reading and if you fear the outcome of a reading, there is really no point in torturing yourself. Many people so fear the so-called "bad" Tarot cards to the extent that they actually manifest them in the spread as the psychic can attach to their hopes and fears. The best thing to do is ask the question and then be prepared to be accountable for your own reactions to the cards as the psychic is not "liable" ethically or emotionally to suffer your displeasure or anxiety. Asking a question of the Tarot, without fear, desire or anxiety attached to the matter, is the best way to receive the most accurate answer. Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click herehttp://www.insomniacpress.com/author.php?id=110You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com
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Here I intend to address these questions and to give a fresh perspective on how to achieve what I will define as Spiritual Integrity. Resonance Have you ever heard something that really "resonated" with you? I'm sure that if you are in tune with yourself emotionally, physically and/or spiritually you will know this experience well. Have you however ever reflected on what it means when something "resonates" with you? Pebbles of Wisdom Coming face to face with yourself in the space between the beginning and end of the transitions in your life is a scary place to be. Going backward in not an option. Going forward is just as unimagineable without a road map. It's where your soul meets the devil. It's where hope and hopelessness are synonomous. You come face to face with your demons as your self protective ego runs scampering into the darkness realizing she no longer fools you with her grandiose schemes and plans. And without the protection from your ego your old self defeating habits take over your life and side rail your best intentions to be that productive person you long ago ceased to be. Trust is Prosperity A while back the Lord had given me this message which has prompted me to study it further and find out just what He meant. He told me, "Trust is Prosperity". Somehow I felt His love surround me and I wasn't quite sure what He meant, but I knew that my trust in Him would prosper me in ways I had not even thought about, not just financial. Prosperity engulfs many things, both physical and spiritual. It could be our health, our attitudes, the condition of our spiritual life, and somehow I think the financial end of it is on the far end of this prosperity. I realize that first we must be spiritualy whole before the material prosperity ever enters in to the picture. 10 Ways Your Dreams Can Enhance Your Life The ultimate purpose of dreaming is to provide you with daily guidance in your Life Journey ? to help you find the best way to solve problems and open your eyes to new opportunities so that you can be happy and feel complete. In fact, dreams most often relate to your circumstances of the past 24 to 48 hours and can assist you in the immediate future. The Traitor Within Life is like an obstacle course in which we run like an Olympian athlete and at times getting nowhere. We exert a lot of energy trying to avoid life's ditches, jump over the potholes, leap across stumbling blocks, miss the dangers, and somehow sidestep the troubles. Of course, we could significantly improve our quality of life if we took the time to seriously think through our responses to situations. A load of troubles can be alleviated by a little forethought, a little preparation, and a little contrivance. Special Washes Attract and hold your family at home with some unique spiritual & New Age special washes inherited from the Hoodoo practice which combines elements of African and European magical, religious, and witchcraft traditions and a little bit of the Native American use of herbal and botanical wisdom. Creating Our Own Emotional Chaos It's amazing how - even when we're working from a "higher vision" - we still see the people, the events and the circumstances in our lives with the same perspective: our own! It's "only human" to always be able to see how right we are in any given situation, and it's always difficult - and sometimes impossible! - to look at ourselves and our actions through the other person's eyes. But if we really want to grow - if we really want to know who we are - then we have to be willing to look at ourselves a little more objectively - a little more realistically - then we're used to doing, and we have to be willing to accept responsibility - both for the way we express ourselves emotionally, and for the effect we have on other people through that expression. Why Angels, Why Now? The Angelic realms have been very active throughout the human experience. They-as brilliant aspects of your Source-have been offered as protectors and teachers for every one of you. And yes, it can seem very difficult to know this when you see it, as we are talking about the Angelic Realms, the Dimensions of Light, both of which are not always visible to the human eye. 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