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Thinking Out Loud (Questions) Part one of a two part Series
(Channeled) Roy-when does the end of physical life come? Is it when the body finally breaks down, or when the soul decides to abandon it? What happens to the ego that has lived a life of non-fulfilment? When is it over for this soul? Does the feeling of non-fulfilment come from not being aware or not being in touch with the soul's purpose? If no life is wasted, why is it that some lives seem that way? If I can list the positive things in my life and still feel unfulfilled, have I wasted my life? Is it because those positive things where not in harmony with what the soul desired to experience? Is it possible to come to this world and not experience what a soul intended? Are these life forms dysfunctional? How can we live fifty to ninety years and do many wonderful things and not feel anything? Should an observer feel something even if his/her purpose was to simply watch? Why is it that people have accomplished many great things using their natural talents and gifts, to be left empty when it is finished? Is it because the lives of these people are focused in the now, in doing the creating? Once their life's projects are completed, have they lost their purpose? Have they found where life is? in the moment of creation? Is their fulfilment experienced only in the act of creation? Is this why some life's projects never get finished, because the focus is never on the finishing? When interest is lost these people move onto another creation, always in the process, but never finishing it. Does an unfinished life's project offer future involvement, another opportunity for them? Can satisfaction be found in an unfinished life's project? Is joy or fulfilment found in starting life's projects that others can finish? Is it the purpose of these souls to create motion so that others can be motivated to finish? To start life and then observe how it proceeds? Does the dissatisfaction come from no one finishing what he/she started? Do all of life's projects have to be finished or has the creator taken the life's project as far as it will go because of limitations a soul may have? Are the points at which life's projects are stopped, symbols or points along the way that say, I can't go any further, or are they saying, it's another turn here? Would this personality have a verity of diversified life's projects and interests? Is the whole exercise a way of looking for one's truth, for one's purpose, and when it is not found in the life's project is it abandoned? Is this personality doomed to a lifetime of looking? Are seekers ever satisfied, ever fulfilled? Is it because the soul forgets its purpose or because it got off at the wrong place or lifetime? Is it because it has changed its purpose and wants to return to the oneness, or is it simply lost? Are these souls here trying to make the best of a unintended situation? Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom. You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same. Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS. Visit Roy at: http://www.klienwachter.com
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Achieving Spiritual Health Spiritual health is generally an overlooked aspect of healing. However, it is actually the ultimate goal of holistic medicine, and leads to a heightened awareness of the Divine Spirit referred to by all religions. It doesn't matter what name you give it. What matters is that you come to know and attune yourself to its guidance in all areas of your daily life. Doing so will reduce your feelings of fear, and provide you with a greater capacity for loving yourself and others unconditionally. It will also help you reconnect to your special talents and gifts so that you can use them to fulfill your life's purpose." Beware of the Lobby Lizards Our church is infested with lobby lizards. They crawl around the lobby of the church while other activities are going on as if they already have mastered the topic the pastor is discussing. Maybe they have memorized the Bible so studying it in a small group isn't necessary. Whatever the case, the lobby lizards are multiplying! Soul Provider I had the intention of writing about Soul Mates but it occurred to me to write more about a Soul on its own beforehand. I believe we need to address what we mean by a Soul before we get into anything else. Youre Standing Between Two Clouds On one side there is a dark cloud. It is full of pain, sickness, disease, poverty, and death. All of the curses talked about in Deuteronomy 28 are swarming in circles. The Who Am I Koan When we ask ourselves the question who am I in earnest, we have this expectation that we can answer the question. A Short Journey to Your Divine Self By invoking an external God to whom we look for help we often lose sight of the fact that we have within us the very power that we seek in such an external force. Now of course I don't just expect you to believe this in the way that religions of the world expect you to believe the converse. Instead I hope to convey here a short but simple exercise that you can do at your leisure to find this very power within yourself. This power emerges from what I call the Divine Self. What is this Self? Well, it's You! Yes, You! 40 Days and 40 Nights I am beginning a journey starting tomorrow. I have decided that doing some serious soul searching is in order for me. I have been getting messages so to speak that make me realize I am changing into someone I don't particularly like right now. I feel ashamed and unworthy as a spiritual person and I need this chance to prove my worth not only to my self but to the One who created me. I am making some promises on this day, that I intend to take seriously and to heart, not just to heart though. I need to take this into my soul. Our God of More than Enough There is no shortage in the abundance of blessings we are promised as God's children. We should expect to receive from Him if we believe the promises He's given us in His Word. To believe otherwise is to show that we have no confidence in God's word. This would indicate that we believe that He lied when He gave us these promises and throughout the Bible, we are told over and over again that God cannot lie. Standing in the Gap I'm weary of saying No to my children. Not just the everyday No's. Don't hit your brother and No, you cannot have 5 pieces of candy. I am weary of the No I am continually saying to our culture. The world is bound and determined to take away my children's innocence. They want my children to grow up way too fast. They want my little girl to dress like an adult. They want my little boy to know things he is way too young to know. I'm weary of saying you can't go to that movie, because it is not appropriate for your age. No, you can't wear what everyone else is wearing, because it is not appropriate. The straw that finally broke the camel's back was when my son walked in while I was watching the news. He asked me, "Mommy is it true that men can marry men and women can marry women?" "Mom, if two women marry can they have a baby?" My son is 6. I don't want to be discussing sexuality with him much less homosexuality. So, I told him that no men can't marry men and women can't marry women (for now anyway) and that women with women cannot have a baby. (Don't get me started on explaining how they can). I should not be having these discussions with my children, but I'm being forced too. What happened to childhood innocence? The Healing Power Of Forgiveness Forgiveness breaks all bounds of repression and depression. It liberates the psyche from bondage to the past. Abundance As Spiritual Birthright I am going to remind of some simple, yet important things, that you should already know, but perhaps need a reminding of just now. I know that I need reminding from time to time and suspect that you may also need the same 'straight to the point' reminders. God Versus the Gods Aristotle referred to happiness as the most we can achieve. Demons and gods were interchangeable in the time of Homer when people had far less institutionalized manipulation of their thoughts and soulful understandings. What is the 'anima' referred to by Aristotle and other sages? Sheltered in the Arms of God "Mama, save me!" Geralds Story - A Tribute to Valor John 15:13Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. An Analysis of Western Mans Guiding Presuppositions An analysis of Western man's guiding presuppositions, A Review of the book "Impulse of Power" by Jack Kettler Penthouse or Basement? The Spiritual Realm is Topsy-Turvy Am I dreaming? The sign outside the skyscraper reads: "Spiritual Realm." I hurry straight to the elevator. "Up, please," I tell the operator. The Problem with Anger As Christians, we know we need God in every aspect of our lives do we not? We need God to work on us because some of us are so spiritually immature that it is hard to distinguish Christians from non-Christians. Thus, God commands us to do certain things for our own sake ? not His. God wants to teach us how to move beyond ourselves to others. God knows we cannot make it to His kingdom until we learn how to sacrifice our needs, our wants, and our desires, for the good of someone else. In other words, until we learn how to love one another, even the unlovable. And, we can never love until we get rid of the anger. Footprints and Monuments - Slow Down Every month I usually sit down and write an article around the topics of leadership, teamwork, vision, or self-improvement. However, this month I am only passing on something that came across my desk a few days ago. If this means something to you - pass it on, if not simply delete it and be looking for next month's article that will surely help you live your life to your potential. Kindness There is an inherent generosity in the human spirit to be of help, to be of service to others. What is it that makes us decide to be of service. What is it that inspires us and encourages us to be of support to others? What is it that makes you want to serve others. 10 Commandments I thought I would draw this article up as a reference page in the event any of you would ever need, at a quick glance, exactly what the 10 commandments are. Most Christians do not have all of them memorized. I will actually type out the specific Bible verse the 10 commandments comes off of as God makes some additional statements under some of these commandments that is usually not written down when you see little tablets of the 10 commandments at your local Christian bookstore. ![]() |
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