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Gilligan Finds Jesus!
One day Gilligan ventures off as usual into thejungle. After a few hours the Skipper knowsGilligan's absent-minded behavior, gets a littleworried and goes trotting off looking for him.After a while the Skipper hears Gilligan's squeakyvoice in the distance yelling, "SKIPPER, SKIPPER,SKIPPER HELP!!!!" The Skipper follows his voiceand finds Gilligan stuck in a quicksand pit withonly his head showing above the surface. As usualGilligan has got himself in a mess that only theSkipper can get him out of. The Skipper looks indisgust, yet with a feeling of no surprise andreluctances pulls Gilligan out from the pit.However, not without being tempted to leave hissorry little skinny self in there. However, hereis what we didn't see. While Gilligan was yelling for the Skipper torescue him, the boy thrashed around swinging hisarms and reaching for anything that could get himto a more solid foundation. But, the more heyells, and the more he thrashes he sinks fasterand further downward into the pit until he is upto his neck in thick mud. He physically can't movehis body from the shoulders down. So needless tosay, Gilligan is forced to stop moving andconsequently he stops sinking and buys more timein order for the Skipper to come rescue him fromthe quicksand pit. The moral of the story is this:Each one of us has at one time or another foundourselves in a state of mind like our friendGilligan. We struggle in the quicksands of life'sexperiences We get lost from God, bound by Satan'slies and we cry out for help. "Oh God, please helpme with this situation. We don't hear from God onin our time frame so we think God is not hearingus. So what do we do then? We yell louder, wethrash around more by complaining, getting angrywith others and we grow impatient with God. Wemight even take on the attitude, "I'll figure outa way to get out of this on my own, thank you verymuch." All the while we keep sinking down, downand down. Then, when everything has surrounded usand we have a chokehold of life around our neckswe find ourselves having a feeling of beingparalyzed, weighted down with life's burdens andfeelings of hopelessness. But miraculously this is about the time God tendsto show up, so we think. We finally have beenforced to stop trying to do it ourselves; our armsand self-centered attitudes have been beaten downto the point of total emotional exhaustion. Wefeel we just can't do this alone and we decidethat our prideful nature has gotten the best ofus, and our way is really getting us nowhere. Itis only then, that we become still in our heartsand start to listen for that quiet voice of God,who really has been there all along. When God seesthis he reaches out his hand and pulls us out tosafety and strengthens us with peace once again.Hopefully, by our own experiences in life we learnfrom this old boy Gilligan; living for anotherepisode of life taking us that much closer intothe presents of God. Points to Ponder: Are you growing impatient with God about somethingin your life? Are you not trusting him enough andhave the attitude that you can do it yourself? Doyou hear God's still quiet voice speaking to yourheart, but avoiding it? The Challenge:This week take your worries, write them down onpaper. (Be specific) crumple the paper in yourhands and throw it in the trashcan. This will be asymbol of you trusting God to pull you out of yourquicksand pit. The key is to leave them in thetrash. If you don't God can't help you accordingto his word. We live by faith not by sight! Greg Ryan is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT series. A powerful five step plan to better your life, get healthier, and have more energy! For FREE mini Course click here! http://www.resolutions.bz
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Everything is Happening for the Good When we feel that something has gone wrong and are very much disappointed then people will console us saying "Probably, there is some good in whatever is happening to you". Here I would like to comment on this saying. Firstly, don't think that people console this way. It is the truth that there is some good in our present situation. The reason behind this is that how can God, our Creator, put us in trouble? It is lack of our faith that we are feeling that wrong has happened to us. Secondly, its NOT PROBABLY but DEFINITELY there is some good in our present situation. At this time, we may be feeling bad but sooner or later we will discover that whatever has happened to us was good infact. Authentic Spirituality: Pure and Undefiled Religion Because of the bright lights behind me, the golf balls themselves appeared to be glowing that night as they flew through the air. I couldn't avoid hearing a loud voice over the clicking of clubs hitting golf balls. I'd seen him there before and we'd talked golf. Tonight his balding head reflected the lights of the driving range nearly the same way the golf balls did in flight. But it wasn't his shiny head that was annoying me, it was his foul mouth. Thank You Lord, Most Graciously There are moments in the believer's life when the Spirit of the living God gets in us and gives birth to thanksgiving and holy reflection. Moments when we really comprehend how good God is and how good He has been. Not only how good He has been in general, but how good He has been to us particularly. We reflect upon how He stepped into our own situation, how when nothing else could help, His love lifted us. We ponder how in those times when we were down and could not hear anybody pray, He spoke to our hearts and lifted our burdens. Destroying Strongholds Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai, "Go, assemble all the Jews who are found in Susa, and fast for me; do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maidens also will fast in the same way." ESTHER 4:15?16, NASB God Lives and Heals Today I have a confession. Addiction and Confession ADDICTION: - There are numerous obsessions and addictions which prevent the soul from healing or achieving its potential. Father Leo Booth and John Bradshaw have written a book on religion as an addiction that I have quoted in many other books so I will present another side to the issue here. Acknowledging the Existence of Your Soul Talking about your "soul" and the deeper things in life is so frequently considered as spun out or weird in modern, take-away-eating, order-it-on-the-internet life, but if you are one of these people, you'll find that letting go of socialistic trends like these will free you in a way that you simply cannot be freed in a materialists world. God?s Message to You As I sat down today to write this article, I went through my usual routine of sitting still and listening to that voice that comes from inside of me. I do this all the time when I sit down to write an article, or before I give a speech, or before I answer an email or before I coach someone, or before I do anything basically. I do this because this is how I communicate with God. This is how I connect to my spirit. Talk About Purpose What better example than Jesus' life to explain about having a life's purpose? No other example I can think of, can you? Genetically Predisposed to Faith Have you ever wondered how much faith you really have? If you are like me there have been times in your life when you question how much faith you have: times when you doubt your ability to cope with personal difficulties, and times when the threat of terrorism or natural disasters feels overwhelming. This is the time to strip away your inhibitions and use your imagination to find more faith. Contact an Expert Let's say that you have discovered your purpose but you don't know how to go about obtaining God's purpose for your life. You don't know what to do next. How do you start? How do you go about changing from your present occupation to finding a career using the purpose God gave you? Writing Letters to God Many of you come to this site because you are a Seeker. You are looking for something -- answers to a problem, a relationship, a better career, more money, and/or the return of a lover. Some of you are trying to strengthen your connection to your higher self or to God. Others just need to talk, get an outlet for you feelings or feel that someone else understands you. Many of you feel lost or abandoned by God, or feel that your faith in the future has been shaken because someone has been cruel to you. You are all looking for solutions or answers to a question of some kind. The important thing is to realize that the answer to any question you may have is actually within you. Time Changes-- Spring Forward Or Fall Back! In the game of billiards there are two things youwant to avoid. First, never scratch (put the whiteball in the pocket) you forfeit your turn.Second, if at all possible do not end up behindthe eight ball. If you've ever been there you knowit can be frustrating. The options you have arelimited and the black ball has forced you to playits game not yours. In the "art of war" generalsmain objective of their mission is to keep theinitiative, in other words always hold theadvantage. If they don't, missions are compromisedthe war is strung out and worse yet, lives are putin jeopardy. Stress & Spirituality, Part 1 Stress & Spirituality ? How Spirituality Affects Stress Levels Confessions of a Limousine Mystic! Observations from the Town Car... "Home James!" Bringing Heaven to Earth: Applying Spiritual Principles Consistently Over Time I am often asked to explain what I mean by becoming a spiritual scientist ? in other words, what's the science part? Because these terms are being bantered about quite liberally these days, I welcome the opportunity to clarify what for me is a simple and profound process. Games to Play With Tarot Cards The lighter side of Tarot deals with games played using this deck of uniquely peculiar cards. These range from the highly complex to those a four-year-old can play. "Zarcana," a complicated game encompassing battles, voyages, life, death, love, loss, and more can be played indefinitely ? or until one player in a winning position decides to declare the game finished. Another game appeals to the younger set because of its much simpler rules. Each player is dealt a card and whatever image is on the card, the player must enact a semblance. This can be quite humorous and fun for younger children. Imagine the delight when a player is dealt The Fool! Angels Amoung US - We Reap What We Sow! John Eldredge writes in his book Waking the Dead,"God what do you have for my heart today?" Hecontinues by saying, "you may be stunned by whathe guides you into. Starved Spirits, Sorrowful Souls Give us today our daily bread. Matthew 6:11 (NIV) The Two Most Important Commandments - Love Love is mentioned well over 350 times in the Bible. I'm sure God must be trying to tell us something. We will start our study with Matthew 22:37-38; And He replied to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the most important and first commandment. ![]() |
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