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Time Changes-- Spring Forward Or Fall Back!
In the game of billiards there are two things youwant to avoid. First, never scratch (put the whiteball in the pocket) you forfeit your turn.Second, if at all possible do not end up behindthe eight ball. If you've ever been there you knowit can be frustrating. The options you have arelimited and the black ball has forced you to playits game not yours. In the "art of war" generalsmain objective of their mission is to keep theinitiative, in other words always hold theadvantage. If they don't, missions are compromisedthe war is strung out and worse yet, lives are putin jeopardy. Every year in October we set our clocks back onehour and in the spring we set them up an hour. Forsome reason it feels better in the spring settingthe clocks forward even though we lose an hour ofsleep. Moving forward in life, having a positiveattitude and living our lives on Gods terms isexactly the life God has always wanted for us.Have you ever wondered how some people livelonger, go through adversity time after time andsurvive, or just seem to be happy all the time?It's probably because mentally they don't allowthemselves to get behind the eight ball or theynever lose the initiative of life no matter whathappens. We can wake up and allow Satan to burdenus down or we can, "CARPE DIEM". In other words,we have choices, we can fall back on our heels andbuy into Satan's lies or we can spring forward inGod's strength love and grace. Maybe that is whythe "Rocky" movies are so motivating. Nothing ismore inspiring than to see a person after beingknocked down get up on his feet, lean forward andpunch his way out of a tough situation. Have you ever felt behind the eight ball in thegame of life? Do you ever feel like you are losingthe battle with Satan? Paul writes in Philippians3:13, "Brethren, I count not myself to haveapprehended, but one thing I do, forgetting thosethings which are behind, and reaching forth untothose things which are before." Here are some suggestions that will help to notget behind the eight ball this week. Admit yourweakness to God. Focus on the important issues athand and so much on the urgent. Get up fifteenminutes earlier than normal so you don't rush outfeeling behind so soon in the day. Pray anddelegate some of your worries to God each morning. This week you may get knocked down off your feet.It may take you a while to get on sure footing andit may take strength of the heart to move forward.But keep the initiative, spring forward and livethe life God has always wanted for you. Don't buyinto the lies of Satan. Rocky didn't buy into thechants of the crowd. You may be surprised what Godhas in store for you. A little faith some forwardleaning and clear vision you can knock that eightball right into that pocket and win the game oflife. Greg Ryan is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT series. A powerful five step plan to better your life, get healthier, and have more energy! For FREE mini Course click here! http://www.resolutions.bz
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Snowflakes The human race had their beginning, and I had mine ? in this lifetime, anyway. The Springtime of Peace The deeper beauty of spring is its process. In winter's last days, as the sun warms the earth, each root and branch awakens to the patterned memory of who it is and what it can be. Life stirs and nature's growth in turn awakens all of us to the glories of being fully alive. The Who Am I Koan When we ask ourselves the question who am I in earnest, we have this expectation that we can answer the question. Picture This (Part One) Picture this state of existence in your mind by closing your eyes after you have read the lines below. Abiding in the Word How many Christian people do you know who are bearing no fruit? Jesus said, "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. (John 15:4) God Loves You With the Love of God Do you ever feel that what you read in some Christian books is not really God's truth at all, but is merely the opinion of the writer, dressed up in the clothing of truth? Such books are merely imposters and are like the fig tree Jesus cursed-they look promising on the outside, but when you get up close, you find that they, like the fig tree, are barren, written for the glory of the writer and his or her ideas, not for the truth of God and his glory. Anam Cara - Discovering Your Being The more that "little me" allows surrender the more is done. What is done is "good." This, I know, seems a value judgement. It might be better to say that "what is done is joy." No resistance. No getting in the way. No concern for results. Simply trusting what will be will be. This free flow of feeling energy is the experience of joy. Kachina Doll To a shaman a kachina isn't really a doll or a child's toy. Also, it isn't a collector's piece of art or a decoration. However, it is often used that way, and that's ok too. There is a place for that approach in our lives. They do make a powerful addition to any home's decor, and make a great conversation piece. So, if you are a history buff, especially American history, a kachina collection is most appropiate. Kachinas origionally came from the Hopi and Navajo tribes in the American Southwest. If you enjoy sacred art, like I do, add a kachina to your collection. Living by Faith Five verses specify that we are to live by faith. How do you do that? It is like entering a black hole. Those who are in the blackness of night have to feel their way lest they fall into a pit or crash into things. Walking by faith is going through unknown territory. How can you feel comfortable navigating blind? It's like closing your eyes when you are driving at high speed on a congested highway. 5 Paper Management Tips for Christians My favorite scripture is Roman's 8:28. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." Angel Connection ? How the Angelic Realm is Interacting with Humanity at this Historic Time Angels, those divine beings of love and light, are here at this time in greater numbers than ever, to assist mankind in their evolution. KABBALAH OF LOVE: The Secret Power of Ego The Key to True Love... Secrets of Effortless Action Action dakini gets everything done.When wanting and grasping hold swayThe dakini has you in her power.Wanting nothing from outside, taking things as they come,Know the dakini to be your own mind.The essence of mind is knowing.Know that action has no origination or cessationAnd the action dakini gets everything done.Those who do not understand these pointsCan practice for eons and know nothing.So, the heart of the matter isTo know that the dakini is your own mind. Soulstretch: Raising the Bar on Nobility and Nicety In the make-believe world, too, fiction and films are filled with flawed characters fighting their way to selfish goals. Pick up any book on how to write novels and short stories and you see the word "conflict" in bold. New Age Spirituality New Age Spirituality is all about getting back your power. Not that you ever lost it. Sometimes you gave your power away, misplaced it, or forgot you had power in the first place. Good News from Mars (Part 2) Paul is led up a 512 ft. hill, Mars Hill, also known as Areopagus, and there he faces the Epicureans and the Stoics (and others). These intellectual giants represented the philosophical thinking of the day in which Paul lived. And when these PhD's saw Paul, they sneered and considered him a vain babbler (seed picker). They had given Paul audience merely to amuse themselves by listening to what he had to say. Anamchara - Meeting With The Master His name sounds as Finn. He has beautiful blue eyes and the blondest of blond hair. He shares his name with Fionn Mac Cumhail. This is frequently anglicised as Finn Mac Cool. Finn Mac Cool is one of the most celebrated heroes in Irish myth. Energy Fields and Group Healing I have held numerous teleconference workshops where I help individuals experience the effects of a new modality called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) (MRP) which clears negativity from the human bio-field. Elvis Left the Building and Moved in with Me! Years ago no matter where I lived, whether a house was new or not, I'd experience doors opening and closing by themselves, items disappearing only to be found later in the strangest places, seeing people others didn't and being touched by unseen hands. Not only was this unnerving; it was also really frustrating! Each time I moved I'd think "Here we go again! What surprises are in store for me this time?" The True Self as the Hidden Man of the Heart The Apocalypse, or unveilling, is the name given to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. The Book of Daniel is an apocalypse. So is Isaiah. The entire bible is an unveiling of the consciousness of man evolving from the human(OT) to the divine(NT). ![]() |
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