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God?s Message to You
As I sat down today to write this article, I went through my usual routine of sitting still and listening to that voice that comes from inside of me. I do this all the time when I sit down to write an article, or before I give a speech, or before I answer an email or before I coach someone, or before I do anything basically. I do this because this is how I communicate with God. This is how I connect to my spirit. Well, anyway, before I go off on a tangent-as I sat down to write this article and connected to my spirit, I asked the question, "God, what is it you want me to share with the subscribers this week?" And before two minutes was up, the answer came to me. The answer was to share about connecting to spirit, trusting and believing in God and to explain exactly who we are. I thought this was quite fitting for the New Year. Hopefully, one of you' all will read this and make it your goal this year to learn how to connect to, and understand "spirit" and make it a point to always connect to your spirit before making any decisions in your life. Before you can fully understand this, you must understand WHO you are. You are a child of God. I am sure you are already fully aware of the fact that you are connected to your parents through your blood. Maury Poverich (sp?) has made a career out of proving paternity through DNA and blood samples. Well, by the same token, you are connected to God through "spirit." And because of this direct connection, you have access to God 24/7/365. It's sort of like this cell phone plan my husband and I have with T-Mobile. See, we can call each other any time and not use our free minutes (well, we have to pay a little extra for this service but it's worth it.) You are an extension of God. God is with you at all times. He resides right inside of you-in your heart, in your spirit. Through spirit, you are directly linked to God. You! Yes you. By you, I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US. No one is exempt from this. There use to be a song back in the '80s, I think it was Morris Day (the lead singer for the group, The Time), where he would say, "This dance isn't for everybody--just the sexy people." Well, God is the opposite. He's for everybody. Because he resides with you at all times, you have the power to do, be or have anything you desire. I know at times, it may feel that it's just for certain people-the lucky ones, the Chosen Few. But it's not. It's just that others have tapped into something, either consciously or unconsciously, that allows them to create and have the type of life they desire. You can have the same. Really, you can. It's not just for the sexy people (smile). This year, when you are writing out your goals, make sure that you make your number one goal (or at least very close to the top), "BECOME SPIRITUALLY CONNECTED TO GOD!" Now, by spiritually connected, I don't mean that you have to go to church every Sunday. In fact, it is not really necessary that you go to church at all to become spiritually connected. What is required of you is that you BELIEVE that you have access to a HIGHER POWER; that you BELIEVE God is with you at all times-sort of like your B.F.F. (I watched the Fat Albert movie this week with the children. For those of you who do not have children and don't understand the significance of breaking down sayings to their smallest form-B.F.F. stands for Best Friends Forever!) Not only is He your B.F.F., but you consult Him on all things. Make a New Year's resolution that you will spend time with your spirit each day and start living your life the spiritual way. Once you learn how to incorporate the "spiritual way" into your every day life-there simply won't be any other way. ACTION POINT-When you wake up in the morning, before getting out of bed, tell yourself, "I will consult my spirit for everything I do today!" After you take a shower (I don't think you have to consult your spirit on whether or not you should take a shower. I believe I can make the bold statement and say 'Yeah, your spirit WANTS you to take a shower.' (smile)). After you take your shower, start off with something simple. Go to the closet and ask your spirit what outfit you should wear today. Whether you realize it or not, you always consult your spirit when making this decision (unless, of course, you have to wear a uniform). Then consult your spirit about whether or not, or what to eat from breakfast. Consult your spirit about the best route to take to work that will lead to the least traffic jams. Consult your spirit before making any major or minor decisions on your job. Consult your spirit about anything and everything, tomorrow. Make a game of it. Make it something fun and interesting. The more you enjoy it, the more you are likely to do it. Do it for at least 21 days, after that it should develop into a habit. You'll be glad that you did. Dawn Fields is a motivational speaker, author and life coach who teaches how to discover your life's purpose and incorporate it into a lucrative career. Visit her web site at http://www.dawnfields.com and be sure to sign up for Your Life's Purpose newsletter by sending a blank email to dawn@dawnfields.comwith SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Tune in Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST to her live radio broadcast at http://www.dawnfields.com/radioshow.htm
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