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Response - Ability Divine Source
The time has come for the mass population on Earth to respond with each of your Divine ability to connect to your Higher Self, God, Holy Spirit, or whatever name you may give to your Highest and purest Spiritual connection to All That Is in the universe. This is the "I AM" Presence within you. This is your time to utilize your abilities to seek answers for yourself, and learn how to receive Divine Truth in your life on every level of your life. There are many guides and teachers both in this world of physical form, as well as in the Higher realms that are all here to assist you to reach the state of personal awakening to the point where you experience this wisdom as a part of your everyday experience, rather than an occasional glimpse of knowing or higher understanding gained from connection to Divine Source so that you may experience this connection during every waking moment of your life. Divine Truth will always be given to you, and yet it may be difficult to follow as you shed old patterns that no longer serve your highest good in order to embrace new ones that will take you far above what many of you have experienced in this lifetime in your own personal awakening. Each of you has the same ability that others who have a clear and pure connection to Divine Source has, it is only a matter of practice. Your sixth sense is your highest sense of all, and it is time in your evolutionary growth that you fully activated it. Some of you are the way showers. Some of you have become awakened and illuminate the path for others who are first beginning to glimpse their grand spiritual awakening on the personal level. Some of you may look at these words and wonder what all of this means. That is all right. Each of you knows your place, each of you knows that you are a far greater part of the tapestry of humanity than you may realize. Remain humble, regardless of where you are on this path to personal awakening. Have patience for others when they do not understand ? for this is what God has for you ? pure unconditional love and patience. So please activate your God-nature so that you can also have pure unconditional love and patience for yourself. Your time is precious. Your deeds can be turned to the Light ? once you decide to act out of love, rather than any negative emotions. The only motive that will ever serve you is love ? and when this is carried out in your actions, this will return to you multiplied many times more than you can count. Please release all judgment. Please see that each spiritual being is growing at his or her own rate, and please seek to communicate with me when you wish to receive clarity and understanding, guidance and direction. That is what I am here for ? God is in you ? working through you ? living as you, so I ask you only one thing ? to do unto others as you would have them do unto you and to please release all blame. Each being is blameless. Your "responsibility" is a response to your abilities that some of you are just beginning to tap ? and that is your ability to connect to and receive the guidance of Divine Source at any moment you wish to. All you ever need to do is ask ? and my response will be to show you that you, just like many ascended masters, carry this same ability within the depths of your being. Enjoy this journey of awakening. You are as rare as an individual star in the heavens, and your light is needed as much as light is needed upon the Earth. Be Well. Barbara Rose, most widely known as "Born To Inspire" is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation and spiritual/human potential. A pioneering force in incorporating Higher Self Communication the study and integration of humanity's God-Nature into modern personal growth and spiritual evolution. A #1 relationship best-selling author of Stop Being the String Along: A Relationship Guide to Being THE ONE, Barbara's other highly acclaimed books include, If God Was Like Man, and Individual Power: Reclaiming Your Core, Your Truth and Your Life. Her public speaking events, tele-seminars, webcasts, articles and private intensives have transformed the lives of thousands across the globe. Barbara is known for providing life-changing answers, practical coaching and deep spiritual wisdom to people worldwide. She is the founder of Institute of Higher Self Communication, inspire! Magazine, Rose Humanitarian Alliance, and The Rose Group. Barbara works with spiritual leaders to uplift the spiritual consciousness of humanity. http://www.borntoinspire.com
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Not Upon My Convictions but Upon the Blood of Jesus "He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross." Colossians 2: 13b -15, NIV Connect with Spirit Spirit - All Around Us, All of Us, Every One of Us Love vs. Fear - Volume 18 Breaking with tradition, today's article comes from the 9-23-04 edition of Sojomail. Sojomail is produced by Sojourners; an evangelical journal, and calls itself a 'weekly email-zine of spirituality, politics and culture.' I personally object to their use of the term spirituality, because they are decidedly Christian oriented. For them to replace the word 'spirituality' with the word 'Christianity' would be a lot more accurate. I do feel that the good people at Sojourners do have very wonderful intentions. I just wish they didn't feel the need to route all their efforts through Christianity, to the exclusion of billions of the earth's inhabitants. Your Artistic Talent as a Weapon Your creative gift has power. Slow Leak In God's world, everything can be used as an anology to His Word. I'm using this small unassuming small leak in my tire as an example of how if it is let go, can cause a spiritual wreck. Language of Dreams Dreams take us not into ourselves,but out of ourselves. -Richard Jones Meditations From a Spiritual Journey For me, the best poetry stirs my soul; it awakens my spirit through its clarity and simplicity. Its purpose is clean, pointing me towards greater understanding of who I am in this world, or, even better, towards comprehension of the divine that indwells both this world and me. It is this comprehension, this movement towards the divine, that enables each of us to make this world better as we work for justice and an "acting-out" of the divine's attributes. How Its Always Now How do we feel the fullness of life itself? The Success of Servanthood "Who being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant." Philippians 2: 6-7, NIV Do You Experience God? Connor, a man in his late 40's, has achieved everything he ever thought he needed to feel happy and secure. He owns a successful business, has a wonderful wife and two children, and a beautiful home. Yet when you look at him, he doesn't look happy. He looks empty, with no sense of vibrancy about him. Truly Save I can truly say to this day of August, 2005, that if you call on Jesus, he will surely save your life. I'm thinking of a time when I know it for a fact that it was the Grace of God that saved me. The Amazing Possibilities In Your Impossible Dream There was this TV commercial a couple of years back that made me look away every time it came on. It was for some kind of a power saw and the premise was that there was this guy who built furniture for a living. Making Our Self Real "Self-Actualization" is the process of making our self "actual." Our "real self" is our inner being, and it is only when we have integrated our inner truth into our external personality that we can - actually - express who we are and what we believe in so consistently that it becomes our "visible truth." The growth process through which this integration of inner truth with outer expression takes place is called "self-actualization," and - like every other learning cycle in God's universe - it is governed by Universal Law. He?s Jesus! For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses. --HEBREWS 4:15 The Joy of Tantric Massage Originating in what is now modern India; Tantra is at least 5000-7000 or more years old, pre-dating and influencing both Hinduism and Buddhism. Universal Law Primer Universal Law is an invisible influence in every individual's life, whether we realize it or not. It is invisible because we cannot see it anymore than we can see the God who created it. We can see only the evidence of its existence by recognizing its effect on our lives. Universal Law is an expanding and contracting vibration, always in motion. Every soul on every life level is responsible for its own interpretation of the law and chooses if and how the law will be applied within a current lifetime. Life is like Golf In the golfing world, yesterday may have been oneof the most exciting and long awaited days in thesports history. "The Masters" golf tournament isthe most prestigious championships in all of golf,but no more important than to the man that won it.As he walked up the eightieth fairway, I couldn'thelp but wonder what was going through his mind.You see, Phil Mickelson was known as the bestgolfer in the world who never won a majorchampionship. In forty-seven tries he placed inthe top ten eight times and three of them werepreviously placing third in The Masters, yet henever could win the big one. He developed areputation of choking in the last rounds neverable to finish on top of the leaderboard. Two Halves Dont Always Make A Whole Anamchara - The Value of Ritual Let me explain my approach to the practice of ritual. For me ritual is an act of presence. It is presenting myself fully in this moment. It is bringing focused attention to what is now. This is assisted by symbols and representations that I imbue with meaning. This is a feeling engagement with what is of real value in this life. Spiritual Solution for Tensions and Anxiety Realisation and repeated memorization of the true knowledge is the only one solution for this problem. The ignorance is responsible for all the anxiety and tensions. One should know that every one has climbed the time (Kala), which is the running train. Death is the station at which one has to get down. Then every one should face the Lord for the enquiry.After the enquiry one will get either permanent happiness or permanent misery. The journey of this train to that station is the human life, which is only a fraction of second when it is compared to the infinite stream of time set up from the beginning of the creation. To think that the life is very long itself is ignorance. Every one is sitting in a closed compartment and realisation of the truth is the window through which every one should peep to find the infinite time stream. Only on such comparison the human life becomes a small fraction of a second. When the realization is absent and when there is no comparison the lifetime appears to be very long. First one should cross this illusion of time. Similarly, the illusion of the place. The earth looks very large under the ignorance. ![]() |
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