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Do You Experience God?
Connor, a man in his late 40's, has achieved everything he ever thought he needed to feel happy and secure. He owns a successful business, has a wonderful wife and two children, and a beautiful home. Yet when you look at him, he doesn't look happy. He looks empty, with no sense of vibrancy about him. His wife, Brianna. also has everything she ever wanted ? a husband, children, financial security, successful work and a beautiful home. When you look at her, you see a person filled with aliveness and vitality, friendliness and joy. What is the difference? Why are these two people, each who have the same outer things, so very different in their energy? The answer is that Brianna has a strong connection with God while Connor has no spiritual connection at all. The longer I've worked as a counselor, the easier it has become for me to tell the difference between people who know and experience God and people who don't. It is the difference between Connor and Brianna. It is the difference between being full from the inside or inwardly empty. It's not that Connor doesn't want to experience God. He says he really wants to. He sees the difference between him and Brianna and he says he wants what she has. He sees his parents as empty and he says he doesn't want to end up like them, with no sense of passion or purpose in their lives. Yet Connor does not experience God, and the reason is simple: he places a higher priority on having control over money, employees, what people think of him, his wife, and his children than on being a loving human being. He says he wants to be loving, and the times he is loving he feels great, but it never lasts because his desire to control is greater than his desire to be loving. He is afraid if he is loving to himself and others his business will suffer, he will have less money, he will lose friends. His ego wounded self tells him that if he is open and loving, he will be taken advantage of, and that is the last thing he wants. So his primary intention is to protect against what he fears rather than to be loving. God is love, the spirit of love, the energy of love. That love is always here for us when we open our heart. Our heart opens automatically when our intent is to learn what is loving to ourselves and others rather than protect against what we fear with our controlling behavior. To know God is to know Love. To know Love is to know God. When Brianna looks at Connor with love, Connor feels afraid and turns away. If he opens to her love, he fears he will be vulnerable to being hurt. Maybe she won't like what she sees if he is open and will reject him. Maybe she wants more than he wants to give. Maybe she just wants to suck the life out of him like his mother did. Protecting against his fears is more important to him than being loving and sharing love with Brianna. Brianna loves Connor but is often lonely with him because he is afraid to share love with her. Connor complains that he doesn't feel good a lot of the time ? he feels empty. He avoids his emptiness with food and TV, which doesn't bring him joy. Connor complains that he doesn't know how to experience God. I tell him it's not about how, it's about intent. When his deepest desire is to be loving rather than controlling, he will easily and naturally experience God. It's all about intent. Our intent is what we have choice over. Our intent governs how we live, who we choose to be, how we behave. Our intent to love and learn about love opens our heart to the experience of God. If you feel empty, consider that it may be more important to you to control than to love. If you know others who appear to be empty, consider that it may be more important to them to control than to love. Opening to love does not mean that we will be vulnerable to being hurt, manipulated, taken advantage of. In fact, the opposite can happen: in experiencing God, we receive the wisdom and strength to know what is good or bad for us, what is right or wrong for us. In opening to God, we discover what is in our highest good. It is far safer than relying on our wounded ego self. Opening to the Love that is God through your intent to learn can bring you the deep sense of fullness and safety for which your heart and soul have always yearned. About The Author Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process. Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: http://www.innerbonding.com or mailto:margaret@innerbonding.com. Phone sessions available.
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Two Halves Dont Always Make A Whole Wear the Message of Grace: A Work Weeks Devotions As the artist and designer for Ashbach Designs, I want more than for you to just wear a piece of pretty jewelry, I want you to wear each piece as a symbol of your faith. In keeping with this idea, I have created a work week's devotions to go with your jewelry, or another special faith symbol in your life. Each day, meditate on how you can use your jewelry to connect with others, share the message, and remind yourself where your true passion lies. Monday: Connect Colossians 2:2-3 "My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Picture This (Part One) Picture this state of existence in your mind by closing your eyes after you have read the lines below. You Must Feel to Heal! In my work with clients who have physical illnesses there is one consistent observation that I keep running up against. That is the inability to feel one's emotions. God?s Message to You As I sat down today to write this article, I went through my usual routine of sitting still and listening to that voice that comes from inside of me. I do this all the time when I sit down to write an article, or before I give a speech, or before I answer an email or before I coach someone, or before I do anything basically. I do this because this is how I communicate with God. This is how I connect to my spirit. Connect with Spirit Spirit - All Around Us, All of Us, Every One of Us Vacation Pilgrimage I heard recently on a Christian radio station somebody talking about turning a vacation into a pilgrimage or a sabbath time, an opportunity to get closer to God. The speaker said that there is no word in ancient languages equivalent to the word "vacation". While I don't think that's true (the word has it's origins in the Latin), I would agree if she had said that ancient people probably did not generally have time for vacationing since they were often more preocuppied with daily survival. The closest these people may have ever gotten to a vacation could have been a religious pilgrimage. Why Good Things Happen to Bad People One cannot ask why bad things happen to good people without also feeling the same tinge of injustice when we contemplate why good things happen to bad people. This is the question that anguished the Psalmist. He found himself in terrible distress and agony of soul. He says, "My feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold." Spiritual Growth: Measures for How Youre Doing In my yard are quarter-circles of grass growing taller than the rest. There 's also a 12-foot circle with no grass. What explains these phenomena? Alien laser blasts? A Martian landing site? No. The arcs are where we threw lawn fertilizer, and the circle is where the above-ground pool stood. Whether growth is fast, slow, or non-existent, the difference is easy to discern. Gods Will Many may wonder what is God's will, or how do I put God's will into my life? Well let's see what the Bible says about God's will. We must first understand that Jesus wants us to be holy. Let's look at 1Peter 1:13 it says Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written; Be holy, because I am holy. Creating Your Soul-Centered Community Imagine for a moment. It's Tuesday night about 7pm. You are excited and full of energy even though your day has been stressful and long. You have invited a group of like-hearted, spiritually-focused friends together in your living room to share and explore living as Soul. The Miracle of Lexie Chihuahua I would like to tell you the story of a very special little Chihuahua girl. Her name is Lexie (short for Alexa) and I call her my "grand-puppy. " She came to me through a series of miracles that I believe were orchestrated by my son, Brian Michael, before his passing on February 22, 2003. Lexie has brought more comfort and love to me than I can even describe. She has been my constant companion and my live connection with Brian. There is Light at the End of the Tunnel - Just Get Out of Your Way ! There is light at the end of the tunnel, but some days it seems like it is miles away. You have doneeverything you can think of to do, physically or mentally and don't even get me started on the list of emotions that have been involved in the whole process of creating the dream that you have held within your mind's eye.The delays keep coming. You stop and tell yourself several times a day.. there is light at the end of thetunnel... don't give up now. The list keeps coming and we have heard them all... "Plant a seed and watch it grow"and "Rome wasn't built in a day" and still you wait. Terrorists Again - 14 Prayers to Protect Your Family In the last 2 weeks or so, I havebeen posting some prayers to deal with specificissues that my readers have mentioned to me. What is Kundalini? The Kundalini is a pool of energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine and which can be and often is, accessed, allowing the student/victim to use the energy for health, spirituality and creating their life as they were meant to live it. Can You Live The Christ Life? Were you lied to as newborn Christian? I was...let me explain. Hold On! Job was a spiritual man who loved and obeyed God at all times. Yet, God allowed some really terrible things to happen in Jobs life. How to be Led by the Spirit of God The Bible tells us that we need to be led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:12-14, Galatians 5:16-25). Therefore, it is necessary for us to discern the prompting and guidance of the Holy Spirit if we are to live successful lives. Distorted Perceptions Often, in being dishonest about our own faults and failures, we have been far too insensitive and callous toward others who have fallen short. It is really unfair to others becuase all human judgment is partial, one-sided, and superficial. Fishing Around For Wealth In Feng Shui, water symbolizes wealth. The word "fish" in Mandarin is pronounced the same way as "excess". That's the reason why rearing fish is one of the most effective ways to bring you wealth so that you can enjoy a life of excess. ![]() |
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