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Fishing Around For Wealth
In Feng Shui, water symbolizes wealth. The word "fish" in Mandarin is pronounced the same way as "excess". That's the reason why rearing fish is one of the most effective ways to bring you wealth so that you can enjoy a life of excess. To be able to activate the wealth energies in your home, shop or office, you'll need to learn how to set up an aquarium in the right way. When I'm talking about setting up your aquarium in the right way, I'm neither talking about water temperature nor am I talking about ammonia and nitrite levels. I'm talking about how to set up the aquarium based on the principles of Feng Shui to attract wealth. Where do you place your aquarium? The location of your aquarium is very important since you want to place it where it's most ideal to accumulate wealth energies. Of the four sectors of your house, the front and the back have the biggest impact on your wealth. It's not advisable, however, to set up your aquarium at the back of your house. The back of the house, where the bedrooms are usually at, is a sector that should be kept peaceful and quiet. Since there's too much activities and movement generated by the aquarium with the fishes swimming and the filter pumping away, it's recommended that you place the aquarium in the front sector near the front door. What's the shape of your fish tank? You may not know this, but the shape of your fish tank is an important factor that you need to pay attention to when setting up the aquarium. Buying a fish tank of the wrong shape may actually adversely affect the health of the people living in the house (or working in the office) instead of attracting wealth. The best fish tank (strictly from a Feng Shui perspective) is a circular fish tank. Why are circular fish tanks the best? First, circular fish tanks do not have sharp corners (or "poison arrows") which can be detrimental to your health. Second, a circle belongs to the Metal element. And according to the Cycle of Birth of the Five Elements, Metal melts into a liquid state when subjected to intense heat. Hence, Metal is said to give birth to Water (Wealth). The conventional rectangular tank (with 90-degree corners) is considered neither good nor bad so if you can't find a circular tank, go for the rectangular ones. How many fish should I keep? The number of fish you should rear will depend on your element. If you belong to the Water element, you should have either 1 or 6 fish. If you belong to the Fire element, you should have either 2 or 7 fish. If you belong to the Wood element, you should have either 3 or 8 fish. If you belong to the Metal element, you should have either 4 or 9 fish. If you belong to the Earth element, you should have either 5 or 10 fish. It doesn't mean that the more fish you have, the more wealth you'll attract. The number of fish you keep should depend on the size of your fish tank. Afterall what you want is a thriving aquarium. What types of fish should you keep? In general you can keep any kind of fish although the arowana, flower horn fish (Luo Han) and goldfish are good for attracting wealth. Logan Wong is a writer for Feng Shui Metaluck, a weblog offering free Feng Shui tips and resources.
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Creating Your Soul-Centered Community Imagine for a moment. It's Tuesday night about 7pm. You are excited and full of energy even though your day has been stressful and long. You have invited a group of like-hearted, spiritually-focused friends together in your living room to share and explore living as Soul. Spiritual Friendships As we walk along our paths in life, we will encounter several forms of friendships. There will be friends of convenience, friends by association, and friends of the heart. Friends out of convenience are friendships that you might have simply because you both are accessible to one another. These friendships are common in a work or school environment as people are united by place alone. You might even term these friendships as 'associates' instead of friends, because you associate with one another because you feel that you have to. A Tale Of Three Essences Water of Enlightenment, Angel of Peace and Harmony for Nature are a trio of remarkable vibrational essences. They teach, raise our awareness and question what we know by their very existence. These three essences are even more remarkable because they are channelled essences. "Oh boy, this is a hard one to swallow" I hear you say. Just have an open mind and read on. Indian Knowledge and Frauds Iktomi: Here To Stay I am disturbed by the tendency of some people to view Christianity as a trend rather than a way of life. Some take it to the next level and try to make it some sort of a secret club. If you doubt me, just look at the reaction to the 2004 election results. It didn't take the media long to start harping on how "Evangelical Christians" turned the tide and were trying to establish their morality through politics. Pretty soon, newspapers and magazines were filled with angry diatribes of how we had no right to push our beliefs on them, and how we are trying to establish a "wacky theocracy." The only thing more disturbing than this are the people that pick and choose popular aspects of the faith that they believe promise a quick, miracle cure for their problems. They will accept good things like peace, grace, and salvation, but ignore the difficult things like patience, obedience, and sacrifice. The first time they have to wait or give up something, they're out of the game. Carelessness "For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisors make a victory sure." --Proverbs 11:14, NIV Bringing Heaven to Earth: Applying Spiritual Principles Consistently Over Time I am often asked to explain what I mean by becoming a spiritual scientist ? in other words, what's the science part? Because these terms are being bantered about quite liberally these days, I welcome the opportunity to clarify what for me is a simple and profound process. Snowflakes The human race had their beginning, and I had mine ? in this lifetime, anyway. Connect With the Moon Phases to Manifest Your Desires Connecting with the Moon phases, the Full and New Moon phases in particular, is something anyone can do very easily. It is all about energy (isn't everything?) and directing the energies in a positive way. In other words, there isn't anything "woo-woo" about using the Full and New Moon energies, in case certain images of running around naked and chanting in the moonlight are coming to mind! As many of us already know, we as humans, the animals and our planet Earth are highly influenced by the Moon in various ways. How To Change Your Attitudes What type of person grabs your attention and motivates you? Usually it's a person who is very passionate about what he or she is doing. She's on fire and her excitement floods the room she is in. When she talks something inside you gets stirred - the desire also to be passionate about something. Anything! You don't want to leave her presence because you hope that some of that passion will rub off on you. Spirit and the Mind-Body Team Your mind-body team is made up of your mind and your body. No surprise there! Your mind and body are closely related because they can both be Getting Beyond Imperfect Examples & Resistance, to Receiving Loving Guidance & Help from the Father As soon as he saw me I saw him. It was freaky. I must have looked like the anti-son. Long hair hanging out from a bandanna, dark sunglasses, rolling with a couple of older guys I hardly knew. I was even embarrassed that he sighted me. I think he tried to make a gesture of reconciliation. He made a motion towards me and yelled out, "Ronnie!"...I was just gripped when I heard his voice...saw his frame. Then I just slow mo-ed like before a car crash "Nooooo!" It was like a soul Brown-Out. I fazed. It was too much for me. No chance would I go towards him, instead I just ran away...I just bailed. I bolted. There might have been some love there, I just couldn't cop to it. It was gritty. (recalling an unexpected encounter with my father while I was a 17 year old runaway) Faith and Repentance Basics As I listen with pastors and preachers in the body of Christ, I have become to see that we minister to people many times on a level they have not yet reached. This is a very critical point when we start to look at the Sunday morning service. When we come to bible study or mid-week service we have a totally different group of people that we do on a Sunday morning. In the average Sunday morning worship service, if we can be real for just a moment, much of the terminology and Christian jargon is foreign to the ones that we are called to reach. We are there to save that which is lost, and a sinner is need of Salvation is is not going to know what we are saying if we exchange the simple word "Saved" or salvation for the theological term Soteriology. We are, as the say, not preaching to the choir, people that are there every Sunday and have matured in the faith. Tarot Basics A Tarot card deck typically consists of 78 colorful cards imprinted with what many deem fascinating and curious images. The cards, each filled with a particular meaning and portent, most often come somewhat larger than ordinary playing cards and make an impressive display when ritually laid out. This deck of special cards can be used by a trained "reader" for glimpsing into his or her own future or that of another person for whom the cards are read. The Tarot deck, divided into Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, contains 22 symbolic cards and 56 suit cards ? wands, swords, cups, and pentacles ? interestingly also called "pip" cards. The Power Of Prayer - Gush Katif Needs You Now You can't help but feel a sense of electricity in the air. History is unfolding, make that prophecy is being fulfilled, and will continue to be fulfilled daily from now until the coming of the Lord. The most exciting, and challenging times in human history are beginning to unfold with increased intensity each day. How Long, O Lord? A Meditation on Habakkuk In Habakkuk, the prophet cries out in a lament complaint twice, only to hear back from God a very unassuring response: Wait for me to answer. Just Learning To Cope I have been thinking about this all night. I am realizing that there are more and more people dealing with anxiety. I have my opinions in regards to anxiety and I have written my own story in dealing with that. I am thinking of starting a support network for individuals and families dealing with this. Anxiety is debilitating. Anxiety begins with a fear that ends up an obsession. I personally think that anxiety is the result of feeling out of control. You are at a point where your life and world has now become out of control. It is to much for a person to handle and that is where your fear begins. I am no doctor but I know from experience if you have not experienced this you will never understand and you could not possibly. That is why I would like to start a support network. If you are dealing with it you need to be able to access someone who has dealt with it and know YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and I do believe this to be the biggest relief. Anxiety can be a result of feeling alone, a fear that becomes an obsession. I think everyone who has been through this will understand that simple sentence. I am going to give you some examples of anxiety and hopefully some tips. Sunday Dinner No one appreciates mothers enough. In this life, that's a given. The only one who comes closest to a real appreciation is a woman who has become a mother herself, and even she probably doesn't fully appreciate the woman a generation above her. Catch A New Lover With DIY Magic! One night, whilst watching TV, I understood a very useful magical principle which is highly practical and immensely efficient. Anyone can do it - if they really want to, that is! - and although it involves interior decoration, it is easy to do, once you get your head around the basic principles. Kundalini Awakening - Definition and the Path Kundalini Awakening - the sure shot method for awakening of the kundalini. ![]() |
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