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Let's say that you have discovered your purpose but you don't know how to go about obtaining God's purpose for your life. You don't know what to do next. How do you start? How do you go about changing from your present occupation to finding a career using the purpose God gave you? Let's say God blessed you with the talent to sing. You know that you can sing and so do others. But how do you become a singer? Well, the first thing you must decide is on what type of music you are interested in singing. Do you sing country music? Gospel music? R&B? Pop? Classical? What type of music do you like to sing? The second thing you must do is find someone that is doing what you want to do and contact them. Let's say you want to be a Gospel singer. What gospel singer do you admire? Find a way to contact him or her and ask for suggestions on what you should do to become a gospel singer. OK, now the question comes up, how do you go about contacting a well-known singer? Isn't it hard to talk with them? No. It isn't. There are six degrees of separation between you and anyone you would like to meet. Buy the album and see what record label they record on. Call the label and ask for the publicity department. Find out if they have information on who manages the singer or who is the publicist. If there is no manager, ask for a book agent number. Call the booking agent and ask for the manager's number. Call the manager and let them know what you are interested in finding out. Keep trying. Be persistent and you will be able to talk with whatever artist you are interested in talking to. You should be able to get in touch with them through one of those channels: record label, booking agent, manager or publicist. Let's say you want to write a book, or a news column, or an article. Find the publication you would want to write for and call them. Tell them you want to submit an article or a news column and ask what you will have to do. Look at the name of someone who submitted an article. A lot of times the last paragraph will give you additional information on the author. Contact him or her and ask them what they did to get published. Let them know you are interested in writing and would appreciate any pointers they could offer.If you want to be a fireman, artist, fashion designer, comedian, policeman, politician, whatever, simply contact someone who is presently doing exactly what it is you wish to do and ask them any questions you may have pertaining to entering their field. It basically works this way for no matter what you are interested in pursuing. Find someone who's doing it and ask him or her how they went about it and follow their example. Do whatever they did. Suppose someone tells you that in order to get into the field you are interested in, you must have a certain degree from college or a secondary school. But you don't wish to go to school. What can you do? It's simple, ask if they know of anyone who did it without a degree and get in touch with that person and see what he or she did and do the same. Monique wanted to be an event planner. She had planned events all of her life for her friends and family. She was really good at it and thought that she would make a great event planner for a corporation. She didn't know how to start or what she would have to do in order to become an event planner. So she went on the Internet and looked up corporate event planning companies. Most of the sites she went on listed the email address of the employees. So, she contacted them to find out information she was interested in finding out. She wanted to know : 1. How to become an event planner? 2. What should she do to start? 3. What is the average pay? 4. What is required of event planners on a daily basis? 5. What type of events planners are there? 6. What is the best industry to work as an event planner? 7. Are there organizations or associations for event planners and if so, what are the best? 8. Are there newspapers, magazines or newsletters catered to the event planning industry, if so what are the names? 9. How should she go about getting a job as an event planner? 10. Would you be able to give at least three more names of people she could contact? This tactic will work with any career you are interested in pursuing. Regardless of what you want to accomplish, what field you are interested in pursuing, it will work. Dawn Fields is a down-to-earth speaker, author and life coach. Visit her web site at http://www.dawnfields.com and be sure to sign up for Your Life's Purpose newsletter by sending a blank email to dawn@dawnfields.comwith SUBSCRIBE in the subject line and check out her radio broadcast each Thursday night at 9 p.m. EST a http://www.dawnfields.com/radioshow.htm
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Bringing Heaven to Earth: Becoming a Spiritual Scientist Would you like an exciting and wonder-full resolution for the new year?Become a spiritual scientist. Choose to learn the skills of self-mastery,so you can shift out of story-based reality and cocreate your personalheaven on earth. Higher Self: Growing Inside of Us Maybe once in a lifetime, we find ourselves seeking spiritual growth mostly when everything we try to do is hard to achieve. Among the many questions that consequently come out are: Who am I? Why am I here? Is there a Higher Power? What Can You Do In One Day For it is written in Bible in chapter 2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. So what can we do in one day, or should I say, how do I want Jesus to judge me for this day or a thousand years. I like to think that most people would like Jesus to judge them to be blameless and righteous in his sight. We can achieve this by living a Holy life before him. It says in Hebrews 12:14 Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. Understanding the Gospel of Matthew and Why it Matters - Part 7 Matthew 2:19-23The Return to Nazareth Drifting Like a Summer Breeze He knew it was going to happen. He wasn't really surprised.Yeah, if he had to be honest with himself, it hit him kind of hard because he had been with them for so long. But to be honest, they never really showed any real interest in him or his work. 5 Paper Management Tips for Christians My favorite scripture is Roman's 8:28. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." Hold On! Job was a spiritual man who loved and obeyed God at all times. Yet, God allowed some really terrible things to happen in Jobs life. Sing Psalms, Let Joy Resound: A Case For Exclusive Psalmody Ephesians 4:4-6 indicates that Christians ought to practice one single faith. It reads: "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." Dream As Big As God! Sounds like a tall order doesn't it? But I think you'll see that it's what we're expected to do. But you might say, "I've tried that and it didn't work. I'm still sitting in the same place I was. Maybe it's not God's will for me to dream big." Intuition Did you ever get a feeling or gain notion of a specific situation without any logical explanation? Well, that is your intuition. When you least expect it intuition reaches out and hits you with information that you have no idea were it came from. The problem with this type of feeling or knowledge is that we have no logical explanation for it and often do not follow what it's trying to tell us. However, many find that when their intuition is over looked, it later proves itself to be a fact and regret not following it. Well, I will tell you about what happened to me when I ignored my intuition. Zen and Peace (The Road To Lasting Harmony) Presently, many of us live in uncertainty. Due to the world situation and the many changes in society, there is a sense that at any time, our lives may be disrupted. Rather than allow this to cause anxiety, it can be viewed as a wonderful teacher coming to wake us up. This insecurity causes us seek another way of finding peace, one that is not based upon external conditions but that comes from within. No matter what is going on in our lives, it is possible to live from another vantage point, to connect with a basic experience of peace and well-being that constitutes the ground of our lives, but is often just out of awareness. A Testimony of an Ex-Mormon Mormons like to give testimonies. Unlike Mormon testimonies, I will seek to show that the testimony of my conversion to Christianity is based upon the teaching of Scripture. There are many that claim to have had spiritual experiences. It is seen under close scrutiny that these experiences have actually affected how certain individuals interpret Scripture. Scriptures are often reinterpreted in light of the experience. This approach is fraught with dangerous pitfalls. II Corinthians 11:13-15 warns us of false workers who transform themselves into ministers of Christ. In Matthew 7:22,23 we find that there are those who have even worked miracles, but in the end Christ says, "I never knew you." Contentment in Gratitude "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. " 1 Thessalonians 5: 18, NIV Thank You Lord, Most Graciously There are moments in the believer's life when the Spirit of the living God gets in us and gives birth to thanksgiving and holy reflection. Moments when we really comprehend how good God is and how good He has been. Not only how good He has been in general, but how good He has been to us particularly. We reflect upon how He stepped into our own situation, how when nothing else could help, His love lifted us. We ponder how in those times when we were down and could not hear anybody pray, He spoke to our hearts and lifted our burdens. Faith and Repentance Basics As I listen with pastors and preachers in the body of Christ, I have become to see that we minister to people many times on a level they have not yet reached. This is a very critical point when we start to look at the Sunday morning service. When we come to bible study or mid-week service we have a totally different group of people that we do on a Sunday morning. In the average Sunday morning worship service, if we can be real for just a moment, much of the terminology and Christian jargon is foreign to the ones that we are called to reach. We are there to save that which is lost, and a sinner is need of Salvation is is not going to know what we are saying if we exchange the simple word "Saved" or salvation for the theological term Soteriology. We are, as the say, not preaching to the choir, people that are there every Sunday and have matured in the faith. Humility, Not Pride: Keeping Ice Off Your Bow Tony was a professinoal salt-water fisherman. He explained how he cruised out to sea each morning, coming back each evening with his catch. DREAMS, Does God Still Use Them Today? The bible has many accounts throughout time that He used dreams as a form of communication to His people. A few examples are Daniel, Joseph (old testament), Joseph (Mary's husband) and many others. Change Your Outlook on Change Make no mistake about it, change is challenging whether it is conscious or unexpected. Viewing adversity as change, not loss or failure, is part of empowered and positive thinking. Humans develop resiliency through change, both physiologically, and emotionally. It's necessary for all life forms to evolve. Change comes though many vehicles ? some hit us hard, others are rather sneaky. But despite the challenges change brings, we know it is our natural state. It's inevitable ? the world grows and we grow with it fueled by our emotions. We are already designed to cry, express sorrow, frustration, anger, resentment, even give up for awhile ? and most of us choose to explore these feelings. But we are also designed to have hope, recover, be stronger, and inspire others as a result of change. You are never, never alone because emotion gives us plenty in common - as a society, we are not yet Vulcans. What makes one person triumphantly survive loss and turn it into positive energy, while another in similar circumstances resign? It has to do with our underlying assumptions on change. I have two very dear friends; each have had a double mastectomy from breast cancer. Losing body parts is devastating, not to mention living with the daily uncertainty of not knowing whether you continue to remain in remission. Yet one woman has forged ahead as a life-force warrior, focusing on triumphs and wins of today. She doesn't look back. The other has difficulty moving forward ? not engaging in work outside her home, quitting her job, waiting for "something" to happen while in a state of self-imposed limbo. They've processed their information in completely different ways. Why?It's because people want certainty before they decide to accept change. It's a natural reaction. Certainly our culture has become more comfortable with making choices that have predictable outcomes. A current cultural disease we suffer from is predictability, reflected in our inability to accept change at a deeply personal level. It applies across the board to choices we make with our finances, careers, or our relationships. Science, especially when applied to health issues, has given us a false security blanket when it comes to certainty. After all, it seems we've been able to control nature. We like to think we've cornered the market on predictability and good planning, when the truth is we live in a time where prediction is more intuition and common sense than science. To embrace change, we need to release the umbilical cord we think we have to outcomes of certainty. In other words, stepping off of the plateau requires a huge amount of trust. Your fall will be broken somewhere at the right time. Believing that is what allows us to cope. It is the first step, unsupported by any scientific doctrine. And it's a big one. No matter what science pronounces, whether it is in the form of a diagnosis, prognosis, or the state of the environment, there is no sure thing. Science has already given us permission to accept truth with a margin of error in just about anything. There is always the possibility something may exist, or not exist, despite what patterns indicate. Truly, it is a useless endeavor to let science, or proof for that matter, hold you back from moving forward. Whether it is health, or other issues surrounding job loss, divorce, or death, you will successfully navigate through change and elevate the quality of your life by knowing anyone can beat the odds. There is evidence everywhere, not just from Christopher Reeves, Mattie Stepanak, or those whose stories you find in People magazine, but from the dry cleaner, your third cousin, your own child. Almost everyone you know has a story of beating the odds. Let's pay attention to the real evidence instead of looking for ways to prove that we can't make it or the odds are just too great.Adopting a new attitude on adversity requires big picture thinking on the subject of change. View life, and spiritual development for that matter, as an upward spiral where you experience some of the same lessons over and over again. Is it because we just aren't getting what the lesson is telling us? Perhaps, but that's not the only reason. We've deliberately put those circumstances in our chart in frequent doses to allow ourselves an opportunity to see how we've been progressing on the upward part of that growth spiral. Adversity is an inescapable performance indicator ? a frequent reminder of our upcoming 360-degree review in how we handle the bumps. We are meant to be a stronger, more insightful person each time we get walloped. With each business obstacle, make a stronger commitment toward your goal of service to humanity; each time you grieve, become better at comforting others and showing compassion; after each funeral, return home knowing life is a precious gift. With all setbacks, it drives the point home on the one true certainty in life and that is we must use our time wisely to make conscious change in the world. Change is designed to get outside of ourselves and become conscious of our place within a community of souls. Without change, there is no transformation. Change is good, making us stir the self-development pot a little faster! Can Moms Have a Quiet Time, Too? Spending 'Quiet Time' with the Lord When Bad Things Happen (Part 2) The good that Paul writes about is a commitment of life to the sovereign will of God. It is complete trust in God. It is a conviction that cannot be blurred even by the reality of human suffering. ![]() |
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