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Higher Self: Growing Inside of Us
Maybe once in a lifetime, we find ourselves seeking spiritual growth mostly when everything we try to do is hard to achieve. Among the many questions that consequently come out are: Who am I? Why am I here? Is there a Higher Power? Since arguing over these questions surely can bring down a lot of lines, I will present to you some definitions from the common New Age term "Higher Self," which I believe is the very important start of all well being. The Higher Self is your connection to your spirit or spirituality. It is the consciousness of your soul. It is that part of you which is closer to God and has never forgotten its divine connection. It is only concerned and actively interested with how YOU are going to evolve your spirit. Your "Higher Self" does not grieve, feel pain or failure. I also like what Sanaya Roman teaches and explains in her book Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self (Earth Life Book III). Through practical techniques, Spiritual Growth teaches readers how to move to higher consciousness, to their higher selves, and create a vision of their higher self. Thus it could be a great proposal, or any other book related to personal enlightenment. For a better picture, think of the "Lower Self" or ego personality as the contrary of higher self. The lower self is encapsulated within its own desires; once a desire is accomplished, other desires spring up. It never stops. However, spiritual techniques like meditation assist people to switch from Lower Self to the Higher Self, which is used by certain schools of spiritual teaching such as the Golden Dawn and Theosophy. Golden Dawn The Order of the Golden Dawn, a magical group which was founded in England by men with backgrounds in Rosicrucian and Freemason societies, flourished for some 40 years prior to 1920. This occult society admitted both male and female members with equal status and now significant proportions of it's senior officers are female. From the neo-pagan revival to the New Age movement, the Golden Dawn's wealth of teachings still has a profound and lasting effect on all those who seek spiritual enlightenment in the western world. Astrology, tarot, Kabbala and the Egyptian mysteries formed the backbone of their teachings. Theosophy Theosophy is a fragment of the ancient wisdom teaching. The masters of Theosophy, located in Tibet and around the world, preserve and extend this ancient wisdom. Periodically they send a messenger ? Helena Blavatsky - to help spread this teaching to all of humanity. The Theosophical Society is a worldwide association of men and women determined to encourage altruism and compassion. Founded by Helena P. Blavatsky, and several others, it is one expression of a spiritual and educational movement that has been active in all ages. Its objectives are: ? to demonstrate that the oneness of all life is a fact in nature, and to form a nucleus of a universal brotherhood; ? the study of ancient and modern religions, sciences, and philosophies; ? to investigate and share natural truths -- the spiritual, psychological, and material laws and powers found in the cosmos and in the human being. Alma De la Cruz, a staff mystic employed by http://www.psychicrealm.com, has a profound personal history where she has unabashedly delved deep into the heart of occult mysteries for an extensive period of her life. Her name literally means "Soul of the Cross" in Spanish. Currently she is working publishing a manuscript that delves into the mysteries of Hispanic new age beliefs incorporating old insights with new spiritual methodologies. Check out her bi weekly metaphysical column: http://www.newagenotebook.com where she takes a new twist, incorporating Latin shamanistic philosophies with leading edge occult beliefs.
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An Open Invitation "All you who are thirsty, come and drink." ISAIAH 55:1, NCV Remote Viewing and the Body-Mind Connection One of the biggest myths to evolve in the growing annals of new age lore is that psychic ability is the sole province of the mind. Our language reflects it in terms like "mental telepathy" and "mind reading". When we think of ESP (extra sensory perception), we generally think "beyond the senses". But what usually passes for extraordinary mental ability to see distant in time and space actually has an important physical component. Finding Bobbie Fisher ---The Light House: Where Would Your Ship Be? There is an old tradition song called, TheLighthouse and the end of the chorus goessomething like this, "If it weren't for that oldLighthouse?. Where would this ship be?" Gods Will Many may wonder what is God's will, or how do I put God's will into my life? Well let's see what the Bible says about God's will. We must first understand that Jesus wants us to be holy. Let's look at 1Peter 1:13 it says Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written; Be holy, because I am holy. Can People Really Change? MOST PEOPLE NEVER REALLY CHANGE Dear Lord As I sit here and ponder my existence my heart is burdened by much. See I seek you but feel so unworthy of you, unworthy to be looked on by you. My Lord, I too know the pain of betrayal. I know the feeling of deception. I cry out to you in my need and feel humbled in knowing that You first felt the sting of betrayal, You first knew the look of deception and You first were the one to confront the one whom had betrayed You. My heart grows weak with an ache that only You may know Lord. I have my friends as You had Yours. I know the love of family as You knew Yours. I cry out to You, take my pain away from me, then I stop and reflect on the day Your's was given to You. Am I worthy to know the feeling of this ache? Do I need to suffer my own iniquities to feel closer to my Lord? For to know anyone is to walk a mile in the shoes they wear. For as I long to know You, I also long to be as You were. I carry the burden of my own sins, where You carried that of us all. Am I worthy to ask You to walk along side me? I feel that I am not. We Fall Down -- But We Get Up When I first heard Donnie McClurkin's song, "We Fall Down (But We Get Up), I got goosebumps. The second time I heard it I loved it even more. There is a Gospel House remix of the song that is simply off the hook. Alone in a World Filled With Only Me We come into this world alone, we experience physical life alone and we die alone. Quick Reference Guide for Tarot Card Meanings Obviously, if you really want to learn about the meanings of the tarot cards and use them well, you'll spend time studying them and understanding the nuances of each card's interpretation. If, on the other hand, you're looking for a cool party game and want to impress your friends, this "cheat sheet" should provide you enough of a clue about each card's meaning that you can fake your way through a reading. And who knows -- once you loosen up and relax, you may surprise yourself! Why There Are Four Gospels The first gospel written by Matthew,who is Levi, is the first archtype of Christ in you as the fulness of the Godhead. Let Go and Let God As a child growing up, whenever I was worried about something, my mother use to always say, "Girl, don't worry about it. Just let go and let God." Neither White-washed Nor Unmarked When I was 10 years old my father decided to dig a full basement out from under our house. In one corner he pointed out to me a change in the pattern of the packed earth that formed the wall. "Notice how this part is all layered," he said, "while the earth right next to it is not? This may be an old Indian grave." I was filled with amazement. Our house might have been built on top of a dead man's bones! The Magic of Tarot Card Reading The magic of the tarot was obvious to me the first time that someone confirmed that my tarot card reading was accurate. Of course, the first time that I did a tarot reading for someone else I really had no reason to believe that the reading I was about to give could be so revealing. I was amazed at the words that sort of just came out of my mouth, all by themselves. And I couldn't have told you a minute earlier what I had in mind next to say. The words were just there, and I was speaking them. Religion or Spirituality There is a natural tendency to asociate spirituality with religion, but they are very different. That I did not know before I researched and wrote "Spiritual Clarity." Religion is an organized system of beliefs in and the worship of God or gods. Spirituality is finding your own authentic self. Each individual needs to find their own way to spirituality and if that includes religion, so be it. Some people will be perfectly content to just believe as they are told, others will need more. Nothing is wrong with either path. Esoteric & Occult Secrets To understand the nature of esoteric and occult secrets it is worthwhile looking at origin of the words esoteric and occult. Esoteric derives from the Greek word esoterikos, from the root word eso, 'within' . The word occult derives from the Latin words occulere, 'conceal' and occultus, 'secret' . Both of these words, esoteric and occult, are used to describe the study of arcane wisdom, the spiritual mysteries, and magical and hermetic philosophies. All One; All Different -- Addressing Spiritual Reductionism "We're one, but we are not the same."-Bono, U2 Bringing Heaven to Earth: Applying Spiritual Principles Consistently Over Time I am often asked to explain what I mean by becoming a spiritual scientist ? in other words, what's the science part? Because these terms are being bantered about quite liberally these days, I welcome the opportunity to clarify what for me is a simple and profound process. Miracles It is my personal view that the reason we call things that we don't understand "miracles" is because we are trying to understand them within a very limited framework. This framework is that of our beliefs which have been based largely on scientific inquiry and also exclusively on the use of our intellect or rational mind. Be Filled With The Spirit! Be filled with the Spirit.? always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. -EPHESIANS 5:18, 20 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit As you will see I the Scripture verse I will give you in this article - there is one very special incredible verse that will tell you that God the Father wants to transmit 9 specific fruits of the Holy Spirit up into our personalities. ![]() |
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