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Forgiveness: The Other Side
If we are honest with ourselves, we would have to admit that the reason we have difficulty forgiving others is because we sincerely believe we are justified in our withholding forgiveness. We become the judge of the offenders and by harboring bitterness and resentment against them; it is our distorted way of meting out punishment. After all, our wounds are deep and our heart severely punctured. At the core of our unwillingness to forgive of course, is our own selfishness-the "me" factor. We are deeply focused on what was done to "me." We refuse to let ourselves heal and we therefore become prisoners of the self, forever pacing the narrow cell of animosity and self-pity. Some folks have sentenced themselves for life and they are still dismally serving their time. Scripture is clear in its warning to not usurp God's responsibility. It is not our job to "get even." As Paul wrote to the Romans, "Do not take revenge my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord'" (Romans 12:19). We must surrender the idea that we need to punish those who have hurt us. God has His own timetable and His own way and we have to relinquish the desire to even "get them told." For our own emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being, forgiveness is central. Nothing I can say would exaggerate its importance. Every human being possesses the capacity to forgive though, granted, it may not be easy. It may not be easy to forgive because it requires an acute awareness of our own need to been forgiven. Forgiveness has two sides that are forever linked together: the forgiveness we need from God and the forgiveness we owe to other human beings. Until you forgive others, you are not able to receive forgiveness from God. You cannot receive forgiveness because by your unwillingness to forgive, you have blocked the entrance to your heart barring God from entering. God will not force His way through. But, in recognizing and understanding our own need to be forgiven, we are released from the pride that binds and enabled through God's power to forgive others. Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. http://www.clergyservices4u.org. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach. Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, will be available soon.
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Introduction to the Five Powers of Spirit You are a dual being. Part eternal spirit and part temporal body. Together these comprise your soul. The soul is more powerful than the spirit alone. You are the child of a Divine Father. He desires you to become a soul composed of spirit permanently united with an incorruptible, perfected body of flesh and bone. When we were young in the universe we existed as mere intelligences. Our Father gave us bodies of spirit that allowed us to grow and evolve. But without a physical body, we came to a place of limitation beyond which we could not pass. A Bellyful of Mindfulness Taco Bell, the Mexican fast-food franchise, has a new ad campaign focusing on the slogan, "Get full." The commercials show people ecstatically announcing that they are full--thanks, of course, to the huge value meals now available at Taco Bell. He?s Jesus! For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses. --HEBREWS 4:15 Do Good Luck Symbols, Charms, & Talismans Really Work? Symbols and symbolism are popular in almost every civilisation, culture and religion that has evolved on Earth. They are deeply ingrained in the way of our life itself. Symbols impact our subconscious mind and if their influences are strong enough, then they could stimulate confidence, effort and good outcomes. Whether we realize or not paintings, pictures, jewellery, statues, birds, animals and so forth have meanings and effect on us. Chronic Illness: The Enemy Within There once was a man who wanted to teach himself how to sky dive? He bought a parachute at a garage sale, leased a plane and when the time came, literally jumped into his new adventure. Snowflakes The human race had their beginning, and I had mine ? in this lifetime, anyway. Smoke I always thought Ecclesiastes was like Proverbs. That's probably because of the "to every time there is a season. . ." passage. So when a friend of mine read Ecclesiastes from "The Message," I wasn't prepared for her reaction. Leaving Storyville One of the most difficult barriers to overcome on the path to spiritual growth is extracting yourself from the tenacious grip of the Ego Story. Unsuspectingly, many people are mesmerized and possessed by this mental illusion. Possessed like some demon possesses a poor, hapless soul. They are ignorant of their ignorance. They do not realize they are separate. They believe that they are the Story. A Crash Course In Tarot For Newbies #1 - All About the Cards The Tarot is not just a divinatory tool, but it can also be utilized in the appropriately trained hands as a tool for providing counsel and advice with which we can navigate life. It is an antique form of divination that predates popular psychology, but has been shown to have archetypal energies that work well from a Jungian perspective. Tarot becomes a book of wisdom offering you a living parable or myth that reflects your life journey in the hands of the right Diviner. It describes a journey that mirrors your path in life. Usually the story is a direct description of what is going to happen in a particular window of time although talented readers can tell you much more than that from looking at the symbols in the cards! One of the main purposes of the use of the cards is to construct a future narrative so that you can make decisions to change your fate. A Short Journey to Your Divine Self By invoking an external God to whom we look for help we often lose sight of the fact that we have within us the very power that we seek in such an external force. Now of course I don't just expect you to believe this in the way that religions of the world expect you to believe the converse. Instead I hope to convey here a short but simple exercise that you can do at your leisure to find this very power within yourself. This power emerges from what I call the Divine Self. What is this Self? Well, it's You! Yes, You! What is True Freedom? Freedom.... I Count It All Joy A new chapter in my life begins today, the anniversary of my birth. It is therefore necessary that I pause to reflect upon this past year. What are Angels? Angelic Guidance Explained Angels are making their presence felt everywhere. Once I started opening myself up to the draw of the angelic realms little reminders are catching my eye along the way. Law and Order of the Spiritual Kind There is no such thing as a coincidence. Albert Einstein reasoned that, "God simply does not play dice." While we may not fully understand the reasons behind certain events, there are laws and order in the universe specifically designed to facilitate harmony and prosperity for all living things. Yet, as humans, we violate not only man's laws, but also the laws of the universe. It's as if an "insanity" bug has plagued the world community, which has now reached epidemic proportions. Perhaps that's because knowingly, or unknowingly, we choose not to live in harmony with the laws of the universe and as a result of our actions we experience failure, powerlessness and discord. Take for example one law ? the law of cause and effect. Why Angels, Why Now? The Angelic realms have been very active throughout the human experience. They-as brilliant aspects of your Source-have been offered as protectors and teachers for every one of you. And yes, it can seem very difficult to know this when you see it, as we are talking about the Angelic Realms, the Dimensions of Light, both of which are not always visible to the human eye. Your Gift and Talent is Not for YOU! Although your creative ability and talent is something that God has given TO you, it's primary purpose is not meant FOR YOU only. God's purpose for your gift is to be a benefit or solution for someone else who needs it. What this means to you as an artist is that the pursuit and development of your talent is important because there is someone out there who needs what you can do. God foresaw to equip you with the gift and talent that you have because He also foresaw how He needed it used to benefit others. What Is The Universal Subconscious? There are many different and interchangeable terms that are used to describe the Universal Subconscious mind. But whatever term you use, metaphysicians and scientists agree that our Universe is a field of vibrating energy. Things that are denser operate at a lower frequency, and then there are also finer forms, such as thoughts and emotions, which operate at a much higher frequency. All of these things make up a collective Universal consciousness that we all share. What is Enlightenment - Meaning Definition and Its relation to Self-Realization What is Enlightenment? Making the Impossible Possible "I learned I was not, as most Africans believed, the victim of my circumstances but the master of them." - Legson Kayira The Mystery of Purpose Some men see things as they are and say, "Why?" I dream of things that never were and say, "Why not?" -George Bernard Shaw ![]() |
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