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What Is The Universal Subconscious?
There are many different and interchangeable terms that are used to describe the Universal Subconscious mind. But whatever term you use, metaphysicians and scientists agree that our Universe is a field of vibrating energy. Things that are denser operate at a lower frequency, and then there are also finer forms, such as thoughts and emotions, which operate at a much higher frequency. All of these things make up a collective Universal consciousness that we all share. So, everything is energy; this energy is like a mass "mind" or awareness, and each and every one of us is made up of a piece of that awareness. Our own individual piece of Universal consciousness is our self, or our "ego". The mass awareness that I'm talking about has been called by many names. Some common names include: Everything we have is the result of a thought. Before something is created, it always exists first as an image or thought in the Universal conscious awareness. This means that if we consciously direct our thoughts, we have a great deal of power to control what happens in our lives and to shape our reality. In order to do this, we must connect with this powerful force that we are all part of. If you see yourself as separate from the rest of the world, it is very hard to attract things to yourself From a young age, we are taught that it is good to be independent, and to be able to do things for ourselves. What about you? Did you grow up with the belief that you are self-reliant, and that to rely on anyone or anything else is a sign of weakness? Alright then? a healthy dose of self sufficiency never hurt anyone - but what about when you need help; who do you turn to then? The fact is, most of us can count the number of true friends we have on one hand...so if you think of yourself as a totally separate entity to everything and everyone else, then your resources are limited to yourself and possibly one or two other people. However, what if you were to perceive your relationship with the Universe as oneness? When you do this, you will find it very easy for situations and people to come into your life at exactly the right time - almost like magic! You increase your personal power tenfold, because you open yourself up to the network of assistance that is available to you at all times from the Universal source! When you have faith in the existence of the whole, complete and friendly Universe, you are opening your heart and allowing miracles to happen. I urge you to open your heart and allow yourself to connect with the Universal mind. If you do so, you will be amazed and delighted at the outcome! The best way to connect with the source is through daily meditation. Use the incredible power of your higher source and enjoy the success and wellbeing that you attract to into your life as a result! *** You are licensed to publish this article free of charge, on condition that the author's name is included, and the link to her website remains visible and clickable to human readers, and as long as the links can be read and followed by the search engine spiders. *** Sonia Devine is a qualified professional hypnotherapist and success coach with a caring and committed approach to healing, who lives in Melbourne, Australia. You can find more of her information on universal subconscious, self image, love, relationships, the mind and much more on her website Manifest Your Success
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Kundalini Symbology While study and pursuit of the Kundalini is considered part of the 'New Age' repertoire, it's interesting to note that like most things New Age, it's roots are very ancient and actually pervade almost every part of human culture. Unleashing The Treasures Of The Midnight 'O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!...' (Romans 11:33) 3:33am? What is it with angels and digital clocks? I fell asleep just after 11pm and am still trying to recover from the switch to daylight savings time. I really don't need to be up and working right now, or do I? I had asked my angels earlier today to help me write some more articles. So, at 3:33am they wake me up whispering something or other and insisting I need to get up and work. Geez! Have a little heart guys! I have a two year old for pete's sake. Don't they know how tired I'm going to be trying to keep up with him tomorrow!? Nick Bunick spoke at my church years ago when his book The Messengers was such a big hit. One of the things he mentioned that really touched me was how the angels would come to him at 4:44 and how the numbers 444 showed up all of the time in reference to them. I know exactly what he's talking about. They seem to have a great love of repeat numbers. So, as I drink my coffee and wipe the sleep from my eyes I ask them, "Well, what do you want to talk about?" The Abundant Life! Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. -ROMANS 6:11 Lost is a Spiritual Problem Lost, but you don't know where you're going. True Health Some may ask, is there any truth to have a healthy life. I say yes it is. Let' see what the Bible says. First look at the book of Proverbs 3:3 it says Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck; write them on the table of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Now look further at verse 3:7 it says Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. It says also in the book of Proverbs 4:20 My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body. Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Living Between Two Worlds! We are all here on this plane, thinking to ourselves "who am I and what am I doing here?" I believe this question is bouncing around in the heads of many people! Some of us then go in search of our answers by asking people whom we think know more than ourselves for help! We seek guidance from our mediums and psychics, from religions and other groups that we think we might find an answer and in most cases we are still left wondering. Have we ever stopped to question why? Have we asked ourselves why we are not convinced by the answers we get from other people? Psychic Vampires, and How to Cope with Them! Forget what you have read or seen about vampires. The old image of count Dracula, or even his modern contempories is not what we are going to talk about here. No. Anam Chara - The Flow of Life I am deeply drawn to the above Irish Blessing. What Does It Mean To Hear Gods Voice? Excerpt from The Journey That Never Was: a guide to hearing God's Voice regardless of one's faith, religion, or personal beliefs, by DavidPaul and Candace Doyle The Simple Plan of Asking and Receiving The QuestionReally picture this in your mind.... Someone tellsyou that if you ask them for a hundred dollars they'll give it to you and all you have to do is believeit they will- would you ask for it and believe? Satan... Im Not Impressed! One important factor in how we go through life is our attitudes. The way we think, whether positively or negatively will have a very big affect upon what happens to us during this course of a lifetime. It determines where we will spend eternity. Shallow Victories How many of you out there have ever wondered if a life of faith is worth it? Don't shy away from me, because you know there have been instances in your life when the bad guys won. The world is not fair, and the concept that good always triumphs can seem like fiction when you look around and see deceit running rampant. This fallen world shows its imperfections in countless ways, and every once in a while you're going to fall prey to it. Sheltered in the Arms of God "Mama, save me!" What Does Unconditional Love Really Mean? Unconditional love means unconditional freedom. Love and freedom are two of those words that are interchangeable. Freedom of choice is unconditional love, unconditional freedom. Choice is another of those words that are interchangeable with Love and freedom. Kindness There is an inherent generosity in the human spirit to be of help, to be of service to others. What is it that makes us decide to be of service. What is it that inspires us and encourages us to be of support to others? What is it that makes you want to serve others. Let Go and Let God As a child growing up, whenever I was worried about something, my mother use to always say, "Girl, don't worry about it. Just let go and let God." From Superstition to Clashing Rocks "Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists, new insights begin." --Herman Hesse Our Body is a Hologram of Living Light We are apart of all that is, our consciousness spring out of the silence, which is known as the voyd or vacuum in Quantum Physics. This first sprouting of consciousness comes out of the silence as waves, a vibration of light. The photons of light travel till they hit something then change from a wave to a particle and an ante-particle. God! God ! ![]() |
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