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A Bellyful of Mindfulness
Taco Bell, the Mexican fast-food franchise, has a new ad campaign focusing on the slogan, "Get full." The commercials show people ecstatically announcing that they are full--thanks, of course, to the huge value meals now available at Taco Bell. We know that feeling full isn't simply a matter of building a bigger, better burrito. There's a whole lotta emptiness going on, and it's not always filled by what we put into our bellies. The search for connection, for meaning, for love--these are longings not met by the bags we pick up at the drive-thru window. To feel full in the truest sense, we must figure out what we are lacking in our lives. We're not always mindful of this quest. Seeking satisfaction in activity? That can work. Be honest here--is your time spent actively avoiding emptiness or actively seeking fullness? These are two different things. If you find yourself with a full calendar and an empty heart, you're bathing yourself in distraction, and sooner or later, that's going to plug up your bathtub. Being full doesn't mean you're packed with positive thoughts and emotions all the time. We need the whole enchilada to help us develop as caring, compassionate humans, and sometimes that means we are full of frustration, sadness or despair. Hey, it still counts as being full! You're a vessel, and you should be continually filled, but not necessarily consistently filled with the same stuff. It's the emptying and filling that keeps things interesting. "A full cup must be carried steadily."--English proverb Getting spilled is part of life. What are you doing to spill yourself...and what are you doing to get filled up again? Spend time this week contemplating the concept of fullness. Be mindful of opportunities to notice when you are feeling depleted or overflowing. Concentrate on paying attention to thoughts, emotions, stories, people, places and activities that make you feel full, and practice saying, "This is full" whenever you notice it. Good full or bad full--don't judge that. Just be mindful of that sense of fullness wherever you feel it. Taco Bell entices people to "get full" and this is good advice. But skip the "full-on value meal" and concentrate instead on your own fullness whenever you see an ad or drive by a Taco Bell. Ask this: Am I full? What is filling me right now? Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Stir things up and start again. That's a recipe for full-on living. Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse offering specialized mindfulness training in Portland, Oregon. Her work has inspired thinkers in over 100 countries. To subscribe to her free weekly ezine, the Friday Mind Massage, please visit http://www.massageyourmind.com
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God Lives and Heals Today I have a confession. Gracious Forgetfulness For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. --GALATIANS 3:27, RSV The Power of Namaste I honestly am not sure why this hit me so strongly, but it did. Is It Real? If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. --2 CORINTHIANS 5:17, KJV Fatal Distractions There is so much going on in the world around us that it is easy for us to become distracted from keeping our focus on Christ and spiritual things. And our vision slips away from us when we turn to glance at the things of the world. Building The Body of Christ As a walked across the gym floor with perspiration coming from my brow, my wife, Denise said "honey, you're a bodybuilder". I looked at her with amazement was my wife just getting it. I had been building this body for more than twenty years. Then again she said, "You're a bodybuilder", it was then that I got the revelation she was speaking of the body of Christ. She was saying what Paul was inspired to say in Ephesians 4:12 "to prepare God's people for works of service, so the body of Christ may be built up." Since that day neither of our lives will be the same. Not Upon My Convictions but Upon the Blood of Jesus "He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross." Colossians 2: 13b -15, NIV Getting Beyond Imperfect Examples & Resistance, to Receiving Loving Guidance & Help from the Father As soon as he saw me I saw him. It was freaky. I must have looked like the anti-son. Long hair hanging out from a bandanna, dark sunglasses, rolling with a couple of older guys I hardly knew. I was even embarrassed that he sighted me. I think he tried to make a gesture of reconciliation. He made a motion towards me and yelled out, "Ronnie!"...I was just gripped when I heard his voice...saw his frame. Then I just slow mo-ed like before a car crash "Nooooo!" It was like a soul Brown-Out. I fazed. It was too much for me. No chance would I go towards him, instead I just ran away...I just bailed. I bolted. There might have been some love there, I just couldn't cop to it. It was gritty. (recalling an unexpected encounter with my father while I was a 17 year old runaway) Lucky Charms and Talismans Many of you already own several lucky charms or talismans. You just may not be aware of the object's symbolism or meaning. Below I have compiled a list of some of the more popular and common good luck symbols that can be purchased in the form of jewellery, paintings or statues. Be Thankful Some people think just by saying the words thank you is just. Well lets look in at 1Chronicles 16:8 it says Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Futhermore it says in Psalms 100; Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness through all generations. Living Between Two Worlds! We are all here on this plane, thinking to ourselves "who am I and what am I doing here?" I believe this question is bouncing around in the heads of many people! Some of us then go in search of our answers by asking people whom we think know more than ourselves for help! We seek guidance from our mediums and psychics, from religions and other groups that we think we might find an answer and in most cases we are still left wondering. Have we ever stopped to question why? Have we asked ourselves why we are not convinced by the answers we get from other people? What Is Wrong With Being Common? The Emmaus Journal Abundance As Spiritual Birthright I am going to remind of some simple, yet important things, that you should already know, but perhaps need a reminding of just now. I know that I need reminding from time to time and suspect that you may also need the same 'straight to the point' reminders. The Forgotten Secret It's not exactly a news flash that we live in an increasingly complex society. Technology is changing at a pace so rapidly that even the experts are hard pressed to keep up. Our businesses are changing daily and becoming more competitive than ever before. Our children are facing challenges and pressures unheard of a decade ago and our personal lives have become a fast paced, multi tasked assortment of responsibilities and activities requiring the agility of a circus performer to just cope with daily living. Slow Leak In God's world, everything can be used as an anology to His Word. I'm using this small unassuming small leak in my tire as an example of how if it is let go, can cause a spiritual wreck. Power of Prayer - The Most Valuable Dialogue of Your Life It's the most powerful weapon on Earth. It can turn the impossible to the possible in a matter of seconds. Yet, few people even Christians seem to take advantage of this free, priceless commodity. The name of this mighty weapon you may ask? Prayer: The act of conversing with God; the intercourse of the soul with God, not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to him. If it's not the constant bombardment of the media focusing only on negativity, it's the monotony of our daily life which causes many to forget this simple task at our fingertips. Will Science Get Closer To God Than Religion Has? A subject of debate for thousands of years, spirituality will no doubt spark much debate for another thousand years. That is how it should be. Once spirituality becomes 100% defined by 100% of the human population, then uniformity and rigid boundaries take over. Should that ever occur, then there is no spirituality, for spirituality cannot be locked in a box and confined within its walls. Why Is Your Prayer Of Faith Lacking Results? About a month ago I opened up my bible in boredomtrying to see if the lord had a word for me. Well, itjust so happened that I landed in first kings the pagewith chapter three right there just staring me in theface. So I thought, "Alright God lets see what wordyou have for me today." and I began to read firstkings chapter three. It didn't take long until I gotto the part about how God came to King Solomon in adream and said, "Ask what I shall give thee". Remote Viewing and the Body-Mind Connection One of the biggest myths to evolve in the growing annals of new age lore is that psychic ability is the sole province of the mind. Our language reflects it in terms like "mental telepathy" and "mind reading". When we think of ESP (extra sensory perception), we generally think "beyond the senses". But what usually passes for extraordinary mental ability to see distant in time and space actually has an important physical component. Spirituality: Blues for Buddha Being critical of Buddhism isn't easy. ![]() |
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