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The Forgotten Secret
It's not exactly a news flash that we live in an increasingly complex society. Technology is changing at a pace so rapidly that even the experts are hard pressed to keep up. Our businesses are changing daily and becoming more competitive than ever before. Our children are facing challenges and pressures unheard of a decade ago and our personal lives have become a fast paced, multi tasked assortment of responsibilities and activities requiring the agility of a circus performer to just cope with daily living. We have created an army of helpers consultants, coaches and mentoring programs for our businesses, psychologists, therapists and other professionals for our personal lives, support groups and more to help us in our search for a little peace and happiness. In the midst of this, surrounded by our network of support people, institutions, medicines et al, we have lost touch with one simple, yet profound idea that has always been available to us. The forgotten secret. The simple act, referred to by author, Og Mandino as the "three little words," of asking for help from a Power greater than ourselves. It is a simple enough thing to do, costs nothing, requires no special equipment, travel or clothing and can be done by anyone, anywhere, anytime.All you need do is put your hands together, palms touching, fingers pointing upward toward the heavens, and, in a sincere voice, repeat these magic words "I need help." That's it! That simple act, overlooked perhaps because it is too simple in our otherwise complicated world, can bring all the forces of the Universe to your aid. It has worked for thousands of years and will continue to do so for all eternity. The next time you are facing a challenge or problem you feel is more than you can handle, use this technique and know that the help you need will appear. Know that there is One who is always there for you, no matter what.You may suddenly have an idea, receive a telephone call or a visit from a friend, have an impulse to take a certain action. Whatever your intuition tells you to do, whatever you feel is the next step, go forth with confidence, knowing that you are never alone. Knowing that help is there for the asking but remember, you have to ask. And then, of course, act. © 2004 Jim Donovan - PO Box 1147, Buckingham, PA 18912 - (215) 794-3826 Jim Donovan is the author of "Handbook to a Happier Life, a motivational speaker and coach. For a no cost bonus product & more, visit http://www.JimDonovan.com If you had all the information and tools you needed to live your dream life, would you use them? Yes?Click here ==> http://www.jimdonovan.com/ebookoffer.html
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Unconditional Love Really Means Unconditional Radiance The fastest way to raise your frequency is to do the job you were designed to do. You were designed to love. You were designed to radiate Love unconditionally. Now before you go, "Oh THAT again. I've tried loving unconditionally, and it is impossible," you need to understand that what I'm saying is different. What I'm saying is that you are to love, plain and simple. Not love somebody. Not love something. Just to love. Okay, in a sense, you are to love somebody or something, but not in the ordinary sense. You are simply to love God. I Count It All Joy A new chapter in my life begins today, the anniversary of my birth. It is therefore necessary that I pause to reflect upon this past year. How Useful is a Dream Dictionary Really? At the start of your dream journey, one of the most frustrating things is to figure out what the symbolism in your dreams means! Most often people start their dream conversation with me by saying: "I had this weird dream ?" What makes it "weird" is the strange collection of people, objects, places and events that take place in the dream. Getting Back to the Basics of Truth Anyone who has invested time, energy and effort into finding their own truth knows that ignorance is NOT bliss. Understanding the religious environment that we grew up in should be the natural first step towards defining our own belief system. All too often, we grow up getting bits and pieces of religion, but never take the time to look at the bigger picture. Grace - The Divine Influence of God The greatest frustration in a Christian's life is not being able to get what they believe to work in their lives. By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them Military personnel at a U.S. prison in Guantanamo, Bay, Cuba allegedly desecrated the Quran (Koran) by flushing its pages into a toilet. The news has sparked media interest in the states, and outrage in the Muslim world, especially in the Middle East. Anyone following world news has probably seen a number of articles reporting on the Middle East riots that have occurred as a result. The Quran is the name of the Muslim holy book, and is the guide to the Islam religion. Significant Examples of the Mother Who Influenced My Life As Mother's day is upon us, Iam moved to express my gratitude for the example of the Flame of the Mother my life has borne witness to. Resting in the Son "Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure..." Psalm 16:9, NIV Do You Make These 3 Mistakes In Your Christian Life? You're probably sabotaging your successful Christian life right now if you're makingone or more of these mistakes. Do you know what they are? If It Is The Lords Will I Will Live My thoughts can get a little edgy at night. Possibly even deep. Reflecting on almost a half century of life. Some of it better than I would have imagined in my youth. Some not. The Power of Love "There must be a higher love/Without it life is wasted time." Those are the opening words to one of my favorite Steve Winwood songs. What could a higher love mean in your life ? in the life of your clients? Astral Attack: Its More than Just Witchcraft Believe it or not most astral Attacks are not caused by curses or witchcraft. Half the time astral attacks are not intentional. They take place on the subconscious level and are the result of negative thinking, verbal abuse that goes round and round in the head, stale energy that has been left behind in a place and bungled rituals that may have done by amateurs hoping to create prosperity or love. Sure! Ill be a Millionaire! Discover Wealth and Prosperity with the Angels of Abundance I was in the bank's vault. The Brink's armored truck had just delivered several million dollars in small bills. Bags of money waited, stacked in a pile on the small counter. Methodically, I opened each and proofed the total it contained by counting the wads. I then took each wad, removed the wrapper and put the bills through the counting machine. When the machine finished, I hand counted it. The air was filled with the stuffy, musty smell of money. My hands were brown and oily from the invisible coat of dirt each bill carried. Be Aware of the Supreme Deceiver (Part 2) The truth revealed as we read about Hazael also reminds us of David who became so angry and indignant when he heard about the awful behaviors of a rich person described to him by Nathan. Let me refresh your memory of the Biblical narrative. Existence of God: Facts and Figures Does God Exist? Existence of God: facts and figures Does God exist? When Bad Things Happen (Part 1) Rabbi Kushner in his book "When Bad Things Happen to Good People," describes how he learned one day that his three year old son would die in his early teens of the rare, but lethal disease called progeria. Progeria is a condition which accelerates the aging process. Medical authorities informed him that his son would never grow beyond three feet in height and would look like an old man while he was still a child. It was this spirit slashing and heart splitting news that prompted the Rabbi to seriously question his faith and God. Renee?s Mommy is Here I still remember the scene vividly. I was getting out of my car at the baby-sitter's house and a little boy comes running out the door. The little boys begins to yell - "Renee's Mommy is here!" I remember stopping in my tracks and thinking - "Oh, that is who I am now - Renee's Mommy." My whole identity is now Renee's Mommy - or is it? Looking for God - Heres My Story On Finding the Lord Hopefully you're reading this article because you're intrigued by the page title: "Looking for God?" This article is dedicated to the Big Guy who makes it possible for all of us to be who we are. God loves each one of us, big, small, short, tall, wherever we are. I encourage you to take a moment to think about the great things God has done in your life. Two Halves Dont Always Make A Whole Origin of Certain Thoughts (Part II) Continued from "Origin of Certain Thoughts, Part I" ![]() |
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