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10 Interesting Facts about Archangel Michael
1. The name Michael means, "Who is like God". In the Bible he is called "one of the chief princes" (Daniel 10:13) and "the great prince" (Daniel 12:1). 2. Michael is usually shown with a sword, or carrying the scales of justice. Renaissance paintings show him wearing armor. These symbolize his strength, courage, truth and integrity. Michael is engaged in a ceaseless war against the forces of evil. His most famous example of this occurred when he cast Lucifer and his followers out of Heaven. 3. According to the apocryphal Book of Adam and Eve, Michael kept a close eye on the couple after they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. He taught Adam how to farm, and persuaded God to allow Adam's soul to return to Heaven after he died. 4. An ancient tradition says Michael told Sarah, Abraham's wife, that she would bear a son. Although not mentioned by name, it is believed that Michael was the "angel of the Lord" who stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac (Genesis 22:10). 5. Michael guides departed souls to the next world. This came about because, according to the Testament of Abraham, Michael told Abraham he was about to die. Abraham asked God if he could see all the wonders of the world so that he could die with no regrets. Michael developed his guiding expertise by taking Abraham on a tour of the inhabited world. Afterwards, he took Abraham home to prepare for his death. 6. Michael is believed to have rescued Daniel from the lion's den. It is also believed that he was responsible for the plague on Egypt that ultimately led the Israelites to freedom. It was probably Michael who appeared to Joshua and called himself "captain of the host of the Lord." (Joshua 5:13-15) Michael also appeared to Gideon and gave him the courage to fight his foes (Judges 6:11-18). 7. In the Islamic tradition, Mika'il (Michael) is in charge of the forces of nature, and has an army of angels to help him. He has magnificent wings of green topaz. Mika'il has a million tongues, each of which can speak a million languages. His long saffron hair reaches to his feet, and each hair contains a million faces. Each face contains a million eyes that cry seventy thousand tears. He takes life seriously and never laughs. 8. Joan of Arc (c.1412-1431) began hearing, and ultimately seeing, Michael at the age of thirteen. He gave her constant encouragement, and even suggested the flag she should use when leading her army. 9. Pope Leo XIII wrote a famous prayer that starts: "St. Michael, the Archangel, Defend us in battle, Keep us safe from the wickedness and snares of the devil." He wrote this after a vision in which he saw Michael sending Satan back to hell. This prayer still provides comfort to many people. 10. Between 1961 and 1965, the Virgin Mary appeared several times to four children in Garabandal, Spain, telling them to change their way of life, make penances and attend church more frequently. Four years later, Michael appeared to the children and repeated the message. He also told them that if they prayed sincerely, they would receive whatever it was they prayed for. Richard Webster is author of more than eighty books including Michael, Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians, Miracles, Raphael and Gabriel. His website is http://www.psychic.co.nz
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God energy is perfect energy, and because we are God's offspring, so are we perfect. Standard religious beliefs try to convince us that this perfection is achieved somewhere in the "by and by." You May Be A Ghost-Host Readjusting Our Eye Focus Peter is a man after my own heart. I feel a certain bond with him. Perhaps, it is because he reminds me of myself at times and my friends and family at other times. Or it could be that I see Peter in all of us as we walk the Christian path and strive to serve Christ obediently, and yet, possessing shortcomings that can become our own stumbling stones. Inner Beauty ? Finding the Source In Corrogue I am seeking the source of inner beauty. Learning to Listen The second verse of Amy Grant's song, "Angels Watching Over Me," reminds us that God has given His angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways - even when we are not aware they are there. Amy sings, "God only knows the times my life was threatened just today. A reckless car ran out of gas before it ran my way. Near misses all around me, accidents unknown, Though I never see with human eyes the hands that lead me home. But I know they're all around me all day and through the night. When the enemy is closing in, I know sometimes they fight To keep my fight from falling, I'll never turn away. If you're asking what's protecting me then you're gonna hear me say:" Angels Watching Over Me . . . ." Linear Unidirectional Time Is An Illusion! In a recent article entitled "Our Virtual Reality Reality" I discussed how with a powerful new healing modality called the Mind Resonance Process(TM)(MRP) many individuals have now the awareness that what we call the "past" never actually existed. Practical Stress Management -- 7 Spiritual Solutions Stress is amazingly persistent, even seductive. We get usedto feeling tight and tense. Though positive thinking has itsplace, unless it is backed up by practical spiritual wisdom it tends to get overwhelmed and fade away. Anger in Your Energy Field Many consider anger a normal human emotion and continue to allow themselves to be seduced by it. I suppose another way of saying that, although it's not my preference, is that many are "addicted" to anger and "think" that it is of some use in their lives. From Superstition to Clashing Rocks "Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists, new insights begin." --Herman Hesse Can Moms Have a Quiet Time, Too? Spending 'Quiet Time' with the Lord Why Sit Here Until I Die? The bible tells a story about four men who sat at the entrance of the city's gate dying with leprosy, an incurable disease which causes terribly visible swelling and sores on the skin, only then to eat inward to the bones. Because of this contagious and incurable disease, these lepers sat outside of the city because they were not permitted to live within the city. These men were faced with a fatal disease, were outcasts, and were starving because of a feminine in the land. Such a hopeless life and no perceived future, would make the average person throw in the towel and just give up on life -- but not these men. ![]() |
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