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Spirit Guide Communication ? Get the Answers You Seek
There are many energy beings available to assist us in our spiritual growth. Some of the groups of helpers are the Angels, the Master Teachers, and Spirit Guides. What are Spirit Guides and how do they differ from some of the other helpers? Spirit Guides are helpers who are here to assist us to obtain information that exists in the Universe. They can be very helpful and can empower our lives greatly when we learn to acknowledge them and begin to communicate with them, allowing them to assist us in our endeavors and on our path to spiritual awakening. Just like when we go to a vacation spot far away and are unfamiliar with the terrain, a knowledgeable tour guide is an invaluable asset to have. The tour guide knows his way around the area, knows the short cuts and the best routes to take to get there, knows the sites that most likely you will find enjoyable and that are worthwhile visiting. They have the knowledge or know-how to get information that you need to make your experience better. Spirit Guides are like these tour guides, except they know where to access and retrieve data and information available in the Universe. Kind of like a librarian in the Great Universal Library of the Akashic Records. They know how to access all of the information or knowledge that is in these records, and can easily bring it to us. Whether or not we can always understand the information being given to us may depend on our own level of awareness and our own ability to interpret what information our Spirit Guide brings to us. That's why it is very important to begin to dialogue with our Spirit Guides on a daily basis to begin to better understand the data that they bring us. If you ask to know something, and the data is delivered to you, but you are still uncertain how to really interpret it, ask your Spirit Guide to assist you, to make it easier to understand, to simplify it, to break it down to a level where you can get it. They will, and along the way they will begin to show you ways to heighten your ability to perceive, to enhance your own inner knowing, to help open up your own natural psychic abilities, potentially helping to lead you eventually to Self-Mastery. To begin communicating with your Spirit Guides you will need to set aside some quiet time when you can calm your mind from all the normal day-to-day distractions. Turn off the television, the phone, and anything else that can distract you from your goal of making contact with your Spirit Guide. Begin by doing some deep breathing. You will find that by taking slow and deliberate breaths, in and out, you will feel your energy shift. Breathe in deeply. Hold that breath in for a count of seven, then slowly exhale. If you will do a series of deep breathing like this it will greatly increase your ability to get into the right space for communicating with your Spirit Guide. Now silently say a prayer. Ask for protection and ask for guidance. Ask humbly that your Spirit Guide begin to communicate with you. Use words like "please" and "thank you". When you ask humbly and sincerely, you will find success. If you are unsure if you are getting anywhere, just be patient, and give thanks. Ask your Spirit Guide to show you a sign, or ask them to give you their name, or to send you a message. Sometimes you will get an immediate response. Sometimes it takes longer to recognize the messages you are getting. Don't give up. Just keep asking every day and you will soon find that guidance is being given to you. You might start to experience a series of coincidences. That is really your Spirit Guide trying to communicate with you. Pay attention to those coincidences. You will soon be able to notice small signs along the way as you go about your daily routine. That is spirit communicating with you. Spirit Guides differ in purpose from Angels and Master Teachers in that Spirit Guides help assist us to obtain, perceive and interpret data and knowledge. Angels assist us by bringing us protection, healing and transformational energies. Master Teachers transfer knowledge of the Higher Laws and Mysteries, bringing illumination and profound wisdom. Copyright © 2005 Sherry Sims Sherry Sims has spent the last 20 years assisting people as a professional psychic, intuitive counselor, energy healer and teacher. Helping people to resolve personal and relationship issues has been at the core of her work. She gently assists her clients to accept their true power which allows them to begin taking control of their lives through healing, awareness, and self-love. To learn more about creating happiness and fulfillment in your life you will want to sign up for her free newsletter: SIMPLE MAGIC ? Creating the Life You Want. For more articles by Sherry Sims please visit http://Mystic-Hearts.com
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Leaving Storyville One of the most difficult barriers to overcome on the path to spiritual growth is extracting yourself from the tenacious grip of the Ego Story. Unsuspectingly, many people are mesmerized and possessed by this mental illusion. Possessed like some demon possesses a poor, hapless soul. They are ignorant of their ignorance. They do not realize they are separate. They believe that they are the Story. True Health Some may ask, is there any truth to have a healthy life. I say yes it is. Let' see what the Bible says. First look at the book of Proverbs 3:3 it says Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck; write them on the table of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Now look further at verse 3:7 it says Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. It says also in the book of Proverbs 4:20 My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body. Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Communion - The Key to Experiencing the Abundant Life of God Now, we all know that we shouldn't be lead by our emotions, right? Be Filled With The Spirit! Be filled with the Spirit.? always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. -EPHESIANS 5:18, 20 Saints or Charlatans What's the difference? How are we supposed to tell the difference between the real healers and those who are selling snake oil? It's a big seller to claim that your work is divinely inspired. Even better, tell them you've gazed into the eyes of God and come back to tell the tales. Tell them that in Ireland the wee folk are still spotted on occasion. It's far off and exotic. They'll believe you. Oh, how we love such tales. Those who have never touched the magic will always hunger for stories to tell them what it's like. How do you know who's stories to believe and who's just spinning yarns? Resonance Have you ever heard something that really "resonated" with you? I'm sure that if you are in tune with yourself emotionally, physically and/or spiritually you will know this experience well. Have you however ever reflected on what it means when something "resonates" with you? You Are Not Your Stuff We humans are a funny, funny breed. We spend our entire lives working and working and working to acquire 'stuff'. We buy and surround ourselves with the biggest, fanciest this or that when all the while what we really need and want is something you can't buy anywhere. The thing we all spend our time doing is looking to experience a feeling of significance. It seems most of our actions are rooted in and motivated by our desire to either gain significance or maintain the significance we believe we've achieved. I believe that if you take a hard look at what motivates the majority of your actions you'll begin to see that this is true. You want to feel like you count. You want it to matter that you're around. Communicationg Our Faith According to Internet Following are 17 questions that can be used as a start-up by your answering the 5 most important questions on this questionnaire according to your estimation. Why Worry The possibility of almost 400 Old Testament prophesies coming to fulfillment in the incarnation of Jesus Christ, apart from God's sovereign control of history, staggers the imagination. The certainty that God planned the coming of His son into the world can offer stabilizing support to our faith in our Lord. Midnight Songs In life, sooner or later, we come to the midnight hour. The hour comes when all is black, when myriad shapes seem to haunt our paths, when the very blackness appalls and our hearts cry out in utter despair. We fear the night and we dread what the day may bring forth. One More Mile I want to share with you something that happened to me just a few weeks ago. There is a place that I go to write, read and to simply relax. This place is in the mountains along the Blue Ridge Parkway. The scenery is beautiful and I go and pray and take in God's beauty. I love it there because it is quiet and the only thing that I can hear is the chirping of birds and the wind. I embrace the silence. That's peculiar of me since most of my life has been classified by business and noise because I never wanted the silence. I was scared of it. Months later, I love it. The Power of Myth to Transform Your Life Irish myth has the power to transform your life into a real life of creativity and love. There are many powerful symbols that you might embrace in order to create a real sense of belonging in the world. Let me share some of these symbols that can assist in your truly connecting to the homeplace of the heart. Working With The Light I do not want curiosity seekers, who come for a novel experience. There is a phrase that has been used down through the ages for such people. "Do not cast the Pearl before the swine". The swine comes across a precious jewel on the trail and does not recognize it value. It is unfortunate for humans that most fall into the swine category! Please do not be offended by my remark! Every soul is at a different level of understanding and appreciation. There are those who have the maturity to realize the value of such a jewel, all others want to rush out to watch the latest Tom Cruz movie. Be Still - You?ve Got To Be Kidding? Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10 Unleashing The Treasures Of The Midnight 'O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!...' (Romans 11:33) Insulting Spirit or Exposing the Me While it isn't my intention to insult anyone (Alright, for the purposes of this article it IS my intention to insult any 'one', and I'll explain that later) I would like to offer a few suggestions for your reading enjoyment and/or disdain. What Is The Spiritual Path? For many years of my life, I thought the spiritual path had something to do with following one of the major world religions or pursuing an Eastern practice. I even thought it had something to do with morality and ethics. Spring Cleanup The junk I'm talking about is the stuff that we keep stored up inside ourselves. It's the excess baggage in our lives that tends to weigh us down and serves no purpose. This heavy load dims our spirits and dims the light within us. These things more specifically are known as Doubt, Fear, Unforgiveness, Anxiety, Pride, Rebellion, Hatred, Double-Mindedness, you get the idea, the things that keep us held in bondage. Be Aware of the Supreme Deceiver (Part 1) One cannot read the account of Benhadad and Hazael in God's word not be overcome by a certain sense of sadness. You recall Benhadad was ill and sent Hazael to the prophet Elisha to make inquiries regarding his recovery. Elisha told Hazael that Benhadad would not die from his illness, but that he would nevertheless, die. Elisha then stared with horror at Hazael before suddenly bursting out in tears. Not understanding what was happening to Elisha, Hazael asks him why he was crying. Elisha tells him that he was weeping for the children of Israel. It pained Elisha to foresee the horrendous suffering Hazael was going to inflict upon the people of Israel. He tells Hazael that he "will set fire to their fortified places, kill their young men with the sword, dash their little children to the ground, and rip open their pregnant women." Jesus: The Greatest Scapegoat It seems more people today are using the Christian god concept as a medication, a solution to all problems, and/or a drug that eases the most difficult of conflicts. The need for a god has never been more prominent than it is today. I was searching some things online earlier and found several sites dedicated to teens and Christ, and it seems that most of these sites were working within the ideology of "If you're hurting, let God help." ![]() |
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