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What Is The Spiritual Path?
For many years of my life, I thought the spiritual path had something to do with following one of the major world religions or pursuing an Eastern practice. I even thought it had something to do with morality and ethics. Today my comprehension of the spiritual path has changed completely. Instead of the complexity of any of the disciplines to becoming a good person, I have found that the path is simple. In fact, some of the greatest atheists have followed it better than many theists. An example that comes to mind is the famous British Philosopher Bertrand Russell, who lived an impeccable life of wisdom, compassion, and grace.. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That is the spiritual path. Everything else--all the theology, philosophy, and practices--lead you to that singular ideal. Physically, do you like to be murdered, wounded, beaten, or raped? Emotionally, do you like to be humiliated, disenfranchised, betrayed, abandoned, disrespected, alienated, and cast aside? Mentally, do you like to be cheated, swindled, lied to, vilified or misinformed? Of course not. In fact, your whole body just cringes at the thought of such mishap. Yet, this is what we do to others. If we are truly savage, we abuse others physically. If a little more sophisticated, we abuse others mentally and emotionally. And in this process we abuse ourselves. In actuality, there is no enemy, for we are all connected at the collective unconscious, and the misperception that "they" are different from "us" has been the historical cause of most human suffering. Often this abuse is perpetuated from the collective rules referred to as ethics and morality. What is ethical and moral is defined by who is making up the rules. Yet the bell that tolls for another, also tolls for thee. Why do we act in a way that injures others? It is because we feel a deep void inside of us and we lash out like a wounded animal. We relate to the world from the wounds of apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, and pride. By striking out, however, we only deepen our own anguish. Although we are only trying to survive, we achieve only more peril. A spiritual person, however, comes from a completely different perspective. He or she is motivated by feelings of courage, acceptance, and peace. What does the spiritual path have to do with good psychology? Everything. A sound mind in a sound body. Can the spiritual path be defined in an even simpler way? Yes. It can be defined as love. When you love, love, love--you'll be happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise. The opposite of grief, misery, and unending travail is the spiritual path. While many disciplines may lead to it, the heart will show you the way. Once we shed our habitual narcissism, then the way to courage, acceptance, and peace becomes possible. Resource Box Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life Copyright 2005 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass thisarticle on to your friends, or use it in your ezine ornewsletter. It's a shareware article.
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Understanding the Tarot Card Deck - Part 2 Tarot card reading delves into an individual's psyche and thus depends largely upon the energy that person generates, whether consciously or subconsciously. And because human beings are complex creatures with all kinds of major and minor issues ? not only negative, but positive as well ? the Tarot must duly address them all. So, although the Major Arcana bring to light the larger issues in life, there also exists the Minor Arcana ? which serve the purpose of illuminating the "secret and closed" events, feelings, needs, and everyday details of our existence. How do You Know If You Have Psychic Ability? I am sure many of you reading this article have pondered on this subject. Are some people simply born with a special gift or is this an acquired skill all of us can learn. Reach Out and Touch The essence of the Christian faith is the good news about God. That God is love is the bedrock of our faith. All of the Christian teaching about who we are and about our relationships with God and each other is rooted in the good news that God is love and that He loves His creatures. Look! Its Another New Age! There's nothing new about "the new age" except the attitude of the souls participating in it. I bet every soul who chose to incarnate into this particular historical era shook their little energy heads and said, "Oh, no! Not again!" Lectio Divina -- Reading the Bible for Spiritual Growth Lectio divina is a very useful and practical discipline for spiritual growth. Rooted in ancient monasticism, the practice is a fourfold cycle: Reading, Meditation, Prayer, and Contemplation. In fact, the term itself means "sacred reading." Art of Living ? Finding It?s a Wonderful Life In Corrogue I am finding it's a wonderful life. Angel to Angel Years ago, my minister spoke to us about how you could solicit the help of your guardian angels to help with conflict resolution. She told us stories about how she and others had successfully asked their guardian angels to speak to the enemy's guardian angel. The idea being that when you find yourself in an argumentative situation with someone, that you could request that your guardian angel talk angel to angel with their guardian angel about finding a win-win situation. She gave us examples of times when after asking for the angels to help mediate the problem, that the other party suddenly softened and the solutions began to easily show themselves. As she told the stories of her successes with this approach to problem solving, I began to think about how to use it in my own life. An Analysis of Western Mans Guiding Presuppositions An analysis of Western man's guiding presuppositions, A Review of the book "Impulse of Power" by Jack Kettler Beyond Life The question of life after death is one that continues to intrigue and mystify. The theories of existence beyond life on the material plane are many and varied. Some believe there is nothing beyond the physical life, while others believe that we continue to survive as a spiritual beings. Most of us have been taught to believe that the way we live our lives on earth will determine whether we will live blissfully in heaven or suffer eternal damnation in hell. Yet we continue in our quest to determine whether life continues beyond the physical realm. There are those who believe that the answer lies in belief itself. Knowledge that life exists beyond this plane of existence would alleviate the fear of death and comfort those suffering the loss of a loved one. Anam Cara - The Blessing In Corrogue it is frosty. The Divine Self Many look outside of themselves for an experience of the Divine. Many turn to religions. Others invoke "inner guides" or a "higher self". I would like to propose that the Divine is not only inside you, it is You! As Above, SO Below The 'As Above, So Below' law that is the combination of micro and macrocosmic reality likely comes from Hermes Trismegistus, a Babylonian who became a Pharaoh of Egypt according to the Arab Encyclopedia. Barrett is probably right about him being a legendary amalgam of people, but so what? This kind of semantic, pedantic, academic, squabbling just confuses the issue and people get to the point where they take one side or another, rather than integrate and see the effect of the power-mongers. In the time of Shakespeare the cosmogony relating the alchemic Dictum of Hermes was known as the Harmony of the Spheres. This Dictum is pictured on the back of Barrett's book Secret Societies as taken from 'Macoy's Cyclopedia' of things Masonic. But I cannot rehash all these things again, too much. I find many debunkers are agents of deceit like Barrett. I also wonder how Michel de Notredame's book escaped being on the Inquisitional Codex until the De Medici's had lost their influence centuries after his Prophecies were printed. Chronic Illness: The Enemy Within There once was a man who wanted to teach himself how to sky dive? He bought a parachute at a garage sale, leased a plane and when the time came, literally jumped into his new adventure. Faith Building 101A Let Your Family and Friends Know That You Are A Person of Faith. Making Our Self Real "Self-Actualization" is the process of making our self "actual." Our "real self" is our inner being, and it is only when we have integrated our inner truth into our external personality that we can - actually - express who we are and what we believe in so consistently that it becomes our "visible truth." The growth process through which this integration of inner truth with outer expression takes place is called "self-actualization," and - like every other learning cycle in God's universe - it is governed by Universal Law. How To Meditate Using The Bible Like A Double-Edged Sword Imagine the Bible is a sharp and deadly double-edgedsword, and with it you are able to use the word of Godto fight wickedness by performing miracles like Jesusdid and delegated to us so we could do also. Echos Transition Echo was a flea-bitten gray horse, with brown speckles everywhere, and crystal clear hairs in her mane and tail. We met in October, 1976, when she was a broodmare on an Arabian farm in New York State. A beginner at riding doesn't usually start out with a novice horse, but I fell in love at first sight of her. Somehow, over the years, we learned how to have great times and not get in trouble. We enjoyed trail riding and had fun doing dressage, too. Echo loved to be ridden and to gallop across field. She was always as eager for my companionship as I was for hers. The Cuddlies I finally went to the dentist today. I had been putting it off for a long time. Most of us are like that. When we know that something is going to be painful, we refuse to act until a stronger pain forces us to act. Unfortunately, that is the case with spiritual things as well. Much that God asks us to do goes against all of our natural instincts, and so we put off doing them. Angel Messages for Humanity ?- Message 1 In the interest of mankind the Angels are delivering messages full of hope, love and joy for a better today and a better tomorrow. I have agreed to be this channel. Why Sit Here Until I Die? The bible tells a story about four men who sat at the entrance of the city's gate dying with leprosy, an incurable disease which causes terribly visible swelling and sores on the skin, only then to eat inward to the bones. Because of this contagious and incurable disease, these lepers sat outside of the city because they were not permitted to live within the city. These men were faced with a fatal disease, were outcasts, and were starving because of a feminine in the land. Such a hopeless life and no perceived future, would make the average person throw in the towel and just give up on life -- but not these men. ![]() |
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