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Faith Building 101A
Let Your Family and Friends Know That You Are A Person of Faith. If you are like my Magic Genie friend Gloriious and I, you may be shy about telling those you love and care about that you are a person of faith. You may be afraid to let your true feelings show. You may need to learn how to build your faith. Don't Be Afraid. Unlock Your Imagination and Find Your Faith. Get rid of your inhibitions and allow your true feelings and emotions to take hold. You may be surprised to discover that you are in fact a person of Faith. You may be amazed to find out how much faith you really have. You might discover your own personal Magic Genie to help you make your wishes come true. Use your imagination. Get Motivated. You Are Entitled to Declare Yourself a Person of Faith. When you unlock your imagination and get rid of your inhibitions you will soon discover that you are a good and worthwhile person who is entitled to declare yourself a person of faith. You are entitled to feel good about yourself. You are entitled to find your faith in God. The Almighty has genetically predisposed you to want to have faith. It is as natural an instinct as your will to survive. Learn to express yourself. Express Your Faith to Validate and Acknowledge It. Once you recognize that you are a person of faith, you can acknowledge your newfound faith, and validate it to others by making an Expression of Faith; an Expression that represents what you personally believe. You can memorialize your feelings of faith. There Is More Than One Way For You To Find Your Faith. It doesn't matter what your particular religious beliefs are. You are entitled to believe in God any way you choose. That's why God gave us the right to make choices. You have a right to believe in God and to declare yourself a person of Faith. You have the right to express yourself. You have a right to follow your own path to God. Taking Little Leaps Can Help You Build Your Faith. You can take small steps or 'little leaps' of faith that can help you build your faith. You can start to discover that these 'little leaps' are the Magical Keys to finding your Faith. Couldn't you use a little magic in your life right now? Don't you want to know how to cope with the troubles of our time? Wouldn't you like to be more successful? Wouldn't You Like to Feel Good About Yourself? Learning how to express your newfound faith can help make you feel wonderful. It can help you feel like a worthwhile person. Wouldn't you like to feel good about yourself? You can when you declare yourself a person of faith. Take positive action. Learn How To Cope With The Troubled Times We Live In. Once you learn to express your faith and declare yourself a person of faith, you will find peace of mind. You will be able to cope with the troubles of our times. You will begin to feel more secure. You will begin to feel better about your life. You Can Find Your Faith and Feel More Secure. When you find your faith you will start to have peace of mind. You will begin to realize that only God can control what happens in your life. You will begin to believe in what is beyond our power to understand. You will begin to use your imagination. Little Leaps of Faith You Can Take to Help You Find Peace of Mind. You can start by being kind, caring and loving. You can take the 'little leap' of faith that confirms that sometimes it takes a little fantasy to unlock our imaginations so that we may learn to believe in what we cannot see or understand. Stop patching yourself together with temporary quick fixes and get a patch of faith ? a Magic Pill for what ails you. Couldn't you use a little magic in your life right now? Learn How to Become a Person of Faith. Take the 'little leaps' of faith necessary to help you become a person of faith. Learn how to build your faith to help protect you from acts of terrorism and natural disasters. Learn to have faith in the future. Couldn't you use a little more faith today? Arthur Levine, Faith Builder Imaginest, is the author of The Magic of Faith, which can be previewed at http://www.faith123.com. You can also access the Web site to download a free Magic Pill and instructions, join the Faith Builders Club or take the Faith Index Quiz.
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"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." The Pizza Parable Behold, a certain young maiden did often times and at strange hours greatly desire a pizza. This would often happen in the second or the third watch, when home delivery was not available. At such times there would be much weeping and gnashing of teeth because she could not have the desire of her heart. Searchable by Jesus Some people go to physics and spiritual readers for advice for one thing or another. Who can search all things and give us the truth. Lets see what the Bible say about things that are searchable. First look in the book of 1Chronicles 28:9 it says And you my son Solomon, acknowledge the hearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts, If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him he will reject you forever. Consider now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a temple as a sanctuary. Be strong and do the work. Your Guide to the Archangels An angel can be your best friend. Angels have been known respond to prayers that contain the phrase "Hey, somebody, anybody up there HELP!!!"but they come quickest when addressed politely by their Christian names. Trust Jesus (and Stress and Fear will Disappear) Everything was going wrong. People Fail in Life Because They Do Not Plan Life is growth. For many people life is like a merry go round. They feel life is going to work, paying bills, spend time with family that is it. You must always ask this question. Is this all I want in my life? Are you utilizing your God given potential? You must make a choice of how you want to live your life. What are Angels? Angelic Guidance Explained Angels are making their presence felt everywhere. Once I started opening myself up to the draw of the angelic realms little reminders are catching my eye along the way. Payday Someday Let us face reality squarely in the face by acknowledging the tragic fact that it does not matter how "good" you may be, folks can always concoct a way to destroy you. If people want to tear down your good name, they will find a way to somehow achieve it. If jealous, envious, greedy individuals want something you have, they will do anything and use any willing body to get you out of the way. Why Good Things Happen to Bad People One cannot ask why bad things happen to good people without also feeling the same tinge of injustice when we contemplate why good things happen to bad people. This is the question that anguished the Psalmist. He found himself in terrible distress and agony of soul. He says, "My feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold." Inner-Tubing With God: Understanding Gods Ways It is so obvious that God works and thinks on atotally different level than we do. I have spentmost of my life in my left logical side of mybrain trying to figure out God, people, events andreason. Only to be left frustrated, irritated andemotionally dehydrated. How Its Always Now How do we feel the fullness of life itself? Conquer Your Fears I cringed lower into the seat of my grey metal desk, yearning for the faded yellow floor to swallow me into oblivion. A crimson heat spread from my forehead to my neck; my legs trembled uncontrollably. I struggled to bring my lurching stomach under control - vomiting all over my classmates was about the only thing that could worsen this nightmare. Faith Building 101A Let Your Family and Friends Know That You Are A Person of Faith. Elvis Left the Building and Moved in with Me! Years ago no matter where I lived, whether a house was new or not, I'd experience doors opening and closing by themselves, items disappearing only to be found later in the strangest places, seeing people others didn't and being touched by unseen hands. Not only was this unnerving; it was also really frustrating! Each time I moved I'd think "Here we go again! What surprises are in store for me this time?" Understanding a Tarot Card Reading Getting the most from a Tarot card reading relies on the reader's ability to perceive not only the symbolic meaning from the spread, but also the mystical significance. Although every card of both the Major and the Minor Arcana possesses its own individual symbolism within the representative images on the cards, it is the deeper, spiritual enlightenment of the cards that leads to a greater understanding. Attaining this type of perception is the key to making Tarot a truly valid part of life. Gods Love is Not Humanitys Love (Channelled) How Much Do You Love Me? Love...it's a deep emotion. Sometimes we say it in jest to appease someone. We say it to friends when we feel more than just a casual liking for them, but would we die for them? Spouses say it to eachother out of habit sometimes, parents tell their children, "I love you". Being a parent, I feel this is probably the truest form of love as we know it. Can people really know what it means to have perfect love? God showed us what this kind of love is, He calls it agape' love. There are no boundaries to this love, there are no exceptions and no excuses. Our love tends to wax and wane when someone either pleases us or disappoints us. It's a good thing God doesn't measure His degree of love for us that way. His love never changes even for the child who is disobedient and turns his back on God. Let's look at a man who loved God so much he would do anything. ![]() |
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