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Pursuing Your Destiny
During my childhood days, I disliked Lenten season because radio and TV stations were off the air (no cable yet during the 70's) and food is limited to veggies and fish. Likewise, I was taught that holy week (1) is a time to be sad (at least in Manila), the elders then are singing the passion in a sad tune. (2) I was also told to "be careful" because God is "dead" (as if all forces of hell is turned loose during those days). And (3) People should act holy. I thought, people have the rest of the year to live like the devil. I even remember asking my mother, 'why is God dying every year?' In my young mind, I look forward to Easter Sunday because life returns to normal-- But what is Easter all about? Does it have a tangible effect in our career? In the course of time, I understood that Easter Sunday brings more than restoring normalcy in our urban life... It is a celebration of JESUS-- He set the example on how to succeed in ones purpose and calling in life. THE EXAMPLE OF JESUS JESUS knew His purpose in life. He publicly recognized His 'purpose' when He was 12 years old (in the Jewish culture, manhood begins at 12). Remember the story when he was left at the temple? JESUS was focused on His goals. When JESUS pursued His calling, several 'diversions' were presented-- Though JESUS is King and will be the political head of Israel in the "distant" future, this will not take place yet, His first and immediate goal is to bring salvation to mankind. But Satan offered a different route to his goal, he offered a kingdom to Jesus immediately after Jesus completed His 40 days fast. The people of Israel also offered a different route. After Jesus fed the multitudes, the 'crowd' inisted to make Him King and declare independence from Rome. JESUS did not only know His purpose, but also the right path to achieve it. JESUS overcame His fear. If you think JESUS never felt fear, well think again. Remember His prayer in Gethsemanie? He asked the Father, if possible, that He would not go through the ordeal. In this story, we learned the prayer 'not my will but your will be done'. He was so troubled that His sweat is like drops of blood. His relationship with the Father gave Him comfort, strength and assurance. Like JESUS, we all have purpose in this planet, that should be our focus. Like Jesus, recognizing our goal is not sufficient, we should seek the right path so we will not fall on the diversions along the way. 'Short cuts' will rob us of our destiny. The right path may be longer but it prepares our character, knowledge and skills for our destiny. The 'fear' factor can also slow us down, but we should be like Jesus, his relationship with God the Father strengthened Him. By the Example He set, let us be inspired to complete ours. WHAT JESUS ACCOMPLISHED ON EASTER EASTER, or the resurrection of JESUS is the solution to many of men's woes-- economic, social and personal. People and governments tried to remove poverty as they believe it is the root of crimes-- prostitution, theft, etc. But inspite of the scientific and legal approaches, after so many years, the problem remains. The problem lies not only in the environment but most specially in the 'heart' of man. It started way back to the (first) deviation of Adam to the guidelines set by his Creator. The fall of man resulted to: (1) Poverty-- they were driven out of the Garden, a place of abundance, peace and the place where they meet God face to face. (2) Man has to work harder to live-- thorns and thistles began to grow in the ground. Man has to work 'harder' to get the results. The single act of disobedience changed the working conditions. (3) Difficulty in raising a family-- Sibling rivalry entered , i.e. Cain murdered Abel (4) Health problems. Sin brings stress, stress brings sickness and sickness brings death. Everything good became corrupted, thus, the present problem in our society. But because of Easter, there is hope of change. The resurrection of Jesus signifies new beginning-- regardless of the mistakes and the hardships of the past. Those who believe on the resurrection story possesses the hope that brings about change in the heart of man. A changed heart affects the paradigm of the person-- his mindset about relationships and life changes. His motives change, his work attitude changes too. It gives the person the ability to pursue his purpose and calling in the family & home, workplace and society. Is Easter a religious celebration that is irrelevant to your career? 1. Know your purpose in life, your calling, your desire, your goal. 2. Determine the right path, short cuts maybe available but these are diversions that will steal God's best for you. 3. Stay focus in your goals. 4. Don't be afraid, get strength and comfort from the Force, the Creator, our Father. 5. Follow the example set by Jesus. Sonnie E. Santos
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God Loves You With the Love of God Do you ever feel that what you read in some Christian books is not really God's truth at all, but is merely the opinion of the writer, dressed up in the clothing of truth? Such books are merely imposters and are like the fig tree Jesus cursed-they look promising on the outside, but when you get up close, you find that they, like the fig tree, are barren, written for the glory of the writer and his or her ideas, not for the truth of God and his glory. Angel to Angel Years ago, my minister spoke to us about how you could solicit the help of your guardian angels to help with conflict resolution. She told us stories about how she and others had successfully asked their guardian angels to speak to the enemy's guardian angel. The idea being that when you find yourself in an argumentative situation with someone, that you could request that your guardian angel talk angel to angel with their guardian angel about finding a win-win situation. She gave us examples of times when after asking for the angels to help mediate the problem, that the other party suddenly softened and the solutions began to easily show themselves. As she told the stories of her successes with this approach to problem solving, I began to think about how to use it in my own life. Truly Save I can truly say to this day of August, 2005, that if you call on Jesus, he will surely save your life. I'm thinking of a time when I know it for a fact that it was the Grace of God that saved me. The Science of Enlightenment I would like to share my experience, working with the Mind Resonance Process(TM) (MRP), a new modality to achieving personal mental, emotional, physical and spiritual fulfillment, of the meaning of the term "enlightenment". Spirituality: Living the Whole The words 'new age' and 'spirituality' can have people running for the hills, or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say running to their urban sanctuary of material distractions. They conjure up images of tie-dye, tofu, and a lack of deodorant. So I'd like to dispel a few myths. Wisdom Quotes Point - Arguments Just Explain "What does it profit a man to have gained the whole world, and to have lost his soul?" - Jesus Christ Ultimate Truth:The Beginning You decide! We are often asked to make decisions. Decision is described as, the passing of judgment on an issue under consideration, the act of reaching a conclusion or making up one's mind, a conclusion or judgment reached or pronounced, hence a verdict. A Crash Course in Tarot #3: Card Spreads Most Tarot decks consist of 78 cards: 22 Major Arcana, and 56 Minor Arcana cards. The Minor Arcana consist of four "suits", just like a deck of regular playing cards. A Life That Is Purpose Driven I started reading the book "The Purpose Driven Life" about 45 days ago. This book is written by Rick Warren. It is one of the best books I have ever read and It has changed my life. It is a really good book and I am out there trying to get people to read it and acknowledge the difference it makes in your life. I had been waiting to read it since it first came out but I kept putting it off. It took my approximately 40 days to complete it and that is because he ( Rick Warren) wants you to sign a covenant with him stating that you will take that time to realize your life and path that God has chosen for you. I made the promise and the commitment and I took it to heart. I missed one day in reading that book and the very next day I read two chapters to make up for it. It does take you, going by his directions, approximately 40 days to complete. I started it around the time I wrote the article 40 days and 40 nights. 40 being represented in the bible and a significant number that God has used. I took the time to read this book every morning when I awoke, one chapter a day until I completed it. It has a lot of spiritual information and a lot of information period. I really loved it and I suggest everyone read it. I don't want to part with my book but I plan to buy at least three more for friends and family and have them pass it on. It is encouraging and enlightening. There are many things one will learn by reading what he has written and I feel it was totally God inspired. Beware of the Lobby Lizards Our church is infested with lobby lizards. They crawl around the lobby of the church while other activities are going on as if they already have mastered the topic the pastor is discussing. Maybe they have memorized the Bible so studying it in a small group isn't necessary. Whatever the case, the lobby lizards are multiplying! What Is The Secret of Life? The question isn't, "Is there life after death." Creating Our Own Emotional Chaos It's amazing how - even when we're working from a "higher vision" - we still see the people, the events and the circumstances in our lives with the same perspective: our own! It's "only human" to always be able to see how right we are in any given situation, and it's always difficult - and sometimes impossible! - to look at ourselves and our actions through the other person's eyes. But if we really want to grow - if we really want to know who we are - then we have to be willing to look at ourselves a little more objectively - a little more realistically - then we're used to doing, and we have to be willing to accept responsibility - both for the way we express ourselves emotionally, and for the effect we have on other people through that expression. Chakras 101 The chakras are different coloured energy centres that originate from seven different points in our body. Chakra is a Sanskrit (East Indian) word that means "Wheel". For millennia the chakras have been visualized as round balls, blossoms or spheres of light that can open, close, darken, brighten and spin! The location of each of the seven chakras represents a different aspect of human experience. Our emotions, ability to connect with others and physical health are thought to be reflected in the condition of each chakra. The World Revolves Around Me Lately I have become aware of a new truth that is formulating in my life. Angels on Assignment Recently it has come to my attention people are noticing Angels popping up in the strangest places. Several years ago you would only hear about Angels at Christmas time 'Peace on Earth' that kind of thing. Now they are everywhere. In all forms of art and in each generation's music. Have you thought about the reasons why? 10 Interesting Facts about Archangel Raphael 1. Raphael means "God heals." Raphael heals physical, emotional and spiritual problems, and is sometimes known as the "divine physician." Raphael is believed to have healed Abraham after his circumcision. Raphael also healed Jacob when he dislocated his hip after wrestling with an angel. The Purpose of Life, Told by an Agnostic Talked to an interesting person today at a coffee shop, after about 10 minutes or so told me he was an atheist. Which is interesting and lends it self as to why we were having this particular conversation about "THE MEANING OF LIFE". Why Isnt God Helping Me? Have you ever felt like throwing up your arms and saying "I quit! I just can't change! I thought when God came into my life things would get better, but they haven't." It doesn't matter if you're a new Christian or have been a Christian for a number of years, these feelings can creep in and set you up for confusion and frustration. Who Has The Greatest Job In The World? I have, in my opinion, the world's perfect job. Just look at the evidence. I love people and I love God. I love talking to people about God and I love talking to God about people. Choose Life or Death No one, not even God can make us choose the right things. He gave us the freedom of choice where our own lives are concerned. Life is full of choices. Many of them which we assume will give us life are really only secondary to what our whole purpose is. ![]() |
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