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What kind of foolishness is astrology? You read about Sun Signs in the paper and you can see almost every sign says something ambiguous or relevant in some general way. Surely no real science or serious people ever believed such foolishness. Yet all your heroes from the past were believers! Even Ronald Reagan and others of today order their lives according to astrological implications. I don't and never have, but that is because I have studied the field in great depth. It isn't just astrology that is at work or through which the forces interact with all life on the planet. The palm, the foot and the head or facial make-up can be read to see what effect may have determined some of how a person will approach life. The hand has all the astrological knowledge available 'right in the palm of your' as they say. The mount of the Moon and the girdle of Venus (should you be so lucky to have one) are there along with Saturnine and Mercurious deflected energy. The concepts of quantum physical or astrophysical 'Dark Energy' and 'Dark Matter' that are now proven to comprise 95% of all energy in the known universe have a lot of application in knowing how the lines or other physiogamy-related affects occur. The alchemical gradual build-up of impacts and energy over long periods of time in incremental fluctuation and cyclical change are involved. The advent of human knowledge of these emotional and physical changes that include the female menses aligned with the moon and tides; probably began when we were the evolutionary kin of porpoises who come from the wolf-like creatures who bayed and howled at the moon or during eclipses, huddled in caves. Man is capable of understanding the universe and he certainly needs to understand his own personal attributions and emotional or spiritual aspects and influences. Is it hard to imagine he might have some interior responses to the energy that surrounds him from the earth and the stars? When I told my father face-reading predicted he would die at the age of 65, I had no idea it would be so accurate. We put him in the arms of the cosmos one day after his 65th birthday and just two weeks after he had passed a complete medical in order to continue working past retirement. I stopped foretelling death after two other people of import in my life were able to hear about the hereafter from me before they died. I had told my father how to exercise control over the forces in order to allow Free Will to triumph. He was ready to go and died as he wanted but even more importantly - where he wanted. In the bosom of nature at our cottage on Lake Weslemkoon, while working on building the dock. You should see the dock my brother John built around the living shrine he feels this place where he and my father spent so many hours together, truly is. His wife thinks god died and went to Weslemkoon, I think. So sun signs have a place in the common culture of bars and other meeting places but what more is there to astrology. Sun signs are as important as rising signs and no more so. If the two are not of the same category such as earth, air, fire and water then they might operate in opposition to each other or take precedence according to other aspects such as planetary influences. The House your moon is in is almost as influential as the 'sun sign' and rising sign. It is of little value to read a newspaper horoscope unless you are a triple fire sign or triple water sign, etc. An ephemeral chart if you work one through by yourself will give you some depth insight to yourself that will amaze you. There are books developed to help you do this by sun sign, and it helps to know the time of day you were born. In Czechoslovakia during the 1960s medical astrology was used as effectively as any other birth control method and with less negative side effects or other difficulties. It probably sounds like 'epistemological indeterminism' to most who have little experience with psychic or psi effects. But we must remember our science and education is as biased against these things as previous social structures were biased for these things. Fortunately the people who have supported psychic reality have been vindicated and the soul might now be given some opportunity to grow and develop at some point. The event that was central to some scientific proof was the speed of light or its supposed absoluteness that science was wrong about. This happened in the last year at Princeton where they produced 300X the speed of light in a cesium chamber. Before that the work of Thomas Bearden had come close by providing predictable and replicable results. Now we expect to see more atheists and died in the wool 'Toilet Philosophers' or people who only live for the moment and themself, to start showing a little compassion and 'Brotherhood'. It may take more time than humanity has on earth unfortunately. Frank Tipler is a Professor of Mathematical Physics at Tulane University who wrote The Physics of Immortality. He was a verifiable closed-minded atheist who proved the existence of God to his own satisfaction through purely scientific means. He still is without any great understanding of the psi sciences, or at least he was when he wrote this book in 1994. As long as people listen to 'experts' rather than their soul we are not likely to achieve the quantum leap of creative harmonic potential that Divine Providence allows. What do you think about letting the stars determine our leaders? To some extent this was the case in New Grange and Crete. Venus was the anointing force in its heavenly cycle, and a new king was invested, by common consent of the people in both these Keltic domains that some historians would have you believe weren't even in touch with each other. When Joseph Campbell saw the worn knee spots in the stone at New Grange and learned the event was the same in both places he saw the import of this most important common custom. It is possible that a person might be able to attune his soul to heavenly vibrations and thus act according to some higher wisdom. Author of many books starting with Diverse Druids, Columnist for The ES Press Magazine, Guest writer at World-Mysteries.com
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How Big is God? WOW ... what a question. But today, while I was walking on the treadmill, it popped into my head. Trying to forget the two mile mark I'm heading toward, I sometimes find myself thinking up 'really deep' subjects. Other times, I'm probably checking the calories burned imagining what I can have for lunch! But ... back to God. Get Off The Freeway Have you ever noticed how much our lives resemble a freeway? Once we are on it, we are in constant motion. We must remain alert at all times. We speed up, slow down, and switch lanes. We set our eyes straight ahead, look back from time to time, check our side and rear mirrors periodically, do not make any unexpected turns, and get there before the cars all around us. We cannot brake too soon, accelerate too heavily, or cruise too long. We must always be aware of what is going on around us, lest we miss a sign or clue that could have prevented a fatal accident. It is as though we are competing in a race of some kind. One false move and the whole freeway is stopped or slowed down for hours. What Is The Universal Subconscious? There are many different and interchangeable terms that are used to describe the Universal Subconscious mind. But whatever term you use, metaphysicians and scientists agree that our Universe is a field of vibrating energy. Things that are denser operate at a lower frequency, and then there are also finer forms, such as thoughts and emotions, which operate at a much higher frequency. All of these things make up a collective Universal consciousness that we all share. Expect the Best and Get It The famous prayer of Jabez, where Jabez prayed for prosperity, is a model of expectant thinking that we can all benefit from. "And Jabez called upon the God of Israel saying "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I might not cause pain." So God granted him what he requested." 1 Chronicles 4:10. Beyond Life The question of life after death is one that continues to intrigue and mystify. The theories of existence beyond life on the material plane are many and varied. Some believe there is nothing beyond the physical life, while others believe that we continue to survive as a spiritual beings. Most of us have been taught to believe that the way we live our lives on earth will determine whether we will live blissfully in heaven or suffer eternal damnation in hell. Yet we continue in our quest to determine whether life continues beyond the physical realm. There are those who believe that the answer lies in belief itself. Knowledge that life exists beyond this plane of existence would alleviate the fear of death and comfort those suffering the loss of a loved one. A Tale Of Three Essences Water of Enlightenment, Angel of Peace and Harmony for Nature are a trio of remarkable vibrational essences. They teach, raise our awareness and question what we know by their very existence. These three essences are even more remarkable because they are channelled essences. "Oh boy, this is a hard one to swallow" I hear you say. Just have an open mind and read on. GOD Loves Us All God, what a wonderful spirit. He, is our ever present savior and helper in times of need. This God, who loves us and lives within the beleivers of Christ,ie, "Those that are saved". What, would this world be like without Him? Could this world, inhabited by humans live in peace and prosperity? No, it could not. Why, because this world is ever controlled by the devil, and his fallen elite. They have corrupted this world beyond our comprehension and understanding. Resting in the Son "Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure..." Psalm 16:9, NIV Alone in a World Filled With Only Me We come into this world alone, we experience physical life alone and we die alone. Overcoming Burn Out Burn out, it can happen to anyone. Some of the common signs of burn out can be (although not an all inclusive list) depression, mental, emotional and spiritual fatigue, overreacting to little things, negativity, lack of concern over the work / tasks that need to be done, frustration, anger, feelings of powerlessness, weight loss or gain, insomnia. Christian Ethics & Servant Leadership in Todays Workplace & Society Sundered Knight: Surviving Separation: A Cinderella Story I want to tell you a love story. It's actually about a girl named Cinderella. I'm sure you're familiar with the fairy tale but I'm going to tell you the TRUE story. Spiritual Healing - The Hidden Truth and Misconception Throughout history, what is portrayed in all religions as being the manifestation of prayer or miracles is in fact manifestation of our connection with the essence of our Soul and the manifestation of the power of spiritual healing. We have heard throughout the centuries about such miracles that have happened to people, and how they changed their lives. This has carried on until now when we still hear of these 'miracles' in our time today. What would be the difference between a miracle that has been approved by a religion and one that has been manifested by a healer? Whatd We Miss? Did we just overlook the amount of love that God has for us? Oh, God. What Do I Do Now? Uh, oh. I'm in trouble now. I found God. Now what do I do with Him? Zen and Peace (The Road To Lasting Harmony) Presently, many of us live in uncertainty. Due to the world situation and the many changes in society, there is a sense that at any time, our lives may be disrupted. Rather than allow this to cause anxiety, it can be viewed as a wonderful teacher coming to wake us up. This insecurity causes us seek another way of finding peace, one that is not based upon external conditions but that comes from within. No matter what is going on in our lives, it is possible to live from another vantage point, to connect with a basic experience of peace and well-being that constitutes the ground of our lives, but is often just out of awareness. Anam Cara - The Blessing In Corrogue it is frosty. Psychotherapy and Spiritual Growth The teacher of the future....will be a master of integrating both of these pillarsthat normally operate independently of each other. The poor ego gets a bad rap.Historically, the psychotherapist has worked on helpingan individual develop a healthy ego while the spiritual teacher assists intranscending the ego.It is important to understand that ego is nothingmore than a Latin word for "I" -- so the therapist is assisting the individual in developing a healthy identity that isabsolutely necessary. Think about it...how can you transcend something you don't even Universal Law Primer Universal Law is an invisible influence in every individual's life, whether we realize it or not. It is invisible because we cannot see it anymore than we can see the God who created it. We can see only the evidence of its existence by recognizing its effect on our lives. Universal Law is an expanding and contracting vibration, always in motion. Every soul on every life level is responsible for its own interpretation of the law and chooses if and how the law will be applied within a current lifetime. Creating With Words "In the sixth century of the sixth millennium, the gates of supernal [heavenly] wisdom will be opened, as will the wellsprings of earthly wisdom, preparing the world to be elevated in the seventh millennium." The Zohar (a source text of Kabbalah) ![]() |
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