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GOD Loves Us All
God, what a wonderful spirit. He, is our ever present savior and helper in times of need. This God, who loves us and lives within the beleivers of Christ,ie, "Those that are saved". What, would this world be like without Him? Could this world, inhabited by humans live in peace and prosperity? No, it could not. Why, because this world is ever controlled by the devil, and his fallen elite. They have corrupted this world beyond our comprehension and understanding. When the Devil fell, he was sent to earth to be the God of this world. Not a literal God, but one who has control of the people that do not acknowledge God as their personal savior, and have not accepted Jesus Christ as their messiah. I bring this up, because of what I see is happening in this world. What a terrible place it has turned into. Kids are preyed upon, people have no love for anything, but, themselves. How can they? When they cannot except that there is a true loving God out there, who really cares and excepts them. The bible says, "God desires, that all men would come to repentence and forgiveness, that none should suffer eternal damnation". Like it or not, this is where you are going to go, if you refuse Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Now I know, you have heard this and probably are tired of hearing this. But, think for a moment, how wonderful of life you are missing. A life of joy, peace, and love. To know that there is a Almighty God, one who created the very foundation of the earth and heavens, "LOVES YOU". Wants you to be apart of his kingdom, and to become one of His children. What more could you ask for, there is to much at stake to lose, mainly your "SOUL". Now, to some people, a soul does not exist, but I am here to tell you that it very much indeed exist. Our soul is our life blood, it keeps the body going, and if you are a believer, it is our contact with GOD the FATHER. Our souls cry out to Him, and He in turns talks to us through our salvation in Him. Are you willing to take the chance that there is no God? Are you willing to bet your eternal existance on this? You have only one chance in this life to except Him, and if you do not, then you are going to miss out on a paradise that cannot be described, nor, imagined. A paradise, that is beyond comprehension, so wonderful as to make anything on this earth seem dead to you. This is the power, of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. A compassionte grace that knows no bounds. This is a promise from GOD THE FATHER, that He will " Always keep us, and never forsake us". I am not telling you this, to push religion down your throats, but because I truly care about each and everyone of you. With the way things our going, in the middle east, and the world so full of evil and terror, the "END IS DRAWING NIGH". This world and all its treasures will evently fall away, and then a great destruction and tribulation will fall upon man. The bible says, "That a terrible judgement that has not happened since the world was created, and will not happen again, will fall upon this earth". Are you willing to gamble, your very soul, on the fact that there is no God? How will you face GOD?, and you will face God, that I can promise you. Will you stand before Him and say, "I thought you did not exist", and at that moment you will know that He does very much exist. I pray that when you do stand before GOD, that it will be a joyous reunion, and not a time for judgement. So if you are willing, say this pray, " Jesus I know I have sinned against you, will you except my humble spirit, and come into my heart and save me". That is all it takes, nothing else to give nothing else to offer, just your soul. It only takes a second, a second given for a eternal existance of peace and security, through the "LORD JESUS CHRIST". May the Lord Jesus be with you and His ever present joy fill your heart. GOD BLESS. Paul Bradly, minister for Jesus.
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What Is The Universal Subconscious? There are many different and interchangeable terms that are used to describe the Universal Subconscious mind. But whatever term you use, metaphysicians and scientists agree that our Universe is a field of vibrating energy. Things that are denser operate at a lower frequency, and then there are also finer forms, such as thoughts and emotions, which operate at a much higher frequency. All of these things make up a collective Universal consciousness that we all share. The S Word We all sin. To avoid using the "s" word, we may call it by other less penetrating names; politically correct names. But sin by any other name remains what it is, sin. It is not uncommon for man to blame external causes and conditions for our troubles and sicknesses, while all the time the real trouble is sin. Connect With the Moon Phases to Manifest Your Desires Connecting with the Moon phases, the Full and New Moon phases in particular, is something anyone can do very easily. It is all about energy (isn't everything?) and directing the energies in a positive way. In other words, there isn't anything "woo-woo" about using the Full and New Moon energies, in case certain images of running around naked and chanting in the moonlight are coming to mind! As many of us already know, we as humans, the animals and our planet Earth are highly influenced by the Moon in various ways. Will Science Get Closer To God Than Religion Has? A subject of debate for thousands of years, spirituality will no doubt spark much debate for another thousand years. That is how it should be. Once spirituality becomes 100% defined by 100% of the human population, then uniformity and rigid boundaries take over. Should that ever occur, then there is no spirituality, for spirituality cannot be locked in a box and confined within its walls. Renee?s Mommy is Here I still remember the scene vividly. I was getting out of my car at the baby-sitter's house and a little boy comes running out the door. The little boys begins to yell - "Renee's Mommy is here!" I remember stopping in my tracks and thinking - "Oh, that is who I am now - Renee's Mommy." My whole identity is now Renee's Mommy - or is it? Authentic Prayers Do you go to God seeking His will for your life or do you simply want something from Him? This is a critical question because your prayers to God are not for changing Him or to beg Him to do what you want Him to do. Rather, it is to be changed by God and to be empowered to do His divine will. Man is transformed in prayer, not God. You cannot exploit God, but you can submit yourself to Him and let God use you. Confessions of a Limousine Mystic! Observations from the Town Car... "Home James!" The Best Laid Plans We all know that the best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go awry, so we shouldn't be surprised when the best laid lifeplans go awry, too. The Star of Bethlehem It was said that Caesar Augustus one night consulted his personal sibyl (fortuneteller) and asked her if a prince greater than he would ever be born. As she searched for an answer in her sacred books, the place was lit up by a meteor that flared in the dark sky. She put down her book and told him that he had just received his answer. Soulstretch: Raising the Bar on Nobility and Nicety In the make-believe world, too, fiction and films are filled with flawed characters fighting their way to selfish goals. Pick up any book on how to write novels and short stories and you see the word "conflict" in bold. Forgiveness Stories Definition Quotes | Power to Forgive Vested with Human Beings forgiveness stories quotes definition and love Calling All Angels - Talking to Angels I am a big believer in the strength of a personal prayer. However, some of you have asked for a formal guide about how to call to the Archangels. (See the archives ? Your Guide To the Archangels for more information!) This guide below is for those of you who prefer to follow a structured format. This Universal Prayer To The Angels can be used to address any of the seven archangels. It is based loosely on Elizabeth Claire Prophet's prayer structure, that I have personally found to be extremely effective. Angels on Assignment Recently it has come to my attention people are noticing Angels popping up in the strangest places. Several years ago you would only hear about Angels at Christmas time 'Peace on Earth' that kind of thing. Now they are everywhere. In all forms of art and in each generation's music. Have you thought about the reasons why? Creating A Tithe Account Almost every spiritual and religious teaching exhorts its followers to donate a portion of their income to the support of the community and the common good, both as a way of ensuring (and insuring) the community's ability to care for its own and as a way to allow the tither to realize the extent of and to express gratitude for their own success. Although each religion and sect has its own idea of what constitutes a proper tithe (usually around 10% of the participant's earnings), the concept of tithing is a wise and long-standing tradition - one that each of us should be encouraged to add to our lives. Clear Mind, Empty Head: A Leak In Mind Like Water There's a lot of talk in meditation circles about emptying the mind. Praying in Secret "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." --Matthew 6:6 Practices for Positive Change Connect with Your God The Blessing of Violence An interesting question arose within a poetry workshop I attended this week. The Power of Angels -- An Interview With Rose Ann Schwab, Part Two Rose Ann Schwab is an internationally and world renowned professional clairvoyant psychic medium. Her gifts are finely tuned and have high credibility with 95% accuracy. Indian Knowledge and Frauds Iktomi: ![]() |
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