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The 5 Elemental Codes: Seeing Your World Through the Eyes of Universal Understanding (Part 1)
This article is the 1st part of an open response to a question that I encountered online a few years ago in one of the many Martial Arts Ninjutsu forums. The question (paraphrased) was: "What are the 5-elements (earth, wind, water, wood and metal) about that I have seen mentioned in books on ninjutsu?" As is so often the case when dealing with multiple personality types, egos, and the need for instructors to justify their positions and philosophies, the question went unanswered. What followed for several days was a sidebar discussion about the "rightness" or "wrongness" of a particular teaching model. In short, the poor student's question went unanswered. What follows began as a brief attempt to help the student resolve his dilemma and, eventually, turned into a three-part series.The metaphysical lore of the East is, quite logically, intertwined with the arts associated with the Shadow Warriors of Japan. Often, the influences are obvious, as in the use of the Shinto ceremony of respect and acknowledgment used to open and close classes; others, like the 5-element classification systems are not as apparent. Many of the books on ninjutsu, as well as the over-abundance of "New Age" tomes on the market, written by less-than-knowledgeable individuals, make reference to a system of classifying all that exists in the universe. This system of 5 Elements is actually 2 systems; each used to describe a different process. Unfortunately, the information is often offered in one of three ways. They are:
The first system, dealt with in this article, is known as the Godai or "Five Great Elemental Manifestations." The elemental codes, in ascending order are... ...chi "earth"... This is a system based on, and leading up to, the rokku-dai "Six Great Elements" as used in esoteric Buddhist study. The elements of the Godai are often, quite erroneously, confused with the elements that make up the Periodic Table used in the study of chemistry in Western science. I even remember a time when I was in school and one of my science teachers, who was covering the base elements at the time, laughed quite condescendingly about how the people of the Orient believe that there are only "Five" elements and, naming the above, pointed out the "real" 81 (at the time). In fact, the Godai elements are not meant to be used in such a detailed and destructive way as the ones of Western science. "Things" are not broken down so far that they become indistinguishable from their real form. The 5-Element code is actually a means of cataloging and grouping like concepts, aspects, strategies, energies, etc. In fact... ...the Western system can actually be reorganized and classified using the Godai system. The Elements as Classifications of "Groups" The five elements of the Godai, their symbolic representation, their appearance in the human being, and their use, by some instructors, in the teaching of the ninja's arts are: Chi"Earth" - represents the firm, hard objects that appear in existence. Rocks are probably the best symbol of the earth element in nature in that they are incapable of change, movement or growth, without the help of the other elements. In the human being, the "earth" element shows up in the body as the bones, muscles, and other tissues. In the mind, it is confidence; and emotionally it is a desire to have things remain as they are; a resistance to change. When under the influence of this chi or earth mode or 'mood,' we are aware of our own physicality and sureness of action. As a means of self-protection, which is based, as are all of the strategies of the ninja's art of operating with natural laws, on the student's emotional level or mood when the attack starts. "Earth," as a code for Enlightened Self-Defense action, represents our desire to hold our ground and 'crush' the assailant's attack with our strength. We are calm and unbothered by their threats and we firmly resolve to stop them in their tracks. Sui"Water" - represents elements in a 'flowing' or adaptable state. Aside from the common identification with natural water sources, plants are a good example of the "water" element in that they are, while incapable of movement, capable of adapting to their environment (i.e. turning their leaves toward the direct sun, growing their root systems in the direction of the most nutrient rich soil, etc.) In our bodies, the 'water' element represents the blood and other fluids necessary for life. Mentally, this code represents the ability to adapt to and change our strategy, or way of doing things, if change is needed and what we are currently doing is not working. At our core, it is our emotionalism and ability to 'go with the flow.' In the self-protection strategies of the ninja's armed and unarmed combat arts, the 'water' element identifies both our defensive adaptation to the enemy's attack and our ability to 'flow' with their actions. The feeling of being overwhelmed by their force or technique causes us to want to back up and create more space and time between ourselves and our assailant, as we attempt to cover and protect our targets from their attacking limbs. KaThe "Fire" - as a code, this symbol represents those elements in a combustible, or energy-releasing state. It also symbolizes force and direction. Animals are a good example of the 'fire' element in that they are capable of movement and direction, though limited by primitive 'programming' or instinct. In our bodies, this element is represented by our metabolism and body heat. Mentally, it is our directness, commitment and desire to be better than we are. Internally, from our heart come the qualities of will or intention, motivation and competitiveness as well as an outgoing or domineering spirit. As a defensive strategy, 'fire' represents our committed spirit directed against our opponent as we take the fight to them. In reality, there is no such thing as a 'fire' technique per se - just as there are no water, earth, etc. techniques. There is only our energy level or emotional mood that causes us to move-in against the attacker. Fu"Wind" - is the symbolic representation for elements in a gaseous state. Freedom-of-movement and an expanding nature are the keys here. Again, apart from the naturally identifiable 'things' alluded to by it, the 'wind' element is best symbolized by human beings. Human beings, in their lower or most common states of development, are capable of movement, direction and have intellect; the trait necessary for development, growth and overcoming the limiting tendencies of programming and the primitive instinct from our 'animal' nature. In our body, the 'wind' element is our respiration and the processing of oxygen and other gasses between cells. Mentally, it is our intellectual capabilities and our ability to be 'open-minded.' Emotionally, we are carefree and not influenced by stress. As a basis for self-defense, this element shows in our desire to evade, and stay just beyond, his reach. We naturally want to avoid any conflicts or, at least, a direct confrontation. Our strategy is reflected in our turning and evasive movements that allow us to flank him and smother his assault attempt if necessary. KuThe "Void" - is the code for the sub-atomic or 'creative' foundation of all that is. Actually, the term "void" is probably a bad translation when compared to the definition of what this element represents. The English language word "de-void," as in the absence of any pre-determined shape or character, is much closer to defining the nature of this element. Human beings in a higher conscious state are the representatives of this element, just as the sub-atomic material that forms the atoms that group into the molecules that form all other material things in the universe are the base example from nature. In our bodies, the 'void' element is our ability to think and communicate with others. Mentally and emotionally it represents our creative nature, as well as our personal means of self-expression as we identify with and operate in the world around us. As a self-protection method, the 'void' represents several tactics. They are:
The Elements as a Guide for Learning Self-Protection The Godai elements, as codes for action in a self-protection situation, serve as a guide for the student, not in learning set techniques or kata as such, but in relating to their emotional moods and responses, and their influence over the student's mental and physical options. It must be remembered that, as human beings we have a 'natural' way of learning effectively and efficiently. A physical, hands-on approach, coupled and followed by theory leads to an emotional feeling about that which we have learned. This feeling could be good (we like it), bad (we dislike it) or neutral (we neither like it or dislike it.) Unfortunately, we deal with stress (read: fights) in just the opposite way. First we experience an emotional response about the situation, encounter, environment, etc. Based on whether we are attracted or repelled, etc., we form a mental strategy based on what we know and what we think we can do, and finally we go into action. Though taking several sentences to describe, the actual impulse to response time takes only a fraction of a second. Beginning students, more often than not, do not understand the defensive strategies implied in the techniques being learned, let alone have an awareness of their emotional state at any given point. The Godai then, is a model that can be used as an expedient - as an example of the Enlightened trait known as "skillful means" - to help explain the modes in which we operate, their prompters, and the possibilities available based on what the body is, and is not, capable of when under the influence of each emotional state. In part 2 of this series, we will examine the Gogyo 5-Elemental Transformations as a guide for learning the ninja's survival, escape and evasion methods, and in gaining an understanding of the advanced strategies which can make the ninja warrior seem like a wizard and reader of people's minds. © 1995, 2005. All Rights Reserved. Jeffrey M. Miller is the chief instructor of Warrior Concepts International in Sunbury, Pennsylvania. He has been training in the martial and meditative arts for two-thirds of his life, with the last 21 years attempting to capture the "essence" of ninpo-taijutsu, under the guidance of Soke Masaaki Hatsumi, 34th grandmaster of the Togakure-Ryu and 8 other ancient martial lineages. In addition to teaching self-defense and personal development, Mr. Miller is a firearms instructor and wilderness survival tactician and conducts seasonal seminars on the topics. He is the author of the free e-Course "Foundations of Self-Defense Mastery" and the powerful "Danger Prevention Tactics" video. He can be reached via the academy website at http://www.warrior-concepts-online.com.
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Catch A New Lover With DIY Magic! One night, whilst watching TV, I understood a very useful magical principle which is highly practical and immensely efficient. Anyone can do it - if they really want to, that is! - and although it involves interior decoration, it is easy to do, once you get your head around the basic principles. Negative Disturbances Whenever we have the opportunity to make human assessments, the assessments we make will always betray our doctrine of man. We can always glean from what one person has to say about another, their doctrine or philosophy concerning man in general. Universal Thought System What we think is what we are. Our lives are determined by our thoughts. What we think determines what we have. What we think determines what we do. Every action begins with a thought, filtered through our beliefs, to achieve our goals. The thought, when set first in the form of a positive goal, will always be reached if Universal Laws are aligned with our beliefs and behavior. In our website we have begun to define and tabulate these laws in a way that does not require a scholars mind to decipher. Everyone should understand and easily utilize these laws. Spirituality: Impersonating Jed McKenna "No man is a prophet in his own country." I Helped Exorcize a Spirit Actually I have 'helped' exorcize spirits more than once but this particular one could have beeen taken by science to prove that exorcisms are not weird and do not need dogma or fear to be used with them. The Abundant Life! Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. -ROMANS 6:11 Eliminating the Past Most forms of psychotherapy I know either tries to help you accept the past, understand the past, learn from the past, perceive the past differently, or try to take the emotional edge of the past. In spite of all this effort to ameliorate the effects of the past it, in the end, is still inside you and you continue to identify yourself with it. Where Do You Cast? "Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7. Why Sit Here Until I Die? The bible tells a story about four men who sat at the entrance of the city's gate dying with leprosy, an incurable disease which causes terribly visible swelling and sores on the skin, only then to eat inward to the bones. Because of this contagious and incurable disease, these lepers sat outside of the city because they were not permitted to live within the city. These men were faced with a fatal disease, were outcasts, and were starving because of a feminine in the land. Such a hopeless life and no perceived future, would make the average person throw in the towel and just give up on life -- but not these men. Letting Go of Your Past Once you become saved and born again, the Bible tells us that we have now become new creations in Jesus Christ. All things have been made new. Our slates are now wiped clean and we now have a brand new start in this life if we are willing to properly work with the Lord in allowing Him to raise us up in His grace, knowledge and power. Animal Totems - Accept the Gifts They Have To Offer You You can think of your Animal Totems as imaginary guides on your life journey. You might also think of them as Power Animals because each one imparts a special energy, or power, to your life. Spirituality: Blues for Buddha Being critical of Buddhism isn't easy. Whats Missing from Your Nutritional Plan? IS FAITH - NOT VITAMIN C WHAT'S MISSING FROM YOUR NUTRITIONAL PLAN? The Importance of Honoring Mothers and Fathers With another year full of family events coming upon us, those of us that are lucky enough to have parents to honor will celebrate Mother's and Father's Day. We set aside one day a year for this, but it should be something we do everyday of the year, as commanded by God. There is a good reason for this, or else He wouldn't have commanded it! Immaterial Gain Among some of us who deem ourselves spiritual, the use of the word "spiritual" causes blushing and anxiety. What a pale word it is in the face of what earned spirituality actually provides. No single word, however potent, can tap the pure light and color of a cosmic mindset. The green vistas and pinkish sun rays of such a mind lie beyond the reach of labels and terms. A Beautiful Mind is a Simple Mind!! In the movie "A Beautiful Mind" John Nash (played by Russell Crowe) is a schizophrenic math genius who struggles with is inability to have peace of mind. In one scene he bangs his head on the window until it bleeds, begging his mind to slow down, all the while having a conversation with his imaginary roommate, Charles. Hold On! Job was a spiritual man who loved and obeyed God at all times. Yet, God allowed some really terrible things to happen in Jobs life. God Loves You With the Love of God Do you ever feel that what you read in some Christian books is not really God's truth at all, but is merely the opinion of the writer, dressed up in the clothing of truth? Such books are merely imposters and are like the fig tree Jesus cursed-they look promising on the outside, but when you get up close, you find that they, like the fig tree, are barren, written for the glory of the writer and his or her ideas, not for the truth of God and his glory. Change Your Outlook on Change Make no mistake about it, change is challenging whether it is conscious or unexpected. Viewing adversity as change, not loss or failure, is part of empowered and positive thinking. Humans develop resiliency through change, both physiologically, and emotionally. It's necessary for all life forms to evolve. Change comes though many vehicles ? some hit us hard, others are rather sneaky. But despite the challenges change brings, we know it is our natural state. It's inevitable ? the world grows and we grow with it fueled by our emotions. We are already designed to cry, express sorrow, frustration, anger, resentment, even give up for awhile ? and most of us choose to explore these feelings. But we are also designed to have hope, recover, be stronger, and inspire others as a result of change. You are never, never alone because emotion gives us plenty in common - as a society, we are not yet Vulcans. What makes one person triumphantly survive loss and turn it into positive energy, while another in similar circumstances resign? It has to do with our underlying assumptions on change. I have two very dear friends; each have had a double mastectomy from breast cancer. Losing body parts is devastating, not to mention living with the daily uncertainty of not knowing whether you continue to remain in remission. Yet one woman has forged ahead as a life-force warrior, focusing on triumphs and wins of today. She doesn't look back. The other has difficulty moving forward ? not engaging in work outside her home, quitting her job, waiting for "something" to happen while in a state of self-imposed limbo. They've processed their information in completely different ways. Why?It's because people want certainty before they decide to accept change. It's a natural reaction. Certainly our culture has become more comfortable with making choices that have predictable outcomes. A current cultural disease we suffer from is predictability, reflected in our inability to accept change at a deeply personal level. It applies across the board to choices we make with our finances, careers, or our relationships. Science, especially when applied to health issues, has given us a false security blanket when it comes to certainty. After all, it seems we've been able to control nature. We like to think we've cornered the market on predictability and good planning, when the truth is we live in a time where prediction is more intuition and common sense than science. To embrace change, we need to release the umbilical cord we think we have to outcomes of certainty. In other words, stepping off of the plateau requires a huge amount of trust. Your fall will be broken somewhere at the right time. Believing that is what allows us to cope. It is the first step, unsupported by any scientific doctrine. And it's a big one. No matter what science pronounces, whether it is in the form of a diagnosis, prognosis, or the state of the environment, there is no sure thing. Science has already given us permission to accept truth with a margin of error in just about anything. There is always the possibility something may exist, or not exist, despite what patterns indicate. Truly, it is a useless endeavor to let science, or proof for that matter, hold you back from moving forward. Whether it is health, or other issues surrounding job loss, divorce, or death, you will successfully navigate through change and elevate the quality of your life by knowing anyone can beat the odds. There is evidence everywhere, not just from Christopher Reeves, Mattie Stepanak, or those whose stories you find in People magazine, but from the dry cleaner, your third cousin, your own child. Almost everyone you know has a story of beating the odds. Let's pay attention to the real evidence instead of looking for ways to prove that we can't make it or the odds are just too great.Adopting a new attitude on adversity requires big picture thinking on the subject of change. View life, and spiritual development for that matter, as an upward spiral where you experience some of the same lessons over and over again. Is it because we just aren't getting what the lesson is telling us? Perhaps, but that's not the only reason. We've deliberately put those circumstances in our chart in frequent doses to allow ourselves an opportunity to see how we've been progressing on the upward part of that growth spiral. Adversity is an inescapable performance indicator ? a frequent reminder of our upcoming 360-degree review in how we handle the bumps. We are meant to be a stronger, more insightful person each time we get walloped. With each business obstacle, make a stronger commitment toward your goal of service to humanity; each time you grieve, become better at comforting others and showing compassion; after each funeral, return home knowing life is a precious gift. With all setbacks, it drives the point home on the one true certainty in life and that is we must use our time wisely to make conscious change in the world. Change is designed to get outside of ourselves and become conscious of our place within a community of souls. Without change, there is no transformation. Change is good, making us stir the self-development pot a little faster! KABBALAH OF LOVE: The Secret Power of Ego The Key to True Love... ![]() |
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