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Negative Disturbances
Whenever we have the opportunity to make human assessments, the assessments we make will always betray our doctrine of man. We can always glean from what one person has to say about another, their doctrine or philosophy concerning man in general. When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. Matthew 2:3. The comments made here in Matthew focus on the negative because there is something negative that is disturbing Herod and something negative brewing within him. He hears about Jesus being born and the magi looking to locate Him so that they could worship Him. Herod immediately begins to feel threatened; so much so that his behavior becomes pathological and results in the death of thousands of innocent children. Well, this negative something is in all of us and we need to deal with it. We must come to terms with the fact that there are some negative qualities that are common to all human beings. We know this because we realize how difficult it is to honestly say what we will or will not do in any given situation. Peter, you recall, was one of the closest disciples to Jesus. He loved Jesus and Jesus loved him. But he lied, cursed, and betrayed Jesus to save his own skin. He walked and talked and dined with Jesus for three years. He had seen miracles performed and heard sermons preached and claimed he was willing to die, yet denied even being acquainted with Jesus. Now, we have never seen Jesus, never walked with Him, or talked with Him in the same sense that Peter had. So we have to come to a consensus on human nature. Man was born in sin and shaped in iniquity. We possess the capacity to do all kinds of negative things. We see it in others and we see it in ourselves, do we not? Yet, through the power and might of Jesus Christ, we are enabled and empowered to overcome the negative and the stronghold of sin. Jesus bore our sins on His shoulders at Calvary, thus releasing us from their yoke. When we view life and live life consistent with the will of God, old negative thoughts and behaviors pass away. Behold! All things become new. Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. http://www.clergyservices4u.org. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach. Her new book, Out of Deep Water: A Grief Healing Workbook, will be available soon.
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You Must Feel to Heal! In my work with clients who have physical illnesses there is one consistent observation that I keep running up against. That is the inability to feel one's emotions. If It Is The Lords Will I Will Live My thoughts can get a little edgy at night. Possibly even deep. Reflecting on almost a half century of life. Some of it better than I would have imagined in my youth. Some not. Payday Someday Let us face reality squarely in the face by acknowledging the tragic fact that it does not matter how "good" you may be, folks can always concoct a way to destroy you. If people want to tear down your good name, they will find a way to somehow achieve it. If jealous, envious, greedy individuals want something you have, they will do anything and use any willing body to get you out of the way. Are You Following Your Knows Or Your I Dont Knows? We have all heard the phrase, "follow your nose". This means to keep your direction straight and you will find the way you are going. If following the nose on our face gives us the proper direction, then doesn't it make perfect sense to follow our "knows"? When we "know" something, that means we have assurance of the outcome. Ten Soul-Tending Principles for Women Feeling restless? Is part of you calling out for change, though you don't yet know what that looks like, or what you most need? Reach Out and Touch The essence of the Christian faith is the good news about God. That God is love is the bedrock of our faith. All of the Christian teaching about who we are and about our relationships with God and each other is rooted in the good news that God is love and that He loves His creatures. Readjusting Our Eye Focus Peter is a man after my own heart. I feel a certain bond with him. Perhaps, it is because he reminds me of myself at times and my friends and family at other times. Or it could be that I see Peter in all of us as we walk the Christian path and strive to serve Christ obediently, and yet, possessing shortcomings that can become our own stumbling stones. How Useful is a Dream Dictionary Really? At the start of your dream journey, one of the most frustrating things is to figure out what the symbolism in your dreams means! Most often people start their dream conversation with me by saying: "I had this weird dream ?" What makes it "weird" is the strange collection of people, objects, places and events that take place in the dream. Awakening from the Dream, Divine Source through Barbara Rose Greetings my Dear Beloved Souls Dancing with the Devil "If you can't dance with the devilYou will never walk in the Light."Well now..this is an interesting subject isn't it? At arecent event, I was asked about the "Anti-Christ," a topic that brings chills Choosing Peace, One Shift at a Time It doesn't matter what magazine or newspaper you pick up these days, there it is! the evidence of violence; the killing of innocent people, the terror of aggression and destruction. How do we, as caring, compassionate, conscious people maintain our inner peace in the face of war? Is it responsible to turn from the glaring headlines, close our eyes, go within to connect with that place of inner peace? What if those headlines have stirred up our visceral fear reactions and we are disturbed and angry? When outer circumstances create worry, helplessness and judgment how do we shift our inner attention so that we send peaceful thoughts, rather than more anger and hatred? What to Expect From the Next Transformation â??Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.â?? This line is a typing exercise, but it holds a bundle of truth for mankind. Basic Tarot for Beginners If you would like to learn to read tarot cards, but have no idea who to ask to teach you or how to go about it, the following tips should help you get started on your path to telling fortunes just like a pro! Practical Stress Management -- 7 Spiritual Solutions Stress is amazingly persistent, even seductive. We get usedto feeling tight and tense. Though positive thinking has itsplace, unless it is backed up by practical spiritual wisdom it tends to get overwhelmed and fade away. Introduction to the Five Powers of Spirit You are a dual being. Part eternal spirit and part temporal body. Together these comprise your soul. The soul is more powerful than the spirit alone. You are the child of a Divine Father. He desires you to become a soul composed of spirit permanently united with an incorruptible, perfected body of flesh and bone. When we were young in the universe we existed as mere intelligences. Our Father gave us bodies of spirit that allowed us to grow and evolve. But without a physical body, we came to a place of limitation beyond which we could not pass. Am I W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G.? Are you? Jesus the Great Teacher --Lessons Learned! I don't know of anyone who really liked takingtests in school if you did there is somethingseriously wrong with you. It just seemed asthough some breezed through while people likemyself always struggled. Life is not fair!!!! Somecall it tests anxiety. I think I just concentratedon trying not to get the answer wrong instead ofrelaxing and allowing my brain to find the answerin my head. Most times the next day I could dobetter because of no pressure. Second golf shotsare like that too! So when I received my testscores back all I noticed were the red marks anddisappointments instead of how many right answersI had out of one hundred. Having said that,perfect test scores were few and far between formost of us I think. A Beautiful Mind is a Simple Mind!! In the movie "A Beautiful Mind" John Nash (played by Russell Crowe) is a schizophrenic math genius who struggles with is inability to have peace of mind. In one scene he bangs his head on the window until it bleeds, begging his mind to slow down, all the while having a conversation with his imaginary roommate, Charles. How to Hear from God We want to hear from God so that we may be led to pursue the right things. Unfortunately, there are always three voices in every ones head at any given time; God's voice, the devil's voice, and the voice of our own flesh. So, how are we to be sure to hear from God with all the noise going on? Will Science Get Closer To God Than Religion Has? A subject of debate for thousands of years, spirituality will no doubt spark much debate for another thousand years. That is how it should be. Once spirituality becomes 100% defined by 100% of the human population, then uniformity and rigid boundaries take over. Should that ever occur, then there is no spirituality, for spirituality cannot be locked in a box and confined within its walls. ![]() |
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