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The Foundational Laws of Spiritual Physics
Over the past years, I have undergone a life-altering transition from living on autopilot to recreating my life as a spiritual calling and a force for good. One aspect of this transition has been the acknowledgement of what I call the "Foundational Laws of Spiritual Physics", detailed below. Basically, these laws state that any action that does not promote the overall betterment of mankind (or soul-kind, for that matter) is a waste of energy at best, and a horrifically destructive force at worst. Any person, life-path, or civilization that tries to deny these laws suffers the same fate as any material object that tries to deny the laws of material physics - it will be inherently unstable, unsupportable and destructive to itself (and probably to anything around it, as well). We can see clear evidence of this anywhere we care to look. Indifference and emptiness are becoming a national pastimes, abuse begets further abuse, crime creates more crime (and increasingly more martial law enforcement in which mistakes are simultaneously costlier and less accountable for), communal violence that is not only tolerated, but actually glorified as entertainment, escalating nuclear "deterrence", retributive wars giving way to preemptive wars...the list goes unrelentingly on. In fact, this unrelenting spiral of dispirited behavior is often so overwhelming that we sometimes just give up and quit looking altogether - out of fear, social pressures and the frustration that stems from the belief that nothing we could possibly do would help. We even go so far as to stifle our own divine nature as children of God - abandon our gifts, our purpose and our dreams - in order not to be denounced as selfish, egocentric or over-reaching by those who stand to benefit from our self-imposed impotence. Like the biblical servant who hid his gold talents rather than risk losing them in investment, we not only squander the potential God gave us to grow in this world, but, by refusing to stick our necks out and do something with ourselves, we are essentially returning our gifts unopened and saying that we just don't trust God to know what s/he was doing when we were created in the first place. For our own good and for the good of all creation, we must stop our present descent into apathy. In the words of the Episcopalian Bishop, Phillip Brooks, we must each seek to, "Be such a [person], and live such a life, that if every [person] were such as you, and every life a life like yours, this earth would be God's Paradise." Remember the parable of the unfruitful servant, and commit to using your talents more wisely.
God is love - A lot of people go to a lot of trouble to convince others that God is spiteful, jealous, bigoted, discriminatory and even arbitrarily cruel - mainly to justify their own un-Godly behavior. Bullhockey! Remember - if it isn't good, it isn't God. The opposite of love is fear - What we see as anger, hatred, indifference, bigotry, etc., is actually the manifestation of some fear - fear of loss, fear of insufficiency (love, food, money, status, etc), fear of exposure (hypocrisy, wrong-doing or even just imperfection) and so on. By focusing on eliminating the root causes of the fear, rather than simply dealing with the symptoms, we are able to treat and prevent problems as opposed to simply punishing them after the fact. We are all children of God, and we are all one through God - There is no "you" separate from "me". All separateness is an illusion created by the limited perceptions of the material bodies (what I like to call our naked-ape suits) that our souls inhabit during their journeys. You cannot affect the part without affecting the whole - Holding something back from another, or hurting another to protect or advance oneself, makes about as much sense as keeping all your money in your left pocket so that your right hand can't get to it, or cutting the fingers off of one glove and using them to double-insulate the other hand from the biting cold. Built into this law is the reality that what comes around, goes around. Good, bad, indifferent or just downright strange, the truth is, if you deal it at some point, you'll feel it at another. So behave. It's for your own good. We are here for three reasons: to love each other, to learn from the world around us, and to grow and advance as spiritual beings - "Stuff happens!" is often God's way of accomplishing this. If you don't pay attention and fail to learn these lessons, stuff happens over and over until you get it right. (God apparently doesn't go in for social promotion - you've got to make a passing grade in order to move on.) We each have our own unique Light - We each have special gifts, talents and abilities that, when cultivated, enable us to love, learn and grow with a richer enjoyment, deeper understanding and greater impact than "living on autopilot" alone could accomplish. We often feel this Light as an emotional pull towards a certain behavior or activity, a surge of energy and loss of time-sense when engaging in a certain activity or a feeling of some sort of purpose or destiny. When we follow this route, much less unpleasant stuff happens, and we "get" the rest of the stuff faster. All strife and pain in the material world is caused by denial of these laws - 'Nuff said. (c) Soni Pitts ABOUT THE AUTHOR Soni Pitts is the Chief Visionary Butt-Kicker of SoniPitts.Com. She specializes in helping others reclaim "soul proprietorship" in their lives and to begin living the life their Creator always intended for them. She is the author of the free e-book "50 Ways To Reach Your Goals" and over 100 self-help and inspirational articles, as well as other products and resources designed to facilitate this process of personal growth and spiritual development.
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Create Miracles in Your Life Until recently, miracles were usually credited to a supernatural power. The miracles in the Bible are a good example. Nowadays, miracles can be described as something that is extraordinary, inexplicable and unexplainable by normal circumstances. We all need a miracle, even a small one, every now and again. An example of a small miracle might be finding a parking space downtown on a busy afternoon. A larger miracle could be finding the perfect career opportunity, meeting a new partner, or enjoying an exotic vacation. The Power of Ritual As humans, we are the species that operate with symbols. Other animals use familiar signs, landmarks and gestures given by us, or act purely on instinct. Like humans, they too have rituals of gathering food, procreation and even death rituals. Our normal day-to-day rituals include a shower, combing our hair, brushing teeth and preparing for work. He?s Jesus! For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses. --HEBREWS 4:15 Picture This (Part One) Picture this state of existence in your mind by closing your eyes after you have read the lines below. True Will Some may ask what is the true will of God and how do I obtain it? Well let's see what the Bible says. Look at Psalms 40:6 it says Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but my ears you have pierced; burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require. Then I said, Here I am, I have come-it is written about me in the scroll. I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart. I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly I do not seal my lips, as you know, O Lord. I do not hide your righteousness in my heart. Home of God The first hymn of Isha Upanishad says - whatever living beings inhabit the world here, God resides in all of them; enjoy what is given by Him and don't seek other's wealth. Why Angels, Why Now? The Angelic realms have been very active throughout the human experience. They-as brilliant aspects of your Source-have been offered as protectors and teachers for every one of you. And yes, it can seem very difficult to know this when you see it, as we are talking about the Angelic Realms, the Dimensions of Light, both of which are not always visible to the human eye. The End of Guilt What is the purpose of guilt? The Slippery Halls of Perspective. As we walk these halls of Life viewing the world and ourselves through our limited and often times limiting perspectives, who can really fathom the depth of another? Didn't we all at one time believe in Santa Clause? Didn't we all believe at one time, that when we closed our eyes we disappeared? Didn't we all used to believe we were the center of the world? Where did those perspectives go? Are we now sure that we have it 'really right', or are we still clutching at temporary viewpoints and transient opinions, unknowingly defending mirages? Who can really judge who sees clearly? Who can really say who is deluded? Who is really in touch with reality? Perspectives change and for the most part do not belong to us, but rather happen to us. All perspectives are partial, and because they are partial, they are incomplete (even this one). Because they are incomplete they are in a sense, a lie (even this one). A perspective is one particular view point of one particular 'viewer' (person), from one particular space, frozen in one particular moment in time. One moment's perspective is also the next moment's food. But if we are going to share a perspective that is always a partial truth and also a partial lie, can we at least do so while holding the perspective lightly? Can we see through our own limited views, thus freeing ourselves from their limiting nature? Because all perspectives are by nature temporary and partial, can we simultaneously see from and also see through our own opinions, judgements, biases, views or perspectives? Consider: as you lay on your deathbed in your final moments, how important were those perspectives you defended through out your passing life? Where are those perspectives now? The Hidden Cost of FREE Are you always looking for bargains, especially something that you can get for free? The thought is that this will somehow enhance your life and perhaps make you feel more empowered, correct? Connect With the Moon Phases to Manifest Your Desires Connecting with the Moon phases, the Full and New Moon phases in particular, is something anyone can do very easily. It is all about energy (isn't everything?) and directing the energies in a positive way. In other words, there isn't anything "woo-woo" about using the Full and New Moon energies, in case certain images of running around naked and chanting in the moonlight are coming to mind! As many of us already know, we as humans, the animals and our planet Earth are highly influenced by the Moon in various ways. How to be Led by the Spirit of God The Bible tells us that we need to be led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:12-14, Galatians 5:16-25). Therefore, it is necessary for us to discern the prompting and guidance of the Holy Spirit if we are to live successful lives. Gods To Do List - Get Specific! I know eyebrows are probably raising about now, but let me tell you this works ! How does God know what we want or need if we don't get specific and let Him know ? Ego, Duality, and Paradise (Why You Cant Get to Paradise on an Ego Trip) If you've been on a conscious spiritual journey for any time at all, you have likely figured out that there is an aspect of you that is working overtime to keep you out of Nirvana. That pesky entity is none other than your ego. Your ego, however, does not realize it is a problem; instead, it believes itself to be your heroic savior and the only thing standing between you and extinction. Indeed, the ego is correct in this-without your ego, there would be no "you." Your ego is the aspect of your psyche that maintains the idea that you are an individuated, separate, autonomous being. Laboring under this notion, it attempts to steward your life according to this model, and rebels at the notion that you are actually one with all Creation. The Gratitude Toll I very often see rants, complaints, wishes and dreams that have a similar theme, and that theme goes something like this: Some Evidence of How We Are Spiritually Connected It has long been surmised that emotional trauma can lead to physical illness. It is also conceptualized that such toxic trauma fragments may exist at the level of our energy fields. Treatments such as EFT ( Emotional Freedom Technique?), TFT (Thought Field Therapy?), TT (Therapeutic Touch?) and others seek to restore the individual's energy field. Self-Realization How It Can be Achieved Within Ones Life Time Before we dwell on the subject of Self Realization we need to understand the real meaning of gaining self realization. How Its Always Now How do we feel the fullness of life itself? Footprints and Monuments - Slow Down Every month I usually sit down and write an article around the topics of leadership, teamwork, vision, or self-improvement. However, this month I am only passing on something that came across my desk a few days ago. If this means something to you - pass it on, if not simply delete it and be looking for next month's article that will surely help you live your life to your potential. A Bellyful of Mindfulness Taco Bell, the Mexican fast-food franchise, has a new ad campaign focusing on the slogan, "Get full." The commercials show people ecstatically announcing that they are full--thanks, of course, to the huge value meals now available at Taco Bell. ![]() |
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