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Mind, in Time and Space
One cannot make a decision in the moment of now. All decisions are made from the past, and then you work in the past to recreate a future that has already passed based on that decision. If it is true that we are creating ourselves and the circumstances of our existence, then were does that existence or experience take place, in the past, present or future? The brain is only a processor and a very slow one at that. The brain processes information received by the five senses of smell, touch, taste, hearing and sight. By the time the brain has processed the information received by the bodily sensors and made a judgement about the information, the information is old news and so is its reaction. In a recent commercial for Young Drivers of Canada, the announcer said that your teenager has only 1.3 seconds to react to a car that has pulled in front of him. That's not much in human terms, but as far as processing goes it's a lifetime. Of course we are not computers and our brains process adequately enough for our survival in the physical world and we have learned to live within these limitations of time and space. The mind is not the brain, the mind is that which gives the body life, it is life itself. There is only one mind and that mind is operating individually in all things. That mind sees the future, the present and the past simultaneously. The ego which is the individualized peace of the mind sees the future as part of the mind, it then goes back into the past to recreate the future through the physical thought process. The ego sees the finished product in its mind's eye then reacts to it by recreating it. The product or action is real in the minds eye and the body reproduces it in space-time one increment at a time. The mind is the only part of us that can truly experience itself in the moment of now. The mind sees the future and the ego reacts to it in the past, but the past can never be present in the future so it always recreates in the past. So past, present and future all happen now. The body is as a time machine so that the mind can experience the creation of its own thought. So we are an intermediary function of a system that lives in the now, and cannot experience a past or future. Humanity is a process not a thing, it cannot be separated from mind because it is a thought of mind, it is the physical aspect of mind and this allows mind to recreate itself one step at a time. So it cannot be rightfully said that we are children of God, but we are actually God experiencing being God. We are a process with no mind of its own except for our connection to the one mind. We live in the illusion of being separate and apart so that the process can work and the process is simply life experiencing itself, trying to make sense by experiencing one piece at a time within the illusion. Knowing this should give us some kind of peace of mind (connection with mind) in that we are eternal and cannot be destroyed-only the illusion can. Everything that we experience is appropriate and as we become more aware individually, the closer we become to being all that is again, and the illusion of time and space will disappear as we discover what it is to be the mind (be God) and the process will begin again. We are already that which we seek to be and there is no need to find ourselves. We are not here to learn anything-we are here to simply experience physical life within our own model of it and how we see ourselves in relation to it and the one mind. Life has no purpose other than that which we give it. Life is the only purpose and our purpose is as much an illusion as we are. Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom. You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same. Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS. Visit Roy at: http://www.klienwachter.com
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Knowing The Holy Spirit! "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses?to the ends of the earth." -ACTS 1:8 Do You Have Hot Buttons? You may ask, "What are hot buttons anyway?"Hot buttons are those that, when people push, you turn red and out comes the anger, resentment, insecurity, and other negative emotions you wish weren't a part of your life.Remember the last time your boss made a comment about the project you completed? For some reason, his assessment just sent you through the roof. What about when your partner told you that you are gaining weight? Did you get upset and begin feeling insecure about your relationship? What if your manager or teacher doesn't spend much time talking with you? Do you feel less valued or respected?Some people avoid these hot buttons being pushed by simply avoiding people. Unfortunately, avoiding people can often mean "avoiding" the opportunities that can potentially change our lives for the better. 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I then took each wad, removed the wrapper and put the bills through the counting machine. When the machine finished, I hand counted it. The air was filled with the stuffy, musty smell of money. My hands were brown and oily from the invisible coat of dirt each bill carried. Understanding the Gospel of Matthew and Why it Matters - Part 9 Matthew 3:4-6John Baptizes the People Kundalini Symbology While study and pursuit of the Kundalini is considered part of the 'New Age' repertoire, it's interesting to note that like most things New Age, it's roots are very ancient and actually pervade almost every part of human culture. A Meaningful Relationship That is Not Yukky Good morning Roy, good morning Joseth Small Things When my dad was nearing the end of his life he began searching his heart to see if there was anything left undone - some unconfessed sin, a misdeed, anything at all he needed to make right before he faced God. He constantly prayed that the Holy Spirit would bring to his remembrance anything he needed to make right with his fellowman. It was during this time that he came across a rusty old garden tiller at the edge of his garden. It belonged to a farmer down the road who had sold it to Dad, but, when it didn't work, the farmer returned his money to him and told Dad just to bring it back any time. Is Your Pursuit of Money Robbing You Of Complete Fulfillment? Do you think it's acceptable for people to makemillions of dollars selling us and our kids on theidea that pre-marital sex, adultery, idolatry,sorcery, hatred, selfish ambitions, drunkenness andthings of this sort are O.K.? Spiritual Healing - The Hidden Truth and Misconception Throughout history, what is portrayed in all religions as being the manifestation of prayer or miracles is in fact manifestation of our connection with the essence of our Soul and the manifestation of the power of spiritual healing. We have heard throughout the centuries about such miracles that have happened to people, and how they changed their lives. This has carried on until now when we still hear of these 'miracles' in our time today. What would be the difference between a miracle that has been approved by a religion and one that has been manifested by a healer? The End of Guilt What is the purpose of guilt? My Experience with Spiritual Healing Healing is a special gift that any human being can have. It is fortunate that we are provided with the opportunity to acknowledge and develop it. There is no difference from any human being performing healing and Christ healing. The only difference is if you belong to a large institution like a Catholic church where healing is sometimes defined as a miracle. Many great healers came into our plane and performed their miracles, such as Edward Cayce, Harry Edwards and many others known and unknown to us. The good part of it is that we are all healers. The only difference between a full pledged healer and any one of us is very simple. A healer is a human being who has dedicated his or her life in order to help humanity and to show us that we are not alone, by becoming a channel for the spirit to do their work. Many powers are beyond our sense of understanding or belief system. If this is your path in this lifetime then this will become part of your life because you have already been chosen for that path. Clear Mind, Empty Head: A Leak In Mind Like Water There's a lot of talk in meditation circles about emptying the mind. Daily Rituals as a Doorway to the Higher If you have a longing to connect with something higher, whether it be your higher self or higher powers and beings, one of the simplest ways to connect is by creating a daily ritual for yourself. Whether you meditate, do yoga, read inspirational books, or just take a walk, doing a daily ritual creates a doorway through which the higher can enter your life. Do People See Visions Anymore? Unless God has changed the way he does things it would seem that he has kept the lines open to men and women as usual. Should there be any doubt let me tell you a true story of a sequence of events in my own life. No one had more trouble believing these events than me; in fact I wouldn't tell even my closest friends for over a year. Now I think so very differently. You May Be A Ghost-Host ![]() |
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