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Be Still
Psalm 46:10 I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (NIV) Before my wife, Melinda, gave birth to a baby girl eight months ago, I thought I had God all figured out. Having lived with a severe physical disability all my life, I discovered many unique spiritual truths along the way and pass them on to others through my writing and speaking ministry. My spiritual armory included a surplus of all the basics: faith, joy, love, patience, understanding, compassion and forgiveness. Little did I realize that I had not even scratched the surface of the awesome nature of God. "Be still, my child." I truly enjoy the times I spend with Gabbie when happiness shows through her expressions and actions. That smile, where she sticks her tongue out through her lips, and that joyous laugh warm my heart because I know she loves me. Ironically, though, I often find more satisfaction when I succeed in calming her when she is crying and fussy. I lack the physical abilities needed to change her diaper, feed her, or even hold her without assistance, yet my touch and my voice often calm her until other help is available. Frequently, once she calms down and becomes still enough to hear my voice, she takes comfort in my singing to her and my telling her that everything is fine because "mommy" will be back soon to take care of her physical needs. My voice soothes her to the point that she forgets about her need for food or a clean diaper, and she falls asleep. This lets me know that not only does she love me but she trusts me as well. She knows that I am her father and that I will make sure all of her needs will be taken care of when I say to her: "Be still, my child." I believe this holds true in our relationship with our heavenly Father. When we quiet our minds and spirits, we finally hear His voice speaking to us and comforting us. He wants us to rest in the peace of knowing that all of our needs will be met. He desires our trust, our faith in His power to take care of all things in His perfect timing. He requires our acknowledgement that He knows what we need much better than we do. Matthew 6:32-34 When we focus our sight on God, everything else seems to disappear. We need to learn to ignore our human instinct of automatically fretting and getting worked up about a problem because we accomplish nothing when we worry. This anxiety develops because we do not know how to handle the trouble at hand. Like a fly caught in a spider's web, we end up making the situation worse by struggling to find a way out. "Be still, and know that I am God." About Kevin Berg Web site:http://www.KevinBergBooks.com
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Building the Bridge of LOVE - Dont You Think Its time? One of the saddest times in any child's life iswhen for some reason they think one or both ortheir parents are going to be taken from them. Inthe mid-nineties on one of their tours Naomi Juddannounced to the world that she had hepatitis andwould retire from the country music business.Leaving her daughter Wynonna to sing on her own forthe first time in her life. Spiritual Spring Cleaning, Making Room for More Do you ever get into those moods where you just can't stand to look at clutter anymore and start filling garbage bags? Maybe it's Spring Fever, but I have a deep desire for simplicity lately. Not just in my physical surroundings, but emotionally, professionally, and spiritually too -- I have been "purging" the unnecessary from my life. 10 Interesting Facts about Archangel Michael 1. The name Michael means, "Who is like God". In the Bible he is called "one of the chief princes" (Daniel 10:13) and "the great prince" (Daniel 12:1). Animal Spirit Guides & Totems Animal spirit totems can be viewed in different ways according to each of us as individual people. The basic principle of an animal totem is an animal spirit who gives us insight into ourselves, a glimpse of the divine powers at work in our world, and can transcend us to a place of healing for ourselves and other people. Is the Church a Friend to Survivors of Abuse? After 6 years, I left an abusive relationship with an X partner (we were NOT married) in October 2004. He had verbally, emotionally, psychologically, and sexually abused me since the birth of my daughter in October 2001. He also had abused my daughter physically, as well as in many of the same ways that he'd abused me, since she began crawling. He also neglected her. African American Hiking for Spiritual Health Hiking is gaining popularity within the African-American community. We're beginning to spend more time in nature in an effort to connect deeply with the spirit within. The alertness that is required to observe the natural beauty around us is calming, energizing and edifying. Noticing the colors on the trees, listening to the sounds of the birds, and overlooking scenic landscapes or wonderful bodies of water can heal the soul very profoundly. Unforgiving Servant - Why Would You Hurt Yourself Like This? Everybody knows that if you stick your hand in a fireyou're going to be burned. This is a fact that wasbranded in our minds since childhood, therefore weusually take special precautions when dealing withfire. You wouldn't intentionally burn yourself becauseyou are aware of the pain and discomfort it will causeyou. Drop the Negations What really binds us to any negative emotional state in which we find ourselves suffering is this: choice. First Things First-- Balancing Your Priorities! I'm not sure Paul had the Japanese culture in mindat the time when he writes, "Seek ye first theKingdom of God and all other things will be addedunto you." I'm not sure how much popularity thebible has in Japan today either. Yet, it seems asthough the Japanese people have at least onebiblical principle figured out. In the book,"First Things First", Steven Covey helps usunderstand how and why the Japanese people thinkhow they do and accomplish so much more thanAmerican's in a same twenty-four hour period.Covey explains, that we can divide all our dailytasks into two main areas of our lives. One areais the Important/Urgent-NOT Urgent area and thesecond consists of tasks in the NOT Important/NOTUrgent area. Creating Your Soul-Centered Community Imagine for a moment. It's Tuesday night about 7pm. You are excited and full of energy even though your day has been stressful and long. You have invited a group of like-hearted, spiritually-focused friends together in your living room to share and explore living as Soul. Is It Safe To Walk Into Your Doctors Office? In a recent case study which I also summarized in a recent article entitled "Some Evidence of How We Are Spiritually Connected" I discuss how we are connected beyond the physical. The Simple Plan of Asking and Receiving The QuestionReally picture this in your mind.... Someone tellsyou that if you ask them for a hundred dollars they'll give it to you and all you have to do is believeit they will- would you ask for it and believe? Footprints and Monuments - Slow Down Every month I usually sit down and write an article around the topics of leadership, teamwork, vision, or self-improvement. However, this month I am only passing on something that came across my desk a few days ago. If this means something to you - pass it on, if not simply delete it and be looking for next month's article that will surely help you live your life to your potential. New Age Spirituality New Age Spirituality is all about getting back your power. Not that you ever lost it. Sometimes you gave your power away, misplaced it, or forgot you had power in the first place. Our Body is a Hologram of Living Light We are apart of all that is, our consciousness spring out of the silence, which is known as the voyd or vacuum in Quantum Physics. This first sprouting of consciousness comes out of the silence as waves, a vibration of light. The photons of light travel till they hit something then change from a wave to a particle and an ante-particle. Terrorists Again - 14 Prayers to Protect Your Family In the last 2 weeks or so, I havebeen posting some prayers to deal with specificissues that my readers have mentioned to me. Pioneering Insanity "They're crazy!" That's what they're saying about us. The majority of the people in America at this time in history do not channel spirits, do not converse with angels or aliens, do not astral project, do not know about any kind of higher vibration, and do not talk about Starseeds, Indigo Children, nor Lightworkers. They don't know anything about ancient secrets being coded into crystals nor about the healing effects of various stones. The only animals they talk to are their pets and they don't actually listen for any kind of a response. They don't talk to dead people. They have no idea what kind of a higher purpose or mission they might have been sent here to do. They have no idea what it is to have a voice from above speak to you and ask you to step out of the normal way of things to do some sort of holy spiritual work that will help guide or save humanity. They just go about their lives having no idea what it is to walk in our shoes. They call us crazy and sometimes it's difficult not to agree with them. Where Do You Cast? "Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7. A SPIRITUAL SOLUTION - Wisdom From The Fulfillment Forum Books & Study Courses A few men and women are universally successful but such superior seeming geniuses usually lose so much empathy for we lesser souls that their relationships become selfish and self-defeating. Many end up alone and unloved, in a prison of their own making, as Michael Corleone did in The Godfather. As an ancient African-American gospel song laments, life is plagued with sorrows, complications, and defeats for every person. Affirmations for Emotional Hygiene Last week I talked about the need to practice emotional hygiene, that is -- emptying your head of all toxic emotions such as jealousy, resentment, envy in order to create a kind of "blank slate." You need to clean your conscious mind of these emotions so that you can use the power of your subconscious mind to manifest more positive events in your life. I talked about the power of words, and in particular, how negative self-talk can hold you back and disconnect you from the intuitive wisdom of your higher self. ![]() |
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