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Animal Spirit Guides & Totems
Animal spirit totems can be viewed in different ways according to each of us as individual people. The basic principle of an animal totem is an animal spirit who gives us insight into ourselves, a glimpse of the divine powers at work in our world, and can transcend us to a place of healing for ourselves and other people. The author of Animal-Speak, Ted Andrews defines animal totems as such: "Any natural object, animal, or being whose phenomena and energy you feel closely associated with during your life". A totem is considered to be a power, also called 'medicine' and is capable of walking down our path with us on our spiritual and personal journey in this lifetime. We can tap into the energies of the animal totems for strength, healing for ouselves, and for others. Higher level beings along with Spirit Guides can shapeshift, transforming their energy bodies into animals and sending us important messages that will guide us along and teach us what we need to know. How many of you have been attracted to particular animals over the course of your lifetime? Own figurines of a certain animal, hang pictures up of them, watch them at the zoo? How many of you see a particular animal on a regular basis and at times thought it seemed 'out of the ordinary' for this to happen? Many of us overlook and miss the animals when they are speaking to us. Because of today's busy society and hectic lives we often take natural, spiritual occurances and sluff them off or don't even notice them at all. If we take the time and effort to connect with Mother Earth and her animal children we can learn to harness the medicine that comes with these wonderous and intelligent creatures of nature, enlightening our perceptions, spiritually and personally growing as people, and sharing that new found source of energy with others in the world. Our animal totems and guides choose us according to what is necessary for growth at that particular time. We can also have one main power totem who does not come and go but encompasses 'who we are'. This animal will many times be the one who you have felt connected with most strongly during your life, but doesn't necessarily have to be. Develop a relationship with your animal totems. Study the animal's behaviors, hunting habits, natural instincts, life rythym cycles and how it lives. Honor them by keeping physical reminders of them near you such as figurines, pictures that you can draw, etc...Even if you don't physically have the animal in your geographical area you can still draw pictures of them. Meditate and calm your mind, ask Spirit for help and you will draw what naturally comes to you. Everything in nature is connected....There is one hoop for everything, and everything has it's place and purpose. You may want to study the location of where the animal lives, nearby plants, streams, lakes, rocks, stones, cliffs, trees etc...By doing so you are keeping the sacred balance of all things and learning all there is to know about your totems. Make an effort to communicate with the animals. Pay attention to your surroundings and know what animal(s) speak to you. You will be on your way to connecting with your personal animal totems if you do these things........ Lisa Hoskins is a jewelry designer who owns Animal Spirit Jewelry. She has studied animals her whole life and is now blessed from Spirit to be able to create jewelry based upon the spiritual principles revolving around animal totems and guides. You can find her website at http://www.animalspiritjewelry.com
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