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Romantic Relationships: A Spiritual Perspective
Meeting someone so attractive, so beautiful. Your heart beats like the rhythm at the races and your knees become Jell-O. We all know this feeling of falling in love and seeing the amazing beauty in another. Couples fall in love blissfully and fall out of it with such heartache. Love does not have to be so difficult and as we all have grown to learn, you get out of something what you put into it. But there is a thin line to keep an eye on here. Our minds have grown to make us believe that we are "not complete"; "unfulfilled" or "unloved", until we meet the love of our life. This was the mind talking (also known as the Ego), not our soul. Your soul knows that you are complete, an extraordinary being, a creations of God. A creations of God being a creation of love. Innately, inside of you, you are pure love and our Ego is here to challenge that. Only when you love like God loves, you will experience the fulfilled life that we call "heaven". God loves all equally, no-one is more special than any other. Which brings us to the "Special Relationship". When two people catch a glimpse of each other's beauty, we often get a feeling that the relationship will fulfill our emptiness and we clutch onto the other person. Initially you might have extraordinary times, but the core on which such relationships are built, is simply your "thought" that you are not complete and that you NEED another to complete you. It is for this reason that when such relationships change form (traditionally known as ending the relationship), that lots of pain is experienced. Release your partner and all people in your life every moment. This is one of the principles to fulfilling relationships. When you wish the other person their freedom and have faith that the relationship will serve both of you, for your spiritual growth, beautiful things come to fruition. Set them free every moment of the day and have the knowing that the purpose of the relationship is to create opportunities for you to "show up" and be the most glorious, most amazing person you know you are. This includes forgiving, not judging, showing compassion and loving unconditionally. Relationships have nothing to do with the other person. Knowing this puts you in a powerful place where you have control over how you feel and who you are going to be in the relationship. Initially there will be bliss and lots of joy, followed by opportunities to work on your soul. I once read that you ask for God to send you the perfect partner, but instead he sends you something much better ? someone slightly less than what you expected. See the relationship as a sacred space where you can grow. Your soul knows that you will slowly re-member your magnificence and uses romantic relationships to show us that. We see that so often by being told my our loved ones how amazing we are, just to remind us of our soul's natural state ? perfection. Perfection does not mean you will not experience heartache, sadness or some of the less pleasing experiences, but it does mean that you are wonderful as you are and need not change a thing. Play fully ? every moment of the way. Open your heart and love without bounds. When you open your heart completely and love another without conditions, people see the perfect person you are and get a glimpse of the God within you. Do not be afraid of rejection of any kind, because remember rejection does not mean anything is "wrong" with you, it is just a choice the other soul makes on it's journey. You are complete and perfect by design and need not chance a thing about you to be loved ? just love others and you will experience love. This lesson places lots of emphasis on judgment. When we find someone and label the relationship as "Special", so easily we place expectations on that person: "Will he call by 6?" or "Will she like what I got her?". We place too much emphasis on the "form" of the relationship and less on the "content". A holy relationship is intimate, has authenticity, and allows freedom for the souls to grow. You need not be in a Romantic Relationship in order to experience intimacy. Your best friend allows you to cry when you wish to do so and he/she does not judge you for being sad. Consider being that to your Romantic Partner, allowing them the freedom to be anyway and know they are loved, irrespective of what space they are in on that day. Are your needs met? You have no "needs" for you have it all. You are whole and complete, filled with pure love. Consider that you have no lack and by doing so, you have no needs. You might have some things you wish to experience, but experiencing them could be with anyone, not only your Romantic Partner. Our generation has separated ourselves from God. "Separated from God" does not mean we are ignoring the entity called "God", but instead, it means we have removed ourselves from the "knowing" that we are all love. That we are all connected, all beings, all elements and all that exists are one energy source called "God", experienced as LOVE. We can regain that consciousness by loving every being, every element and all opportunities that crosses our path ? equally. Meeting someone so attractive, so beautiful. Your heart beats like the rhythm at the races and your knees become Jell-O. We all know this feeling of falling in love and seeing the amazing beauty in another. Couples fall in love blissfully and fall out of it with such heartache. Love does not have to be so difficult and as we all have grown to learn, you get out of something what you put into it. But there is a thin line to keep an eye on here. Our minds have grown to make us believe that we are "not complete"; "unfulfilled" or "unloved", until we meet the love of our life. This was the mind talking (also known as the Ego), not our soul. Your soul knows that you are complete, an extraordinary being, a creations of God. A creations of God being a creation of love. Innately, inside of you, you are pure love and our Ego is here to challenge that. Only when you love like God loves, you will experience the fulfilled life that we call "heaven". God loves all equally, no-one is more special than any other. Which brings us to the "Special Relationship". When two people catch a glimpse of each other's beauty, we often get a feeling that the relationship will fulfil our emptiness and we clutch onto the other person. Initially you might have extraordinary times, but the core on which such relationships are built, is simply your "thought" that you are not complete and that you NEED another to complete you. It is for this reason that when such relationships change form (traditionally known as ending the relationship), that lots of pain is experienced. Release your partner and all people in your life every moment. This is one of the principles to fulfilling relationships. When you wish the other person their freedom and have faith that the relationship will serve both of you, for your spiritual growth, beautiful things come to fruition. Set them free every moment of the day and have the knowing that the purpose of the relationship is to create opportunities for you to "show up" and be the most glorious, most amazing person you know you are. This includes forgiving, not judging, showing compassion and loving unconditionally. Relationships have nothing to do with the other person. Knowing this puts you in a powerful place where you have control over how you feel and who you are going to be in the relationship. Initially there will be bliss and lots of joy, followed by opportunities to work on your soul. I once read that you ask for God to send you the perfect partner, but instead he sends you something much better ? someone slightly less than what you expected. See the relationship as a sacred space where you can grow. Your soul knows that you will slowly re-member your magnificence and uses romantic relationships to show us that. We see that so often by being told my our loved ones how amazing we are, just to remind us of our soul's natural state ? perfection. Perfection does not mean you will not experience heartache, sadness or some of the less pleasing experiences, but it does mean that you are wonderful as you are and need not change a thing. Play fully ? every moment of the way. Open your heart and love without bounds. When you open your heart completely and love another without conditions, people see the perfect person you are and get a glimpse of the God within you. Do not be afraid of rejection of any kind, because remember rejection does not mean anything is "wrong" with you, it is just a choice the other soul makes on it's journey. You are complete and perfect by design and need not chance a thing about you to be loved ? just love others and you will experience love. This lesson places lots of emphasis on judgment. When we find someone and label the relationship as "Special", so easily we place expectations on that person: "Will he call by 6?" or "Will she like what I got her?". We place too much emphasis on the "form" of the relationship and less on the "content". A holy relationship is intimate, has authenticity, and allows freedom for the souls to grow. You need not be in a Romantic Relationship in order to experience intimacy. Your best friend allows you to cry when you wish to do so and he/she does not judge you for being sad. Consider being that to your Romantic Partner, allowing them the freedom to be anyway and know they are loved, irrespective of what space they are in on that day. Are your needs met? You have no "needs" for you have it all. You are whole and complete, filled with pure love. Consider that you have no lack and by doing so, you have no needs. You might have some things you wish to experience, but experiencing them could be with anyone, not only your Romantic Partner. Our generation has separated ourselves from God. "Separated from God" does not mean we are ignoring the entity called "God", but instead, it means we have removed ourselves from the "knowing" that we are all love. That we are all connected, all beings, all elements and all that exists are one energy source called "God", experienced as LOVE. We can regain that consciousness by loving every being, every element and all opportunities that crosses our path ? equally. About The Author Justin Luyt, the author of "The Spirit of Romance" has been consulting and training individuals and corporations for over 10 years. He has build a successful Romance Coaching practice at http://www.RomanceCoaching.biz as well as released his latest book in 2004 - "The Spirit of Romance", which is now available at http://www.Romance-IT.com. 1-877-ROMANCE
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This behavior may be a surprise to many of you?.but as programmed ego minds we have been trained to use our life situations to go against ourselves since we were small. We have learned from those around us to use other people to raise our blood pressure, prove that we are not good enough, affirm that we will never be loved or that life is unfair. Unfortunately, the list of way we use others to hurt ourselves is endless. Kundalini and Going Where Were Supposed To Go In the early 90's I had a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening after a near death experience, which I wrote about in a different article. Here's what happened next. The Science of Enlightenment I would like to share my experience, working with the Mind Resonance Process(TM) (MRP), a new modality to achieving personal mental, emotional, physical and spiritual fulfillment, of the meaning of the term "enlightenment". 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It's human nature to point a finger when we think someone else is guilty of something but yet we don't stop to consider that we too may be guilty of the very same thing we are accusing others of. Why is it so easy to turn a blind eye and overlook our own faults and yet so easy to see these faults in someone else? For some reason, we take pleasure in judging, condemning and criticizing others. Does it take the spotlight off us in drawing attention to someone else? How I Met My Angel Today I was in rather a whimsical mood, and so instead of my usual "how to" article, I thought I'd create a fairy tale for the child within you to enjoy. Are You Being In Service? Divine Source Greetings Divine Ones, Your Gift and Talent is Not for YOU! Although your creative ability and talent is something that God has given TO you, it's primary purpose is not meant FOR YOU only. God's purpose for your gift is to be a benefit or solution for someone else who needs it. What this means to you as an artist is that the pursuit and development of your talent is important because there is someone out there who needs what you can do. God foresaw to equip you with the gift and talent that you have because He also foresaw how He needed it used to benefit others. Faith - Moves Mountains Faith is the remarkable force that gives us the empowerment to accomplish the ordinary or the seemingly impossible. How many examples of the remarkable empower of faith in action do you know? Mother Theresa, for instance, had faith that God would provide the food, money and the provisions she needed to continue her service to the poorest of the poor. The chronology of her work is filled with miracle stories about how the things she needed showed up exactly when she needed them, often in the most surprising ways. For the Glory of God One of the most touching stories in New Testament scripture is the gripping drama of two sisters and a brother; Mary, Martha and Lazarus. It illustrates how two sisters dealt with grief following the death of their brother. This story is so filled with meaning that John devotes an entire chapter to it. Going Where God Leads You I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~ Mother Teresa You Have a Friend in Jesus Have you heard the saying that; You have a friend in Jesus? Great quote, it sounds really nice, but it should read you have an invisible friend in Jesus. After all you are having a personal relationship with a dead man, one who has been dead an awfully long time indeed. So, if you have a friend who is invisible and you are how old now; why haven't you looked into some psychiatric help for this problem of yours? Now before you call me the anti-Christ, who is your evil invisible enemy; think about this for a second. If a child has an invisible friend we seek counseling for them. If someone still has an invisible friend later in life we put him or her usually in insane asylums. Acknowledging the Existence of Your Soul Talking about your "soul" and the deeper things in life is so frequently considered as spun out or weird in modern, take-away-eating, order-it-on-the-internet life, but if you are one of these people, you'll find that letting go of socialistic trends like these will free you in a way that you simply cannot be freed in a materialists world. Origin of Certain Thoughts (Part II) Continued from "Origin of Certain Thoughts, Part I" First Things First-- Balancing Your Priorities! I'm not sure Paul had the Japanese culture in mindat the time when he writes, "Seek ye first theKingdom of God and all other things will be addedunto you." I'm not sure how much popularity thebible has in Japan today either. Yet, it seems asthough the Japanese people have at least onebiblical principle figured out. In the book,"First Things First", Steven Covey helps usunderstand how and why the Japanese people thinkhow they do and accomplish so much more thanAmerican's in a same twenty-four hour period.Covey explains, that we can divide all our dailytasks into two main areas of our lives. One areais the Important/Urgent-NOT Urgent area and thesecond consists of tasks in the NOT Important/NOTUrgent area. ![]() |
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