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Wings of a Dove
Perhaps one of the most wonderful assertions that can be made about Holy Scriptures is that it clearly shows man in all his humanness. If you really want to understand yourself, if you really desire to know who you are, then it would behoove you to study the sacred Writ and let God speak to your soul. When we read David's Psalms (55:6), we immediately sense his state of emotional being. He is hurting deeply. Not physically, but emotionally and spiritually. His soul is heavy; his spirit is at an all time low, his heart pierced and his lips chapped with pain as he cries, "Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest." This is a very human cry, is it not? Everyone at one time or another has felt the way David felt: those times in life when everything seems to go wrong; when everything we touch seem to disintegrate, when all news is bad news. Maybe you have felt that way when your doctor gives you the cancer diagnosis. Maybe it was when you suffered a financial reversal; just when you were about to get on your feet, the rug is pulled out from under you. Maybe it was when you suffered a family tragedy or when the plans you made begin to crumble. Maybe, it is during those moments of betrayal, extreme disappointment or profound loneliness that you find yourself like David, crying out in utter agony, "If only I had wings of a dove, I would fly away and be at rest." The poet well understood this yearning when he wrote: How often, oh, how often How often, oh, how often For my heart was hot and restless Sometimes all of us wish for wings to fly away. It is a very human cry and it comes in moments of intense frustration, pain and weakness. David wanted the wings of a bird to carry him beyond the sunset, beyond life's troubles, beyond broken hearts, beyond a tormented memory and unfaithful friends. Sometimes we feel this way. We wish we could fly away to a place beyond our circumstance, beyond the responsibility of trying to make a living, beyond the awareness of prejudice and injustice, beyond our mistakes and sins, heartaches and heartbreaks. But, like David, we know that a change of venue will not give peace. Peace does not depend upon flight because we cannot get away from troubles. Troubles, like our shadows, follow us everywhere we go. David learned what we all must learn and that is that we do not need a new physical environment, but a new spiritual one. We do not need the wings of a dove, but the arms of a loving Father. Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. http://www.clergyservices4u.org. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach. Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, will be available soon.
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Unfinished Business (Part 2) We know that David did much to stabilize the Kingdom of Israel. He fought a long series of wars to make Israel secure. He surrounded Israel with client kingdoms that at the very least were peaceful in their foreign relations towards him and Israel's God. But the one thing that David wanted to do more than anything else was to establish a permanent Temple on Mount Zion for the present and future use of the Lord God Almighty. He desired building a house for God where He alone might be honored and worshipped. David did not want to go to his final rest until the house of God was built. But, this hope was to be fulfilled by another, his son Solomon. Faith - Moves Mountains Faith is the remarkable force that gives us the empowerment to accomplish the ordinary or the seemingly impossible. How many examples of the remarkable empower of faith in action do you know? Mother Theresa, for instance, had faith that God would provide the food, money and the provisions she needed to continue her service to the poorest of the poor. The chronology of her work is filled with miracle stories about how the things she needed showed up exactly when she needed them, often in the most surprising ways. Life is a Continuous Prayer Prayer doesn't just happen when we kneel or put our hands together and focus. Prayer actually occurs more often than we think. Mind Walls Walls as a blockade seem to be an integral part of our society. Almost from the beginning of man's pilgrimage here on earth, there have been walls which have bound and imprisoned mankind. These walls are designed supposedly to protect our society, to safeguard us from taboo and abnormal personality traits. But it should be considered that mankind down through the ages has deliberately and voluntarily erected walls to shut out segments of society. Basic Tarot for Beginners If you would like to learn to read tarot cards, but have no idea who to ask to teach you or how to go about it, the following tips should help you get started on your path to telling fortunes just like a pro! The Psychical Research Foundation Karen was the name of the reception person, who sat behind the desk one Saturday morning around noon when I dropped in. I had never heard about them and was actually planning to find the J.B. Rhine Institute or the Federation for Research on the Nature of Man (FRNM). I had stumbled in to the 'mother lode'. It wasn't necessary to come to these places to look for their literature or research. I could have found more than enough of that at the Association for Research and Enlightenment library in Va. Beach. I wanted to experience these things first hand. An Analysis of Western Mans Guiding Presuppositions An analysis of Western man's guiding presuppositions, A Review of the book "Impulse of Power" by Jack Kettler Sheltered in the Arms of God "Mama, save me!" Payday Someday Let us face reality squarely in the face by acknowledging the tragic fact that it does not matter how "good" you may be, folks can always concoct a way to destroy you. If people want to tear down your good name, they will find a way to somehow achieve it. If jealous, envious, greedy individuals want something you have, they will do anything and use any willing body to get you out of the way. Wear the Message of Grace: A Work Weeks Devotions As the artist and designer for Ashbach Designs, I want more than for you to just wear a piece of pretty jewelry, I want you to wear each piece as a symbol of your faith. In keeping with this idea, I have created a work week's devotions to go with your jewelry, or another special faith symbol in your life. Each day, meditate on how you can use your jewelry to connect with others, share the message, and remind yourself where your true passion lies. Monday: Connect Colossians 2:2-3 "My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Preparing For Enlightenment Enlightenment can come in an instant or it may take many life cycles. I?m Too Busy for Me Everyone is busy nowadays. It's hard to find time for anything. From the time we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed, it's hard to find 30 minutes to simply be by yourself. If you are married with children, I know you can relate to what I am saying. Horse Racing and Seabiscut -- A Hope, A Prayer, and A Horse! Even though our lives progressively moves forwardon occasion it has a way of working what seems tobe in a backwards motion, yet in the end achievesthe same results. I remember years ago when Istarted my bodybuilding career, I had no self-confidence, poor self-esteem, and an introvertedpersonality. I couldn't fathom doing what othersbelieved I could accomplish in such an unusualsport that went totally against my nature.However, at first I thought, "I didn't want to letthem down and what if they're right? What if Icould accomplish something if I set my mind to it,I asked? What if by believing in something biggerthan myself would allow me to be a better person,develop confidence and be more outgoing?" Thenover a period of time the belief others hadstarted to rub off in me, combined with my workethic the rest became history. Practices for Positive Change Connect with Your God The Power of Ritual As humans, we are the species that operate with symbols. Other animals use familiar signs, landmarks and gestures given by us, or act purely on instinct. Like humans, they too have rituals of gathering food, procreation and even death rituals. Our normal day-to-day rituals include a shower, combing our hair, brushing teeth and preparing for work. Selfishness is a True Declaration of Lifes Purpose In your quest for enlightenment, always ask what's in it for me? Buddha Never Bowed Before a Statue, and Jesus Never Kneeled Before a Cross, From Divine Source Far to many people have become "followers" rather than BEING and living the messages they hold dear. True spiritual enlightenment comes from one Source; it is the same source that Jesus, Allah, Buddha, and You are connected to. It is Divine Source, and ALL beings of Light are connected to the same Divine Source energy ... Life Dont Work That Way It would be nice if the planet - like so many other things in modern day life - came with a guarantee. "If, for any reason, this planet fails to yield the resources required for, or the environment conducive to, the continuation of the species commonly referred to as homo sapiens, God agrees to replace this planet at no cost to the inhabitants at any time within one eternity at no cost to the inhabitants themselves." DREAMS, Does God Still Use Them Today? The bible has many accounts throughout time that He used dreams as a form of communication to His people. A few examples are Daniel, Joseph (old testament), Joseph (Mary's husband) and many others. Is America Losing Its Religion? Has America known its finest hour? Are we losing our religion and sanity as well? What is wrong with our society anyway? These are baffling questions that are frequently being asked by more and more people, even the media. ![]() |
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