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Life Dont Work That Way
It would be nice if the planet - like so many other things in modern day life - came with a guarantee. "If, for any reason, this planet fails to yield the resources required for, or the environment conducive to, the continuation of the species commonly referred to as homo sapiens, God agrees to replace this planet at no cost to the inhabitants at any time within one eternity at no cost to the inhabitants themselves." Life don't work that way. Our planet didn't come with any guarantee, and - more important in these times - it didn't come with an insurance policy. For too many of us, the fate of the earth isn't something we want to think about; doing so only makes us nervous. Who can understand all the changes taking place, and who can acknowledge those changes without being overcome by a sense of fear for what tomorrow will bring? The state of the ecology is nothing new; it's been decades since we first began to recognize - and worry a little bit about - atmospheric pollution, water pollution, pesticides, wastes, overpopulation and erosion. Here in America, we were busy with other things - primarily Reagan's priorities - during the late 1970s and early 1980s. But in other parts of the world - where the trickle down effect wasn't diverting the national attention - global ecology took on a whole new importance. As country after country began to feel the direct effects of choices we, as a species, had made earlier in the mane of progress, a growing sense of alarm at the state - and future - of the planet became the standard. By the late 1980s, our time had come. We experienced a record setting drought, record flooding, and the hurricane of the century on the eastern seaboard. The trend has continued, and - according to most sources - will continue to intensify at least until the end of this century. Many of the effects - particularly those that concern pollution of the air and water - will last for hundreds of years. Our great - great - great - great- great -great grandchildren will still be experiencing the repercussions of ecological choices made by the last five generations. Some of these issues are being addressed on a local level, but the concern today is for those problems that are global, and potentially irreversible. Among the problems that fall into this category is the buildup of greenhouse gases, the thinning of the ozone layer above the South Pole (which we just became aware of in 1985), the destruction of the rain forests, and the accelerating extinction of other species on the planet. All of these processes are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to stop. Positive change is no simple issue. Both political and socio-economic factors are at play, and because the impact of future choices is so long-lasting and so ominous in nature, those choices carry a great momentum on a worldwide basis. We are only now beginning to realize the tremendous impact of our past choices, and the realization that in many cases we have done irreparable damage due to our own lack of understanding of the workings of the planet, we hesitate to make future choices, for fear that we will make the same mistakes again and end up doing more harm than good. Even those who are not ecology minded are being forced to look at planetary issues from their own level. What good does a summer home do you if the water is polluted and you can't burn wood in the fireplace? As Henry David Thoreau so aptly put it: "What good is a house if you don't have a decent planet to put it on?" We are all living on the brink of fear, but we're not sure what it is we're afraid of. We know the planet is changing, but we don't understand the technicalities of how those changes came about or what those changes will ultimately be. More important, we don't understand how those changes will affect our lives, and the lives of our children, and the lives of their children. We each wonder, each time we hear about another planetary plaque, another poisoned sea, tainted air, radioactive soil, oil spills, and the Ozone layer, whether this ecological straw will be the one that will break the planet's ecological back. Positive change away from self-destruction and toward a lifestyle that is more in harmony with the planet and the other life forms on it is a global issue, but the responsibility for activating that change falls to every individual living on the planet today. The price we will pay for sitting back and hoping that someone else takes care of the problem for us will be living in the midst of the ecological chaos we have created. And - life don't work that way. Lois Grant-Holland is a Life Path Focus Counselor offering Life Path Focus Sessions, Karmic Astrology Charts, Channeled Guidance, Intuitive Readings and Classes and Workshops to spiritual seekers on all positive paths, and is the site facilitator at The A.N.S.W.E.R. - (The Seeker's Resource Guide to Alternative, New Thought, Spiritual Growth, Wellness and Enlightenment Resources.) You can visit her website at http://www.loisgrantholland.com
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Connect with Spirit Spirit - All Around Us, All of Us, Every One of Us Recovering In The Water It was in the middle of the night and the boat was being tossed in the wind. The crew was stressed? Making the Impossible Possible "I learned I was not, as most Africans believed, the victim of my circumstances but the master of them." - Legson Kayira Change Your Outlook on Change Make no mistake about it, change is challenging whether it is conscious or unexpected. Viewing adversity as change, not loss or failure, is part of empowered and positive thinking. Humans develop resiliency through change, both physiologically, and emotionally. It's necessary for all life forms to evolve. Change comes though many vehicles ? some hit us hard, others are rather sneaky. But despite the challenges change brings, we know it is our natural state. It's inevitable ? the world grows and we grow with it fueled by our emotions. We are already designed to cry, express sorrow, frustration, anger, resentment, even give up for awhile ? and most of us choose to explore these feelings. But we are also designed to have hope, recover, be stronger, and inspire others as a result of change. You are never, never alone because emotion gives us plenty in common - as a society, we are not yet Vulcans. What makes one person triumphantly survive loss and turn it into positive energy, while another in similar circumstances resign? It has to do with our underlying assumptions on change. I have two very dear friends; each have had a double mastectomy from breast cancer. Losing body parts is devastating, not to mention living with the daily uncertainty of not knowing whether you continue to remain in remission. Yet one woman has forged ahead as a life-force warrior, focusing on triumphs and wins of today. She doesn't look back. The other has difficulty moving forward ? not engaging in work outside her home, quitting her job, waiting for "something" to happen while in a state of self-imposed limbo. They've processed their information in completely different ways. Why?It's because people want certainty before they decide to accept change. It's a natural reaction. Certainly our culture has become more comfortable with making choices that have predictable outcomes. A current cultural disease we suffer from is predictability, reflected in our inability to accept change at a deeply personal level. It applies across the board to choices we make with our finances, careers, or our relationships. Science, especially when applied to health issues, has given us a false security blanket when it comes to certainty. After all, it seems we've been able to control nature. We like to think we've cornered the market on predictability and good planning, when the truth is we live in a time where prediction is more intuition and common sense than science. To embrace change, we need to release the umbilical cord we think we have to outcomes of certainty. In other words, stepping off of the plateau requires a huge amount of trust. Your fall will be broken somewhere at the right time. Believing that is what allows us to cope. It is the first step, unsupported by any scientific doctrine. And it's a big one. No matter what science pronounces, whether it is in the form of a diagnosis, prognosis, or the state of the environment, there is no sure thing. Science has already given us permission to accept truth with a margin of error in just about anything. There is always the possibility something may exist, or not exist, despite what patterns indicate. Truly, it is a useless endeavor to let science, or proof for that matter, hold you back from moving forward. Whether it is health, or other issues surrounding job loss, divorce, or death, you will successfully navigate through change and elevate the quality of your life by knowing anyone can beat the odds. There is evidence everywhere, not just from Christopher Reeves, Mattie Stepanak, or those whose stories you find in People magazine, but from the dry cleaner, your third cousin, your own child. Almost everyone you know has a story of beating the odds. Let's pay attention to the real evidence instead of looking for ways to prove that we can't make it or the odds are just too great.Adopting a new attitude on adversity requires big picture thinking on the subject of change. View life, and spiritual development for that matter, as an upward spiral where you experience some of the same lessons over and over again. Is it because we just aren't getting what the lesson is telling us? Perhaps, but that's not the only reason. We've deliberately put those circumstances in our chart in frequent doses to allow ourselves an opportunity to see how we've been progressing on the upward part of that growth spiral. Adversity is an inescapable performance indicator ? a frequent reminder of our upcoming 360-degree review in how we handle the bumps. We are meant to be a stronger, more insightful person each time we get walloped. With each business obstacle, make a stronger commitment toward your goal of service to humanity; each time you grieve, become better at comforting others and showing compassion; after each funeral, return home knowing life is a precious gift. With all setbacks, it drives the point home on the one true certainty in life and that is we must use our time wisely to make conscious change in the world. Change is designed to get outside of ourselves and become conscious of our place within a community of souls. Without change, there is no transformation. Change is good, making us stir the self-development pot a little faster! Faith Building 101A Let Your Family and Friends Know That You Are A Person of Faith. Enlightenment Takes You to Selfishness An act of selflessness is the highest expression of selfishness and unconditional love because it considers the soul first. The CAB Approach to Spiritual Growth I have been thinking a lot about the spiritual growth process and I thought I would share. I think that what enlightenment really involves is accepting the light that already exists within each of us and in every one and every thing. Of course we have created many layers and blockages to prevent us from seeing the light and we have gotten attached to these layers which is why clearing can be so painful. Anyway the approach I am taking to spiritual growth boils down to three things: Commitment, attitude and balance. Windows of the Soul People engaged in kissing experience information and energy transfer, although we usually do it for the 'buzz' and don't get into the science or mystique of it. A judgement is made and processed by the Thalami and brain. The Thalami like the Pineal gland are able to amplify all energy inputs and route them to the appropriate place in the brain. Science is now on the verge of seeing what the Third Eye of the ancients knew. To help set the stage for the proper evaluation of information and events that will doubtless fall on many unbelieving minds at times; let me quote Herbert Spencer for you on this point. Spiritual Spring Cleaning, Making Room for More Do you ever get into those moods where you just can't stand to look at clutter anymore and start filling garbage bags? Maybe it's Spring Fever, but I have a deep desire for simplicity lately. Not just in my physical surroundings, but emotionally, professionally, and spiritually too -- I have been "purging" the unnecessary from my life. How To Walk On The Path Of Peace (Part 3) As you grow in wisdom, you will release, more and more, self-limiting beliefs, which are transient, and become aware of the powerful role you play in bringing change to the whole. If It Is The Lords Will I Will Live My thoughts can get a little edgy at night. Possibly even deep. Reflecting on almost a half century of life. Some of it better than I would have imagined in my youth. Some not. Undercover Investigation It is important and necessary that we regularly spend time in purposeful self-examination. We need to take the time to examine our rationales, our pretenses, our masquerades, our motives, our justifications, and our reasoning. Was There a Better Way? Whenever, we have a task or project to carry out don't we alwayslook for the most capable person to lead us? And if the task were supposed to follow a set pattern, don't we like to stick to time-tested methods that worked all the time? The Big Choice "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with you, and you will eat with me."REVELATION 3:20, NCV Working with God Not a Failure! What is Enlightenment - Meaning Definition and Its relation to Self-Realization What is Enlightenment? How Shall We Then Live? Qohelet had grown old with time when he delivered his Ecclesiastes and it has since become part of the wisdom literature of the Bible. And it is because of his many years of experience that he adopted the doctrine that all is meaningless, utterly meaningless. Why Is Your Prayer Of Faith Lacking Results? About a month ago I opened up my bible in boredomtrying to see if the lord had a word for me. Well, itjust so happened that I landed in first kings the pagewith chapter three right there just staring me in theface. So I thought, "Alright God lets see what wordyou have for me today." and I began to read firstkings chapter three. It didn't take long until I gotto the part about how God came to King Solomon in adream and said, "Ask what I shall give thee". A Life That Is Purpose Driven I started reading the book "The Purpose Driven Life" about 45 days ago. This book is written by Rick Warren. It is one of the best books I have ever read and It has changed my life. It is a really good book and I am out there trying to get people to read it and acknowledge the difference it makes in your life. I had been waiting to read it since it first came out but I kept putting it off. It took my approximately 40 days to complete it and that is because he ( Rick Warren) wants you to sign a covenant with him stating that you will take that time to realize your life and path that God has chosen for you. I made the promise and the commitment and I took it to heart. I missed one day in reading that book and the very next day I read two chapters to make up for it. It does take you, going by his directions, approximately 40 days to complete. I started it around the time I wrote the article 40 days and 40 nights. 40 being represented in the bible and a significant number that God has used. I took the time to read this book every morning when I awoke, one chapter a day until I completed it. It has a lot of spiritual information and a lot of information period. I really loved it and I suggest everyone read it. I don't want to part with my book but I plan to buy at least three more for friends and family and have them pass it on. It is encouraging and enlightening. There are many things one will learn by reading what he has written and I feel it was totally God inspired. Improving Your Spiritual Life (for Christians) 70% of people who send me feedback at http://www.insideoutmusic.net tell me they want to improve their spiritual lives. I'm really excited that they want to do that. In fact if you're reading this, you probably want to do it as well. If you're like many of the people I've talked to you've probably been spoon fed clichés until your ears bleed. "Just pray, let go and let God, spend more time in the Word..." You know the drill. ![]() |
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