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Answering a Soul Call

Is life challenging you to take a bigger leap? Are you restlesswith the status quo of your daily routine? Do you feel you areflying blind with an invisible co-pilot?

Often times, the soul calls to us in the midst of a crises ortwo-by-four. When pieces of your heart are all over the flourthere's a quickening that seems to come from the beyond.

In those moments it's difficult to pull our attention away fromthe hurt, fear or disappointment. Our mind searches for howto clean up the mess - not what is the greater learning. Theheart feels raw - not ready to expand.

You might be experiencing a soul call!

"Ah," says the heart. "I've been waiting for this.

But there's static on the line."Learning how to shift frequencies and tune in to the soulchannels requires us to get quiet, get present and get out of theway.

Get Quiet

Soul speaks through stillness. Finding a quiet time to go within,silence the monkey mind through breathing or chanting allows thebody to settle and relax. Then we hear the deep stirrings of thethe sound that quickens the heart.

Soul listening is tuning in. When we dial in the frequency a profoundpeace and well-being floods our body. Operating from an inner placeof peace, rather than fear or anxiety, permeates the space inwhich we move and have our being.

Soul time is expansive, not hurried or driven. A client remarked theother day, " I always thought my stress came from having too much todo and an inability to say 'no'. Now I realize that if Icontinually see with my soul eye's there's plenty of time. I amcontent. There's not a lot of wasted energy and time spent in worry, oranxiety about doing it right. AND I get so much more done."

Get Present

Turning inside away from the world and it'sdistractions feels foreign to your reactive human nature."Won't life be boring?" your head asks.

Soul's agenda is learning, growth, expansion and revelation.Regrets about the past or worrying about the future takes energy andfocus away from what is here - now.

All "channels" to and from the divine must be cleared of obstructions.A channel can be anything that serves to receive inspiring thoughts,intuitive hunches, body sensations, heart openings or light "PayAttention" taps on the shoulder. The most common distortions arecaused by old beliefs about our 'story'. Because the human nature'sjob is to maintain the status quo of 'what has come before' it cankick up quite a bit of doubt and confusion. Compassion, acceptance,loving and patience (all attributes of the soul) equip the cocreatorwhen old conditioning reminds you of past mistakes, the cost of notbeing right or in control, and fear of failure.

Get Out of the Way

Messages from the Soul provide direction and reassurance. Many timesthe message is to do nothing. Asking for and living the highest goodreminds me that spirit's timing can test the best of intentions tostay patient. Getting limiting actions, beliefs and fears out ofthe way brings in new discoveries about the nature of God.

1. The highest good teaches me about God. It's like saying,"God, this is yours. I don't' have any idea what needs to happen herereally. I know what I would like, but I don't see the bigger picture.You do. So I'm letting and allowing you to show me the revelation so Ican grow in my understanding of you."

2.The highest good invites me to stay neutral and impersonal. As aSpiritual scientist I can let go of a desired outcome saying, "Iwonder how God is going to work this one out?" or "OK God, do yourstuff. I am looking forward to seeing the highest good in thissituation."

Imagine a world in which relationships are woven of heavens instead ofhells? Imagine a planet of people so committed to inner growth andexpansiveness that no one would be allowed to go hungry or homeless?Impossible, you say? Idealistic? To the soul, who lives inlimitlessness and knows your magnificence, the answers to thesedilemmas are already present. Ask today to see with those eyes andrespond to the call. All will be blessed.

By Rebecca Skeele, author of You Can Make It Heaven: How to Enrich Your Life with Abundance and Loving

She has a private practice in Santa Fe as a life coach and counselor.An ordained minister, Rebecca is an international workshop leader and speaker inspiring people to become masterful at cocreating theirpersonal heaven on earth. Her new course, Becoming a Spiritual Scientist: A Course for Cocreators gives practical tools to move beyond story-based reality and begin living intentionally with divinity.

New website: for more information about having Rebecca present her unique approach for cocreation.


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