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De-Materialization #2
My lady Lydia was a Hawkins of the ancestry of the great privateer 'Black Jack' just as thousands of miles away in Ottawa (We met in Las Vegas.) a cousin of my sister-in-law who was about to come work for my family's company was living. They looked like twins and that was a powerful co-incidence of synchronous energy in itself. When I saw him I asked him if he was related to the privateer and he was amazed that I knew this. Our meeting was a 'trip' of grandiose proportions that makes another book I have written seem so weird it would only be regarded as fiction (that book is called 'The Nos Feratu'). In this meeting with Lydia, I was able to exhibit some control that later was almost non-existent and nearly rendered my soul. Rendered has many meanings and when applied to the butcher and his trade, it is close to what kind of lard or jelly (fish) my heart was 'feeling' after a few months that were wild beyond my own vivid dreams. The setting of the story began at the 'Shark Club' in Las Vegas one night just before I turned forty, about eleven years ago. I was in the process of buying a home in Las Vegas after moving from Los Angeles where I had been involved with a basic and ordinary woman (totally honest, and without my having even talked about an 'US') who had another amazing 'gift'. Her special talent was total sensory recall of the physical body. Yes, my life has been a myriad maze of the paranormal and sexual interplay of what most people would call 'fantasy'. In the relationship with Lydia she was honest and totally in control with no reason for me to even grasp at the smallest of straws to think there could ever be an 'US'. Truly this is going to be HARD to do, and at the same time if one connected the components already covered they would be well on their way to understanding what might have happened or what Lydia could do. On the first night we met she told me she could de-materialize and that some day she would not return. The major reason for continuing to exist in this realm was her hopes to have a child with her husband. I had read 'Cosmic Consciousness' by Richard Maurice Bucke; the noted turn-of-the-century psychiatrist who along with Walt Whitman was instrumental in ending the use of strait-jackets in asylums, when I was just a teenager. In fact a friend's older brother used to call me 'The Cosmic Kid'. In this book he recounts how a person de-materialized 29 times before all the skeptics, police and scientists of the early 20th century at McGill in Montreal. That person eventually didn't re-appear in the other room as he had always done. In the pursuit of understanding these things I had read or talked with numerous people about the Indian's ability to turn around three times and discorporate at the appointed time in which they were to leave this earth. The Indians who can do this in India are usually of the Sai Baba level and those who do it in North America are of the shaman/witchdoctor training. Bruce Lee and his attempt to do these things associated with 'Kime' and a whole host of things like Carlos Castaneda who seems to say he is still doing the back and forth trip; made this bit of apparently incredible knowledge not as fantastic to me as you would imagine. But for it to be happening to me at a time when I had just been talking to a young man from New Zealand about how I was structuring my life's growth in the cosmic realms and decreeing said growth, was a further confirmation that I was worthy of this unique encounter. Some would use the words 'Heaven Sent'. My family has heard this story a few times and they think I am close to insane or definitely deluded even though they have lots of similarly 'weird' things to recollect from their own experiences in my life. Many of the experiences are so threatening to them that they experience knee-jerk 'Denial'. Others become rationalized into co-incidence and/or the realm of Deepak Chopra and some 'unknowable'. There is nothing that is unknowable except for those who would keep their heads in the sand, I am frequently heard saying. It has taken me years to grasp the inter-connections that may have gone on, as we continue to talk about all that went on. My limited adeptness is a factor that makes it hard to understand why I was so blessed (or cursed) and it causes me many hours of thought each month as I read and learn more about what our world is comprised of. She promised to show me the reality whereof de-materialization comes from - it was years later that I realized what I thought was joint astral travel initiated by her was actually part of what she promised. On the occasion of her taking me astrally (in an instant) to a stream leading to a lake in Switzerland, I had witnessed fish jumping out of the stream as if they recognized her spiritual body (solar or astral). When next I had seen her I tested her on the point and she recounted how they always did this and it was what she called 'flipping' because they would turnover in the air before they re-entered the water. My question of her had not mentioned the fish but just the lake and mountains. This Lake is supposedly the favorite lake and area for the great occultist Aleister Crowley who she left me at the junction of the stream and the lake to meet with. His spirit may not be just Aleister as we have covered and it would suggest he had a purpose beyond the obvious negative one we know about while on this earth. (That is irrelevant to this story but important to others we are thematically developing.) I trust you can understand my confusion and uncertainty about all of this and why it was happening to me. My approach to knowing has seldom involved ritual and never been of the harmful to others (intentional) variety. I do adhere to the Law of the Magi dealing with 'Right Thought= Right Action' even though I do not follow the 'Keep Silent' part of the law previously mentioned. Around this time our 'connection' was very strong and I would be driving on my way to Los Angeles in the pre-dawn as the sun shone on the mountains mentioned in the Area 51 or 'Black Ops' entry. This is when she enhanced my awareness of the conscious aspects of what the Indians know is great wisdom in the ageless mountain spirit. I could feel her as she did her morning meditations and know her in ways that were closer than she might have been if she were beside me. We seldom saw each other in person and my infatuation or obsession with her was TOTAL! On a couple of occasions I imagined I sensed Castaneda's 'amber rays' but that might have been the affect of the sunrise over the mountains in the half-dew of the desert. It was an awesome beauty and glorious feeling in toto. At the time all this 'closeness' and beauty was inundating me with wonder and awe but it didn't rise to the level where I doubted my sanity like Carl Jung experienced when he had visions of the coming World War I during his early life. It is interesting that the psychotherapy or psychoanalysis field is revolving back to Jung again and yet I haven't read any who deal in depth with his cosmogony recently in such a manner as to explain why it works. They are returning to it and the archetypes in a mere superficial manner. There is a definite genetic influence that the genome project and its 'History Book' might lead to us knowing why these things work in scientific terms. One night I was aware that Lydia and I would never see each other again and I engaged in my meditative/mantra exercise (Yes, you could call it a ritual, but it was not designed to usurp and it was 'open' to whatever happened in RIGHT THOUGHT, so I can defend what I said about no ritual.). I reached out with all my love to all I had ever loved or had ever loved me. I was hurting and needful. I was certainly sorry for my weakness that had caused me to be unable to maintain a relationship with the only married woman I'd ever 'known'. Intellectually I understood all the ground rules right from the start but my heart could not feel her awesome beauty and know I would never really have her in my life. True, what I had was more by far, in a spiritual sense, and it should have been enough. Perhaps some day I will figure out how to integrate these thoughts without talking in the first person about things that happened in my life. How, that might happen seems beyond me without the use of a fictional presentation. That is not what it was, or is! Perhaps it is 'too serious' and I will be able to tone down the intensity of the life I have lived as time goes by; maybe then it will be more palatable, or credible or literary. Joan is the name of the woman who could recall the actual physical experiences of her life completely as if they were happening again. In every sense of the word 'experience' she could feel what I had done to the psychic point on her upper arm, while we were engaged in another technique. It was like an orchestra in one session with all the instruments being played on one person's body. To say the least it had been 'fun' for me; but she had become enthralled with me, as I was with Lydia. It had been six months since my move and I had not given her my phone number. The morning after I had been sending my love to Lydia: Joan called in a state of near hysteria. She had called the operator in Las Vegas and gotten all the phone numbers for Robert Bairds. There were over four of them but she had reached me on the fourth call. Her friend Melanie who had been with her the night we met at a jazz bar called Bourbon Street in Lakewood near Long Beach California had told her to call me. She felt I was the only person who could explain what had happened as Joan had been sleeping at her house the night before. This was probably due to the fact that I had been able to 'connect' with both of them during a palm reading on the night we met. Her descriptions of the events were difficult for me to explain until I connected her experience with what I had been doing. The time was the same (around two in the morning) and the ghostly apparition had been turning side to side as I do when my arms were up at either side of my body as conductor/receivers of the energy 'above (hands up)' and 'below (hands down) '. I told her the apparition was my solar body or 'double' and that she had reached out for me as I was reaching out. She took this in an altogether too personal manner and I had to correct her. I told her that her screams hadn't been heard because she was asleep at the point she thought she was screaming. The metallic sounds of the scraping of the bed on the floor were not possible given the lack of metal in either the bed or the floor. I told her this was the moment she was brought back suddenly and astrally from her dream state. This sound sometimes is reported in the writings on the subject. So in some way (I didn't reach this conclusion while I knew or could reach Lydia to check it out.) Lydia had referred my love and energy to the person who most loved me. As to whether or not she did this consciously, I can't even guess. If she did do it with wisdom I would have been wise to let myself fall in love with Joan, I guess. Melanie had not heard her screams or any noise and the light of the soul or solar body had come as if through closed blinds and stayed for almost the five minutes I had been doing my 'exercise' while Joan had observed in a terrified state in the bed. That is what happened and there have been many times while I study science and reality that I've thought about which particular powers or forces and bodies were at work and what part some higher conscious entity (such as the Tribunal or Council) might have had in bringing these kinds of occurrences into my life. Many mystics and psychics have told me that my purpose or job in this 'go around' is to prepare (in conjunction with others) the coming civilization of spiritually-focused people. That is an onerous responsibility and I have only recently taken it seriously. That, of course makes the writing of these things important even if only as a way of creating the 'template' and integrating thought as a part of the 'World Mind'. Wow! Maybe Jung was right to doubt his sanity and maybe I should give it more serious consideration you might say?! You would not be alone if you said just that, I assure you. But much like what Malcolm Muggeridge said when he commented on society and our drugging and materially-focused paradigm - Jesus would be in a jail or a mental institution if he were alive today. Yes, the 'experts' may call me a witch while I do say I have followed the life of Jesus and studied as he did, with discipline and open heart. You can decide whether 'witches' are the only ones who actually seek all the truth available and try to live with 'Right Thought'. For myself I can think of many labels and beliefs which have such aspirations and I find merit in many who don't even aspire so high or with that level of meaning. To call me a witch and refuse to consider seriously the message of the mystics in all faiths and sciences is ultimately a fool's game. Socrates or some other ancient Greek alchemist said: 'A fool thinks he is a wise man; a wise man knows he is a fool!' Each door we open to learn more of the real nature of nature leads to many more doors. Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com
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Creating a Support System That Will Change Your Life Chaos: "complete confusion" and "the formless void before the creation of the universe." Authentic Prayers Do you go to God seeking His will for your life or do you simply want something from Him? This is a critical question because your prayers to God are not for changing Him or to beg Him to do what you want Him to do. Rather, it is to be changed by God and to be empowered to do His divine will. Man is transformed in prayer, not God. You cannot exploit God, but you can submit yourself to Him and let God use you. Working With The Light I do not want curiosity seekers, who come for a novel experience. There is a phrase that has been used down through the ages for such people. "Do not cast the Pearl before the swine". The swine comes across a precious jewel on the trail and does not recognize it value. It is unfortunate for humans that most fall into the swine category! Please do not be offended by my remark! Every soul is at a different level of understanding and appreciation. There are those who have the maturity to realize the value of such a jewel, all others want to rush out to watch the latest Tom Cruz movie. The Importance and Necessity of Special Revelation - Part Two Part Two Continued Pray Off Your Debts in 10 Days or Less - A Short Case Study Last Friday night, I met a Christian at a prayermeeting. He was rescued from war-torn Sudan and brought to the U.S. three years ago. He clearly loves to pray. He gushed facts. Gods Will Many may wonder what is God's will, or how do I put God's will into my life? Well let's see what the Bible says about God's will. We must first understand that Jesus wants us to be holy. Let's look at 1Peter 1:13 it says Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written; Be holy, because I am holy. How I Met My Angel Today I was in rather a whimsical mood, and so instead of my usual "how to" article, I thought I'd create a fairy tale for the child within you to enjoy. Achieving Spiritual Health Spiritual health is generally an overlooked aspect of healing. However, it is actually the ultimate goal of holistic medicine, and leads to a heightened awareness of the Divine Spirit referred to by all religions. It doesn't matter what name you give it. What matters is that you come to know and attune yourself to its guidance in all areas of your daily life. Doing so will reduce your feelings of fear, and provide you with a greater capacity for loving yourself and others unconditionally. It will also help you reconnect to your special talents and gifts so that you can use them to fulfill your life's purpose." Buddha Never Bowed Before a Statue, and Jesus Never Kneeled Before a Cross, From Divine Source Far to many people have become "followers" rather than BEING and living the messages they hold dear. True spiritual enlightenment comes from one Source; it is the same source that Jesus, Allah, Buddha, and You are connected to. It is Divine Source, and ALL beings of Light are connected to the same Divine Source energy ... Good News from Mars (Part 1) Those of us, who are familiar with Apostle Paul's sermon at Mars Hill, realize that it was delivered while he was on his second missionary journey. It was following his brief visit to Thessalonica where his gospel was well received, particularly among the Greek community. It was prior to his journey to Corinth where he was to penetrate the Greek religion which was commercializing sensual vices under the guise of worship. A Crash Course in Tarot for Newbies #2: All About Tarot Decks If you would like to learn to read tarot cards, your first challenge is to choose a deck from the 8,000 or so published brands of fortune telling cards on the market. What works for one person often doesn't for another. Some people are comfortable reading several decks and others just identify with one deck. In my experience you will find that over time, you will grow in and out of several decks. You may also find that the deck that you prefer to use to read yourself is not the deck that you prefer to use read others. A Mothers Battle The tongue is such a tiny little organ. Yet, it can be one of the most powerful weapons. James 3 has a lot to say about the tongue?I suggest that you read the entire chapter. (It's very short)?Anyway, verse 6 says; And the tongue is a fire. The tongue is a world of wickedness set among our members, contaminating and depraving the whole body? Whew, those are some strong words?but, wait, that's not all. Proverbs 18:21 tells us; Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it for death or life. It is scary to think that my mouth has that much power. Unconditional Love Really Means Unconditional Radiance The fastest way to raise your frequency is to do the job you were designed to do. You were designed to love. You were designed to radiate Love unconditionally. Now before you go, "Oh THAT again. I've tried loving unconditionally, and it is impossible," you need to understand that what I'm saying is different. What I'm saying is that you are to love, plain and simple. Not love somebody. Not love something. Just to love. Okay, in a sense, you are to love somebody or something, but not in the ordinary sense. You are simply to love God. As Above, SO Below The 'As Above, So Below' law that is the combination of micro and macrocosmic reality likely comes from Hermes Trismegistus, a Babylonian who became a Pharaoh of Egypt according to the Arab Encyclopedia. Barrett is probably right about him being a legendary amalgam of people, but so what? This kind of semantic, pedantic, academic, squabbling just confuses the issue and people get to the point where they take one side or another, rather than integrate and see the effect of the power-mongers. In the time of Shakespeare the cosmogony relating the alchemic Dictum of Hermes was known as the Harmony of the Spheres. This Dictum is pictured on the back of Barrett's book Secret Societies as taken from 'Macoy's Cyclopedia' of things Masonic. But I cannot rehash all these things again, too much. I find many debunkers are agents of deceit like Barrett. I also wonder how Michel de Notredame's book escaped being on the Inquisitional Codex until the De Medici's had lost their influence centuries after his Prophecies were printed. White Sun - Who Are We? Human beings originally have three forms of existence. The first one in Heaven, the second on Earth and the third in Hell. Hence at any one time our True Selves exist either in Heaven, Earth or Hell. These three existences are similar to water, steam and ice. They are one and the same. On Earth we have forms, that is the human body or any other living beings bodies but in Heaven and Hell, it is formless. Learning to Listen The second verse of Amy Grant's song, "Angels Watching Over Me," reminds us that God has given His angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways - even when we are not aware they are there. Amy sings, "God only knows the times my life was threatened just today. A reckless car ran out of gas before it ran my way. Near misses all around me, accidents unknown, Though I never see with human eyes the hands that lead me home. But I know they're all around me all day and through the night. When the enemy is closing in, I know sometimes they fight To keep my fight from falling, I'll never turn away. If you're asking what's protecting me then you're gonna hear me say:" Angels Watching Over Me . . . ." Mankinds Ten Worst Enemies: #4 Malice Malice is a great enemy to mankind. It is evil and wicked. It is destructive to both the victim of its attacks and the perpetrator as well. The Psalmist pleaded, "Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor malice in their hearts." The Universal Connection I believe in a phenomenon I have been known to call a 'Universal connection'. Yesterday one of these destined occurrences deeply affected the mood I was in and took me from feeling pretty low and depressed to feeling a joyous epiphany. Let me tell you about what happened. You see, I don't believe in random, arbitrary coincidences. My understanding is that life is a combined relationship between humanity's freewill, and the will of a higher power who I call 'The Great Spirit". I believe in a paradoxical type of destiny that is both preordained by this higher power, but also can be altered by our own decisions that we make every moment of everyday. Opportunities and obstacles are presented and then we are to decide whether or not to take any specific action relating to the situation. God Lives and Heals Today I have a confession. Christian Love Actually, loving does not take any great effort on our part because it is not something we must put forth great effort to achieve. When God enters our heart, soul, and mind, love is spontaneously produced because He is love. It is a spiritual attainment. It is the result of a cause and the cause is this: God loved us first (1 John 4:19). ![]() |
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