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Trust in God
Ecclesiasts 5:18 Then I realized that it is good and proper for a man to eat and drink, and to find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given him-for this is his lot. 19 Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work-this is a gift of God. 20 He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart. Finding your life's purpose is a gift from God. Imagine being HAPPY on your job. Imagine jumping up each morning before the alarm clock rings because you are excited about your day--excited about your work. That's exactly how you will feel once you discover God's purpose for your life. Do you realize that 90% of the people who get up each morning to go to work, HATE the work that they do? Imagine that. You spend more time on your job than you do with your family. Wouldn't it only make sense that you spend the majority of your time doing something that you love to do? The only thing that is stopping you from a life of happiness and prosperity is your unwillingness TO ACCEPT YOUR LOT IN LIFE. You are here for a reason. You have talents and abilities that were given to you as gifts from God. Your lack of willingness to accept these gifts and to use them in the way God intended you to use them, is causing you pain, heartache and hatred in your life. Why aren't you using those gifts? Don't you hate it when you take time, go shopping, and pick out what you believe is the perfect gift for your friend, spouse or loved one, and then they just take the gift and throw it on the side? Doesn't that make you angry? Well, that is how you are making God feel when you take His gifts to you--your talents and abilities--and simply toss them on the side while you work on a job that brings you no satisfaction. If you ask a person who hates their job, why they continue to work there, the answers are always the same: I need the money.Bills got to be paid.I'm afraid to leave, the economy is bad.I'm just lucky to have a job. Do you realize that the mere fact that you have those beliefs is what is holding in on that job? You are allowing fear to keep you from accepting and using the gifts that God has given to you. Fear, that without that job, you will be without money.Fear, that without that job, you won't be able to pay your bills.Fear, that if you left that job, you won't be able to find any means to support yourself.Fear, that if you quit your job, you will be homeless, without food and in debt. Fear is causing you to live an unhappy life. Here's my question to you. I know you are a Christian and that you believe in God, so "wad up with all dat fear?" (For those who are unfamiliar with Ebonics (smile) wad up means "what's up" and dat = "that".) Fear doesn't come from God. The bible tells us that God hasn't given us the spirit of fear. And if you truly, I mean TRULY, believe in God, you know that He will provide all of your needs and that there is never anything to fear. Ok, Ok, I hear what you are thinking (did I tell you that I can read minds he he he). You are saying to yourself, "that sounds good on paper, but fear is real." I know it's real. It's one of the strongest emotions that we possess. But the key to conquering your fears is to put ALL of your trust in God. And the key to putting all of your trust in God is developing a strong relationship with Him. That's all He generally wants from us--for us to acknowledge Him in everything that we do. He wants us to know that our talents and gifts come from Him. He wants us to use our talents and abilities, our gifts, to serve His people in some capacity. The thing that you must understand is that once you start living your life with purpose, using the talents and gifts that you possess in the way they were designed to be used--to serve others--you will not have to worry about money ever again. Once you learn how to develop a relationship with God where you lean on Him and depend on Him to meet all of your needs--He will. Once you accept this and apply it to your life, you will find out that life is easy and quite effortless. Just by living a more spiritual life, things will become easy for you. Where you once struggled to make ends meet, ends will be meeting like a (oh, forgive me for that one). People will come into your life who are willing to help you get to the next level. You will start attracting all kinds of so called miracles into your life. Brillant ideas will come to you when you least expect it. You will see and feel God's hands orchestrating your life. You will be able to sit back and let him take the driver's seat because you have been doing it wrong for so long. Now, you understand that He is in charge--not you. And once He is in charge you feel safe and secure with no worries or fears. I just want to tell you this story real quick. I moved out of my parents house my senior year in college and lived by myself from the age of 21 to 32. I lived alone and each night, I would lay in bed tossing and turning for hours until I feel asleep. Every sound I heard would cause me to jump up. I was fearful, at night, of being alone. I did it because I had to do it but I rarely got a good nights sleep. After I met my husband, who is a rather big guy, falling to sleep at night was easy and simple. I just laid down and within a minute or two I would be asleep. Why? Because I felt safe. The fear that I had experienced for so many years, was simply gone. Because I didn't have to worry about the sounds that I heard at night--that's what he is here for. If something went "bump" in the night, I didn't hear it, he did, and he would take care of it. That's how you should put your trust in God. Discover your passions and your talents. Think of a way that you can use your talents to serve God's people. And trust that you can do it and that by doing it God will take care of the rest. He will bring you prosperity and happiness because you are living the life He intended for you to live. Fear FREE! Dawn Fields is a Motivational Speaker, Author and Life Coach who teaches how to discover God's purpose for your life and incorporate it into a lucrative career. Visit her web site at http://www.dawnfields.com and sign up for Your Life's Purpose newsletter by sending a blank email to dawn@dawnfields.com with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Tune in Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST to Your Life's Purpose Interactive Internet Radio Show at http://www.dawnfields.com/radioshow.htm
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