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Instructions... Guess Work or Gods Work?
I can't boast about my culinary skill, because I just don't have the natural ability to get around in a kitchen and "whip" something up. I am one of those people who lacks the imagination to throw something together. My sister on the other hand can make a gourmet meal out of a handful of ingredients and feed a family of 5. Sadly enough I am the kind of person who needs directions, a recipe to follow because without them I haven't got a clue. Unless it's something I can bake, fry, grill or throw together in a crock pot, I am sure it would turn into a disaster. I won't guess at anything when it comes to the kitchen... or living my life the way God intended me to. As a young girl, I was an accomplished seamstress under the diligent guidance of a loving mother who insisted I was the best at this craft, mainly because she was the teacher. The result of my time and effort that was put forth into "getting it just right" had earned me many awards and recognition. (This is not what was important, this was just a fringe benefit.) I had to learn the ground rules which included learning the simple steps in order to advance. Without these first steps, I would not have been able to accomplish much. This is true of anything and everything in life. If directions are not followed correctly and in the proper sequence, the end result will miss the mark. If just one step is ignored, one small ingredient left out it will most likely turn into a disaster. Disasters lead to consequences. Consequences will always lead us to wishing we had followed the directions in the first place. Consequences are what will last even after we've learned our lesson. "Practice makes perfect". How many times have we heard that one? It's true though, not only does it bring perfection, it also brings confidence because of the experience. This holds true of our daily living. When we live a life with all the right ingredients and follow the critical steps that lead to success, it will result in something perfect, beautiful and complete. Even if we slip and make mistakes along the way, as long as we are striving to complete it the right way, we can't help but be happy in the end. Not only will we feel good about our attempts, but God will also see the motives that led us to this point. He isn't expecting us to be perfect, just the intentions we have. Bread for instance, is a skill that I have not ever attempted to do. But in order for it to raise it requires one very important ingredient or else it will be a blob of dough. The very small but important ingredient is yeast. It's alive and active. It's similar to the human soul. Christ is like the yeast that activates our lives into rising above and beyond our own expectations. Without Christ Who is the main ingredient in our lives, we would be a blob of dough. God gives us the recipe and tells us all the ingredienets we need in order to become a success in the end. Not a success in this life, but in the life to come. It doesn't require money, education, status, influence, power, fame or any of these things. Well, what does it take you may ask to be a success? It takes the knowledge of God's Word. Know it, live it, and do not let it go. "Take fast hold of instruction, let her not go: keep her, for she is thy life." Prov. 4:13 (KJV) God's instruction in His Word throughout His recipe book called the Bible is full of foolproof recipes. Unlike any other recipe book, He will even tell you how it will work out if you don't follow it correctly. He will let you know what a disaster you will have on your hands if you choose to skip over some of the directions. In this case, if you miss the mark, it will result in death. Missing the mark is sin and sin brings about defeat. But, the good news is that when God's instructions are followed correctly it will result in a prize winning product. You are that prize winning product when you allow Christ to rise in your soul. When you allow Him to be the main ingredient in your life, even though you may make mistakes, He will always bring you through to completion. With Christ in your life, you will be God's masterpiece. Remember, Christians aren't perfect...just forgiven. Unless you have asked God to forgive your sins and admit that you are a sinner and accept His Son Christ as your Savior, you are not saved. Ask Him now to save you through His Grace and turn your life into a beautiful masterpiece. Vivian Gordon is a follower of Christ. Her life was once built on sinking sand, but now it's standing on the Rock. While many are called, she is one of the few who are chosen to do His perfect will through teaching others. Inspired to write inspirational articles for others to take hold of the truth in God's Word.
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Kundalini Awakening - Definition and the Path Kundalini Awakening - the sure shot method for awakening of the kundalini. Be Thankful Some people think just by saying the words thank you is just. Well lets look in at 1Chronicles 16:8 it says Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Futhermore it says in Psalms 100; Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness through all generations. Spirituality: Impersonating Jed McKenna "No man is a prophet in his own country." How I Met My Angel Today I was in rather a whimsical mood, and so instead of my usual "how to" article, I thought I'd create a fairy tale for the child within you to enjoy. Power of God Makes Life Easier When the storms in your life are raging, just believe, "the power of God makes life easier." Additionally, the real key to dealing with problems that challenge us daily while seeking peace, is found in the wisdom of God's Word. He plays a vital role in every aspect of our character, and life's journey requires help that only God can provide. Interesting? (but unnecessary) At any given moment, there are 'things' occurring within the open space of awareness. Sometimes there are inner 'things' occurring; a fleeting thought, a welling up of an emotion, a physical sensation. Sometimes there are outer 'things' occurring; an interaction, a perception of an event, an experience of some sort. Hard Times Can Be Your Best Time Do you have a dream, but are waiting for "just the right time" to start working toward fulfilling it? Will you feel comfortable pursuing your dream only when everything in your life is working? Consider this: I Think Ill Just Go Fishin I said something last week I haven't said in years. Where it came from, I really don't know. It's funny, you're tooling along minding your own business for weeks, maybe months at a time, and then something you haven't thought about for years pops into your noodle. Faith and Repentance Basics As I listen with pastors and preachers in the body of Christ, I have become to see that we minister to people many times on a level they have not yet reached. This is a very critical point when we start to look at the Sunday morning service. When we come to bible study or mid-week service we have a totally different group of people that we do on a Sunday morning. In the average Sunday morning worship service, if we can be real for just a moment, much of the terminology and Christian jargon is foreign to the ones that we are called to reach. We are there to save that which is lost, and a sinner is need of Salvation is is not going to know what we are saying if we exchange the simple word "Saved" or salvation for the theological term Soteriology. We are, as the say, not preaching to the choir, people that are there every Sunday and have matured in the faith. Building the Bridge of LOVE - Dont You Think Its time? One of the saddest times in any child's life iswhen for some reason they think one or both ortheir parents are going to be taken from them. Inthe mid-nineties on one of their tours Naomi Juddannounced to the world that she had hepatitis andwould retire from the country music business.Leaving her daughter Wynonna to sing on her own forthe first time in her life. The Gnostics and Essenes THE GNOSTICS, ESSENES AND THE 'OCCULT': Relationship Advice: What Bewitched Can Teach Us About Successful Relationships Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell recently starred in the movie version of the 1960s TV sitcom "Bewitched." For those of you who missed the movie or are too young to remember the TV show, here is the basic plot: Formula for Spiritual Growth The formula for spiritual growth is given briefly in 2 Peter 1:5-7. Make every effort to add to your faith goodness, and to goodness, knowledge, and to knowledge, self-control, and to self-control, perseverance; and perseverance, godliness, and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. Petitioning for Your Needs Human beings are blessed with a unique gift: the gift of prayer or petition to the Infinite for our needs. A religious person would call it prayer; others may call it petition or meditation. There is a clear distinction between petition and meditation, however. Meditation is generally a passive process, but in a petition, we actively communicate with the Infinite Source. The word "petition" itself conveys the significance of the process. In human law, once a suit is filed or a legal proceeding is initiated, certain processes are put in motion. Regardless of who we are or our station in life, the legal process takes its course. Lucky Charms and Talismans Many of you already own several lucky charms or talismans. You just may not be aware of the object's symbolism or meaning. Below I have compiled a list of some of the more popular and common good luck symbols that can be purchased in the form of jewellery, paintings or statues. Trust is Prosperity A while back the Lord had given me this message which has prompted me to study it further and find out just what He meant. He told me, "Trust is Prosperity". Somehow I felt His love surround me and I wasn't quite sure what He meant, but I knew that my trust in Him would prosper me in ways I had not even thought about, not just financial. Prosperity engulfs many things, both physical and spiritual. It could be our health, our attitudes, the condition of our spiritual life, and somehow I think the financial end of it is on the far end of this prosperity. I realize that first we must be spiritualy whole before the material prosperity ever enters in to the picture. You Are Spirit Powered (Moving to Transformation) A spiritual event is what happens in every moment of every day of our lives. It is not only about the extraordinary things that happen in our lives that we cannot explain, but everyday things, like working watching TV, making love or going to the bathroom. It is not something that is veiled in mystery, ritual or mystic ceremonies. Being spiritual is being ordinary. Everything is spiritual we are spiritual beings. Therefore all that we do is spiritual. Some Evidence of How We Are Spiritually Connected It has long been surmised that emotional trauma can lead to physical illness. It is also conceptualized that such toxic trauma fragments may exist at the level of our energy fields. Treatments such as EFT ( Emotional Freedom Technique?), TFT (Thought Field Therapy?), TT (Therapeutic Touch?) and others seek to restore the individual's energy field. How Much Do You Love Me? Love...it's a deep emotion. Sometimes we say it in jest to appease someone. We say it to friends when we feel more than just a casual liking for them, but would we die for them? Spouses say it to eachother out of habit sometimes, parents tell their children, "I love you". Being a parent, I feel this is probably the truest form of love as we know it. Can people really know what it means to have perfect love? God showed us what this kind of love is, He calls it agape' love. There are no boundaries to this love, there are no exceptions and no excuses. Our love tends to wax and wane when someone either pleases us or disappoints us. It's a good thing God doesn't measure His degree of love for us that way. His love never changes even for the child who is disobedient and turns his back on God. Let's look at a man who loved God so much he would do anything. Understanding the Gospel of Matthew and Why it Matters - Part 8 Matthew 3:1-3The Preaching of John the Baptist ![]() |
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