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Remote Viewing - Making Light of the Dark
Even Pandora and her box come in two versions. In one, the hideous woes of the world are let loose while locking hope inside. In another, life's joys are allowed to overflow their container, leaving the dark behind. In both versions, the light and dark of all metaphor clearly exists in perpetuity. In fact, light and dark do more than merely co-exist. These major components of creation make up the container of all things. This dynamic juxtaposition is what holds our very life in its hands - the cosmic glue that binds us all to the pulse of spiritual continuity. As Pandora eventually discovers, it is the box that is the illusion. What's In the Box? The last half of the 20th century, the Soviet Union loomed large in the picture of potential threats. When word got out that Russian scientists. were experimenting successfully with psi phenomena for espionage and remote influencing, Washington began to take notice. So it comes as no surprise to learn that Remote Viewing began life as a secret so tightly guarded that outside of the scientists and small groups of research subjects involved, only a handful of elected officials and a precious few generals knew of its existence as a developing intelligence gathering and counter-espionage tool. Its official definition: "? the learned ability to transcend time and space to view people, places and things remote in time and space, gather intelligence and report back on same." Paranormal research was not unknown. Now, however, government was willing to pay. Something previously sneered at had suddenly become the agenda that stretched the minds and hearts of those who had sworn to defend their country with all means at their disposal. ?But "Remote Viewing"? That was heretofore undemonstrated courage of a different kind! Under the watchful eye of the CIA and the Department of Defense, collaboration began between science and "psience", to coin a phrase. What emerged was an artful protocol, the brilliant construction of artist and psychic, Ingo Swann, who, together with other team members, produced an untiringly researched, scientifically documented experiment. With courageous support from some upper echelons of the military, a top-secret unit of psychic spies, was born. Whatever can be said in hindsight about the experiences of those who were chosen to serve in this way, one indisputable fact remains: Remote Viewing changed the lives of these men and women and their families and friends forever. Trapped in that proverbial box was not only the "secret weapon" of a privileged few but a tool of enlightenment awaiting freedom. Blowing the Lid Off Enter Psychic Warrior. The controversy and intrigue surrounding the publishing of David Morehouse's book still reverberates today. Armed with the knowledge that their secret was about to see the light of day, the CIA began to release its own "expose". As the box cracked open, information and misinformation was released to bolster the illusion of containment. Pandora winked. As Psychic Warrior and the former cadre of Remote Viewers drew global attention, the powers that be decided to officially pull the plug. proclaiming it a defunct unsuccessful experiment in wishful thinking. But Remote Viewing was far from dead. Mining the Gold I am a Remote Viewer, trained by one of the original members of the unit. As a therapist, knowledge of trauma and the workings of the brain and nervous system renders the connection between Remote Viewing and the quest for expanded consciousness and healing unmistakably clear. I have yet to find a process which offers a more distinctly lucid vantage point from which to view the anatomy of human behavior, conscious and unconscious. For me, therein lies the gold. As much as it is awe-inspiring to view things remote in time and space, it is the simultaneous view of the human process that never ceases to amaze. It is the expanded knowledge of self and the palpably extended worldview of one's existence with which one walks out of the classroom and back into life that makes the difference. Contrasts abound. The farther out we look, the deeper inward we see. What began as a tightly contained "dangerous" secret now takes its place as a global tool of conscious enlightenment and spiritual worth. What was produced in the darkness of suspicion and couched as a threat to survival has emerged as a mighty implement of truth with the potential for breaking the global cycle of trauma. Remote Viewing is a gift belonging to us all that is well worth unleashing. (Copyright Talia Shafir, MA, C.C.Ht., 2004, all rights reserved) Talia Shafir, MA, C.C.Ht., is based in Sebastopol, California and is the co-founder of the Center for Integrated Therapy, a haven for a broad spectrum of transpersonal, body-centered work. A regression therapist specializing in an embodied approach to acute trauma and long term post traumatic stress, she holds a masters from Columbia University. She works with clients both in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area and internationally. Talia trained and worked with David Morehouse and several other members of the former military "psychic spy" unit. She now teaches and lectures about Remote Viewing throughout the country, adding her insights for its use as a tool of expanded consciousness and personal growth. For information about workshops and trainings upcoming in the area, log on to http://www.soulview.com
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Discovery of the Soul Imagine yourself marooned on a vast deserted island. You have been there for years, struggling just to survive, living within the most basic surroundings, gathering food, using only your hands and makeshift tools to scratch out an existence. Most of your days are fully taken up with satisfying the basic needs of life. You find some comfort in talking to some of the local creatures and birds that you have befriended. Having proved to yourself that you can survive with just the bare essentials you resign yourself to the fact that you will never be rescued. Anger turns to quiet desperation, then to acceptance as you carry on with your life. Soulstretch: Raising the Bar on Nobility and Nicety In the make-believe world, too, fiction and films are filled with flawed characters fighting their way to selfish goals. Pick up any book on how to write novels and short stories and you see the word "conflict" in bold. Beyond Life The question of life after death is one that continues to intrigue and mystify. The theories of existence beyond life on the material plane are many and varied. Some believe there is nothing beyond the physical life, while others believe that we continue to survive as a spiritual beings. Most of us have been taught to believe that the way we live our lives on earth will determine whether we will live blissfully in heaven or suffer eternal damnation in hell. Yet we continue in our quest to determine whether life continues beyond the physical realm. There are those who believe that the answer lies in belief itself. Knowledge that life exists beyond this plane of existence would alleviate the fear of death and comfort those suffering the loss of a loved one. Living Successfully - Spiritual Answers for Modern Day Desires: Part 1 Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts, and see if any wicked way is in me; and lead me in the way everlasting 10 Tips For Spiritual Growth Spiritual growth is the process of inner awakening, and becoming conscious our inner being. It means the rising of the consciousness beyond the ordinary existence, and awakening to some Universal truths. It means going beyond the mind and the ego and realizing who you really are. Life is a Continuous Prayer Prayer doesn't just happen when we kneel or put our hands together and focus. Prayer actually occurs more often than we think. A People in Exile (Part 1) Second Isaiah, so called because his book of prophecy was affixed to Isaiah's, had the ability to interpret events in the light of the fundamental conviction that God was the supreme director of all movements of history. He spent most of his life proclaiming to his people, their deliverance and restoration. It was all so certain to this prophet that he saw it already accomplished. The power of religion has seldom been more beautifully expressed. The prophet's own experience; his own enthusiasm, his own optimism shines through his words as clearly as sunlight shines through a window. Are you Bringing Light or Discord? We are living in highly challenged times. Our mass consciousness directly reflects the discord in which many of us find ourselves within our own personal lives. Clear Mind, Empty Head: A Leak In Mind Like Water There's a lot of talk in meditation circles about emptying the mind. DREAMS, Does God Still Use Them Today? The bible has many accounts throughout time that He used dreams as a form of communication to His people. A few examples are Daniel, Joseph (old testament), Joseph (Mary's husband) and many others. God?s Eyes- If These Four Walls Could Talk? Can you imagine being sent out into the wildernessfor forty years like Moses? If Moses would havelived his life up until then differently would Godhave spared him the discomfort? Was God trying toprove some point to Moses by making an example ofhim? What can we learn about this story? Surrounded By His Glory As communion was being passed this morning, I listened to the song "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me. I fought to keep the tears in my eyes. I didn't want break down sobbing during that incredible song like normal. Being in a wheelchair and physically disabled, the chorus brings fantastic, breathtaking images to my mind:"Surrounded by Your glory, Create Miracles in Your Life Until recently, miracles were usually credited to a supernatural power. The miracles in the Bible are a good example. Nowadays, miracles can be described as something that is extraordinary, inexplicable and unexplainable by normal circumstances. We all need a miracle, even a small one, every now and again. An example of a small miracle might be finding a parking space downtown on a busy afternoon. A larger miracle could be finding the perfect career opportunity, meeting a new partner, or enjoying an exotic vacation. A Merry Heart is Like a Medicine When the body of Christ isn't protected we become vulnerable and sick in the same way. Every person in the body of Christ represents an important part of that body. Some people lead and some follow, but without the other one, it's impossible to work correctly. When one person in the congregation hurts, we should all hurt and when someone has a praise report, we should all be in praise. But unfortuneately, this is not the case. We neglect eachother's needs, we covet eachother's possesions, we envy, we get jealous, and we secretly hold unforgiveness towards our brethren. This behavior soon leads to an attack on the body of Christ. A serious illness will develop and could end up causing death among the whole church. I've seen it happen when even the pastors were destroyed by the leading of the people and not the leading of God. This led to offenses and regrets and soon the church folded. Neither White-washed Nor Unmarked When I was 10 years old my father decided to dig a full basement out from under our house. In one corner he pointed out to me a change in the pattern of the packed earth that formed the wall. "Notice how this part is all layered," he said, "while the earth right next to it is not? This may be an old Indian grave." I was filled with amazement. Our house might have been built on top of a dead man's bones! The Spiritually Dead Church The spiritually dead church. Now, I am not talking about every church. There are alot of good churches out there. I am talking about, the churches who have christians, that gather only for the sole purpose to gossip, gather at social meetings, and feel important. Indian Knowledge and Frauds Iktomi: The Pizza Parable Behold, a certain young maiden did often times and at strange hours greatly desire a pizza. This would often happen in the second or the third watch, when home delivery was not available. At such times there would be much weeping and gnashing of teeth because she could not have the desire of her heart. Humility, Not Pride: Keeping Ice Off Your Bow Tony was a professinoal salt-water fisherman. He explained how he cruised out to sea each morning, coming back each evening with his catch. Trust Jesus (and Stress and Fear will Disappear) Everything was going wrong. ![]() |
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