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Being a Christian
What is a Christian? According to The American HeritageŽ Dictionary of the English Language, the general definition of a Christian is "One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus." There are many Christian denominations, each varying slightly in its interpretation of the Bible teachings. But, the basic, fundamental trait of all Christians is their belief that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and the Savior of the world. Christians believe that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, died on the cross for the sins of mankind, was resurrected, and returned to Heaven. Christians also believe in the literal Second Coming of Christ. The Bible is regarded as Holy Scripture, the Word of God. "l am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6) Fellowship with other Christians and make new friends at ChristianMingle.com. Bible references to consider:Jesus Christ was, and is, the eternal Son of the eternal GodIsaiah 7:14 ; 9:6 | Matt. 3:17 | Luke 9:35 | John 1:1-3,14 ; 10:30 ; 14:9 ; 17:1-5 | I Tim.3:16 He came from Heaven, was born of a virgin called Mary, lived a sinless life on earth yet died for our sins at Calvary's cross.Isaiah 59:2 | Gal. 4:4,5 | I John 4:10,14,19 | I Peter 2:22-25 ; 3:18 He was buried, rose again the third day according to the scriptures and is now seated at the right hand of His Father, God, in Heaven.I Cor. 15:3,4 | Acts 13:30 | Romans 4:24,25 | Hebrews 1:3 ; 8:1 ; 10:12 ;1 2:2 Bible is divinely inspired word of God.Psalms 119:89,105,140 | II Timothy 3:16 | II Peter 1:21 Existence of a literal Heaven to gain, as well as a literal Hell to shun.John 14:1-3 | Luke 16:23 ; 23:43 | John 3:16-18,36 | II Corinthians 5:8 Christians should be gathered unto the name and person of the Lord Jesus Christ for public worship, praise and ministry of the word of God.Matthew 18:20 | I Corinthians 5:4 | Psalms 50:5 ; 100:4 | Hebrews 13:13,15 Tracy Jones was raised in a large and loving Christian family. As the president of her church's youth program, Tracy was always very active in local and international ministries. Throughout school, she was a faithful member and treasurer of the local chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Tracy graduated from Florida State University in 1987 and has earned 18 years of business experience. Since 1997 she has spent her career building business in the technology industry with Yahoo!, Inc. and was recently recruited by Spark Networks to build the online Christian community through the http://www.ChristianMingle.com personals service.
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Is Your Pursuit of Money Robbing You Of Complete Fulfillment? Do you think it's acceptable for people to makemillions of dollars selling us and our kids on theidea that pre-marital sex, adultery, idolatry,sorcery, hatred, selfish ambitions, drunkenness andthings of this sort are O.K.? Fear Base Society In today's world we worry about everything, food, jobs, clothing, shelter, children, husbands, etc. But what does the Bible say about fear and what shall I fear. First lets look at Psalms 111:10 it says; The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. All who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. I would like to think that all people want a good understanding of things. So I guess the first step is fear the Lord and follow his precepts for understanding. Some might ask, well how do we fear the Lord. The Forgotten Secret It's not exactly a news flash that we live in an increasingly complex society. Technology is changing at a pace so rapidly that even the experts are hard pressed to keep up. Our businesses are changing daily and becoming more competitive than ever before. Our children are facing challenges and pressures unheard of a decade ago and our personal lives have become a fast paced, multi tasked assortment of responsibilities and activities requiring the agility of a circus performer to just cope with daily living. Esoteric & Occult Secrets To understand the nature of esoteric and occult secrets it is worthwhile looking at origin of the words esoteric and occult. Esoteric derives from the Greek word esoterikos, from the root word eso, 'within' . The word occult derives from the Latin words occulere, 'conceal' and occultus, 'secret' . Both of these words, esoteric and occult, are used to describe the study of arcane wisdom, the spiritual mysteries, and magical and hermetic philosophies. Unfinished Business (Part 2) We know that David did much to stabilize the Kingdom of Israel. He fought a long series of wars to make Israel secure. He surrounded Israel with client kingdoms that at the very least were peaceful in their foreign relations towards him and Israel's God. But the one thing that David wanted to do more than anything else was to establish a permanent Temple on Mount Zion for the present and future use of the Lord God Almighty. He desired building a house for God where He alone might be honored and worshipped. David did not want to go to his final rest until the house of God was built. But, this hope was to be fulfilled by another, his son Solomon. Acknowledging Emotions and Feelings We'll begin with a question: Bone Box of the Rich and Famous The contrast between the two men could not have been more striking. Caiaphas, the high priest, was among the rich and famous, arguably the most powerful Jew alive in A.D. 30. He had married into the high priest's family and now was himself high priest for a year by Roman appointment. With a PhD-level rabbinic education, Caiaphas was urbane and sophisticated. Shallow Victories How many of you out there have ever wondered if a life of faith is worth it? Don't shy away from me, because you know there have been instances in your life when the bad guys won. The world is not fair, and the concept that good always triumphs can seem like fiction when you look around and see deceit running rampant. This fallen world shows its imperfections in countless ways, and every once in a while you're going to fall prey to it. Angelic Art - Alternative & Spiritual Healing Therapy As more and more alternative and spiritual healings are being studied and documented they are finding that all forms of upliftment heals the body, mind and spirit. Angelic art falls within this category by uplifting the spirit. I do not claim Angel paintings create physical healings. Angel paintings soothe the emotions and create a more peaceful atmosphere helping today's society deal with the stressful world we now find ourselves in on a day to day basis. Jesus Christ: One Can Reach God Only Through Him - Is this Statement Correct? Catch the express or the super fast bullet train. If we are able to reach our goal the purpose is served. Talk of Jesus Christ, Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, or Prophet Mohammed... all reached the goal they had established in their life. The goal of all (including Jesus Christ) was the same... only the paths were different. The Power of Namaste I honestly am not sure why this hit me so strongly, but it did. Bringing Heaven to Earth: Looking for the Good Everyday I am challenged to find the good in things: world events; newspaper headlines; hometown issues; even my marriage. Of all of the Spiritual Scientist characteristics this one seems to go in and out of focus the most. 5 Steps to Passing Life Exams An exam is a test that is given at the end of a class to assess what knowledge was obtained by the student during the duration of the class. Depending on whether or not adequate knowledge was gained the student will pass or fail the test. If the student passes the test he moves on to the next level. If he fails, he must take the class and the exam again, yet he still has the opportunity to pass! Anamchara - Meeting With The Master His name sounds as Finn. He has beautiful blue eyes and the blondest of blond hair. He shares his name with Fionn Mac Cumhail. This is frequently anglicised as Finn Mac Cool. Finn Mac Cool is one of the most celebrated heroes in Irish myth. You Can Influence Your Fortunes In Life Natural laws exist that serve to maintain order in the universe. These laws are usually manifested as regularity in nature (as in the seasons) or as a relationship between cause and effect. In the physical realm natural laws exist which govern the behaviour of matter. Examples of such laws are Newton’s Laws of Motion. In the social aspect of life, natural laws also exist that regulate human activity. The Law of Demand and Supply is an example of such a law. This phenomenon is also manifested in the spiritual aspect of life. Universal and immutable spiritual laws exist which govern human creative activity. Working with God Not a Failure! Windows of the Soul People engaged in kissing experience information and energy transfer, although we usually do it for the 'buzz' and don't get into the science or mystique of it. A judgement is made and processed by the Thalami and brain. The Thalami like the Pineal gland are able to amplify all energy inputs and route them to the appropriate place in the brain. Science is now on the verge of seeing what the Third Eye of the ancients knew. To help set the stage for the proper evaluation of information and events that will doubtless fall on many unbelieving minds at times; let me quote Herbert Spencer for you on this point. The Key to a Clear Conscience I have discovered as I grow older in Christ Jesus and wiser in all things spiritual, that one of the best possessions any person can have is a clear conscience. You feel good. I mean, you really feel good. You can let folks say about you whatever they will and it is of little consequence. The Foundational Laws of Spiritual Physics Over the past years, I have undergone a life-altering transition from living on autopilot to recreating my life as a spiritual calling and a force for good. One aspect of this transition has been the acknowledgement of what I call the "Foundational Laws of Spiritual Physics", detailed below. Basically, these laws state that any action that does not promote the overall betterment of mankind (or soul-kind, for that matter) is a waste of energy at best, and a horrifically destructive force at worst. Any person, life-path, or civilization that tries to deny these laws suffers the same fate as any material object that tries to deny the laws of material physics - it will be inherently unstable, unsupportable and destructive to itself (and probably to anything around it, as well). Terminal Diagnosis and Putting Our House in Order In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, "This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover." Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD... 2 Kings 20:1-3a (NIV). ![]() |
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